wangus12 said:
Rossticus said:
I don't see how Russia can pull this off as the sanctions sink in. This isn't something that will be over in a month or two. Sure they have Mariupol cut off, but Odessa is gonna be a massive supply/manpower sink. The Ukes have had time to really dig in there. Outside intelligence is gonna make an amphibious assault a slaughter and they'll have to stretch lines from Crimea to encircle Odessa.
Like someone said earlier, the Ukes are fighting for their existence and aren't simply just gonna surrender. They've shown their resolve. I do think Russia still has them massively outnumbered and if they are that determined, they'll take Ukraine, but I don't think that happens before the economic collapse causes something to happen domestically in Moscow.
Imo, the sanctions only back Russia into a corner. I also think that corporations pulling out of Russia will have the opposite effect of what they think. It will galvanize the russian population against the west/world.
Has any nation publicly set forth what'd they do if Russia were to stop the war? Would the sanctions be lifted?
Or is it stop the war and putin must go? Or stop the war and putin must face war crime charges?
Essentially, if you take everything away, there's nothing to lose.
Another important thing that inhavent seen much discussed- what happens when putin wins this war? How does nato/eu/us/world react?