deddog said:
Any ideas on what assistance the Russians are asking from the Chinese?
The Russians should have a ton of ammo, at least for their old systems.
Their Air Force, while somewhat ineffective, is not really suffering.
Can't really buy any ships.
Can't really use Chinese tanks
So what exactly are they asking from the Chinese? Drones? Body armor? Smart munitions?
Good questions and I was thinking on it myself earlier. I'm guessing trucks and other transport would be near the top. Any and all small arms would likely be welcome. Even if Russia has enough. Saw somewhere where foodstuffs was mentioned? That would be interesting.
Honestly any of the more usual non combat supplies would be useful and may be asked for. Drones is another possibility like you say.
It may just be the underlying message under it rather than the actual items that Russia is shooting for here. Any accepted help gets China more on their side and disrupts the world balance just a smidge more.