BD88 said:
The soldiers manning those abandoned vehicles went somewhere because they are not laying on the ground around the vehicles. They may have been taken captive by the Ukrainians or they may be trying to evade capture and return to friendly lines.
Since the Russians don't seem to have many secured areas, in or out of the cities, there seems to be a good chance that they are trying to make back to the Russian border. This is humiliating to Russia and probably infuriates Putin. In past wars, Russians retreating from the enemy didn't get a lot of sympathy from their chain of command.
Punishment for deserters has historically been conducted in a public setting by the Russian military to make an example of them. Punishing retreating or deserting Russians, many of whom see to be surprised that they are actually participating in an invasion, is going to be very unpopular among the Russian public since they are only finding out bits an pieces of what's going on in Ukraine from the Putin regime.
The deserted convoys are a sign that Putin's military force is coming apart and as news filters back to the Russian public his support is going to drop further. The looming question for the Russian public is, "How come we are more afraid of Putin than our Ukrainian civilian brothers and sisters?