***Russian - Ukraine War Tactical and Strategic Updates*** [Warning on OP]

7,536,811 Views | 47716 Replies | Last: 14 hrs ago by 74OA
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Eliminatus said:

W said:

from a military history standpoint...

the amphibious assault of Odessa might be a first.

(I think the Germans and Romanians took the city by land during WWII)
Not to mention the fact a large scale amphibious assault took place at all. (If it actually did). When was the last time that happened? Korea?

Grenada 1983

and a Marine helicopter and amphibious landing on the north end at Pearls Airport. Austin's military government was deposed and replaced, with Scoon as Governor-General, by an interim advisory council until the 1984 elections.
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Layne Staley said:

Its a good thing that Biden put a moratorium on trading Russian debt in the secondary market (only for debt that has not been issued yet as March 1st is the creation date prohibited).

That's really keeping the Russians from invading Ukraine. Those soldiers are really worried about the future sovereign debt of Russia.

unfortunately for us, you know more about this subject than Joe Biden does.
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LMCane said:

Uke spokesman in USA stated a platoon of Russians surrendered when they realized they were invading..

so at least they took 30 guys off the battlefield.

Odessa is a city of over a million people- how does it get captured in a few hours when the Russkies were coming from a hundred miles away?!?
Its pretty easy in a country with limited guns...

about 1.5million firearms for 44 million people, so the number of civilians means pretty much nothing when it comes to capturing an area.
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LMCane said:

Eliminatus said:

W said:

from a military history standpoint...

the amphibious assault of Odessa might be a first.

(I think the Germans and Romanians took the city by land during WWII)
Not to mention the fact a large scale amphibious assault took place at all. (If it actually did). When was the last time that happened? Korea?

Grenada 1983

and a Marine helicopter and amphibious landing on the north end at Pearls Airport. Austin's military government was deposed and replaced, with Scoon as Governor-General, by an interim advisory council until the 1984 elections.

Was the amphib landing at Odessa confirmed? When I went to sleep about 0330 that was a false report. The port had been struck by missile attack though.
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Saw a crazy report on CNN about a half hour ago with CNN reporter on ground just 20 miles outside Kiev, near an airbase. It was filmed "earlier today" but they weren't specific as to when (it was daylight).

CNN guy heads to the perimeter around this airfield expecting to find Ukrainian troops he can interview. Instead he finds Russian airborne as the Russians had already taken it over! Talk about an "oh crap"moment.

He saw Ukrainians trying to retake the airbase but they were repelled by Russians.
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jabberwalkie09 said:

BlackGoldAg2011 said:

JobSecurity said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

P.U.T.U said:

JobSecurity said:

That is a good size transport aircraft, wonder who/what is onboard

I'm going to assuming VDV, Russian airborne forces.
Twitter seems to think this. Heading toward Hostomel as reinforcements?

Isn't this basically what that CNN reporter who was reporting from the Russian controlled Antonov international airport said? that the Russian troops told him they were securing the airport so that Russia could fly in reinforcements and land there?

Landing a bunch of planes in the middle of a battle space where ground control is in querying is a big, big risk. Even for the Russians imo. You lose a plane or the runway is fouled then you lose the use of the airport until it's cleared leaving assets in limbo. It would be worse if the assets were stranded on the ground for the Russians, but a good opportunity for Ukrainians to blow up a lot of stuff if it happened.

I think Russia would drop the assets over the airfield to reinforce control before landing aircraft.

demonstrates how woeful the Ukrainian defense is- they can't even control a major airport near the capitol?!

that's something they teach for brand new butter bar Lieutenants much less a national security staff!
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DTP02 said:

Saw a crazy report on CNN about a half hour ago with CNN reporter on ground just 20 miles outside Kiev, near an airbase. It was filmed "earlier today" but they weren't specific as to when (it was daylight).

CNN guy heads to the perimeter around this airfield expecting to find Ukrainian troops he can interview. Instead he finds Russian airborne as the Russians had already taken it over! Talk about an "oh crap"moment.

He saw Ukrainians trying to retake the airbase but they were repelled by Russians.
this "war" is going to be over by tomorrow
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France lasted for 44 days against Nazi Germany

Ukraine with a population of 44 million

and the most advanced intelligence assets provided by NATO can barely survive 3 days.
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Brad06ag said:

LMCane said:

Uke spokesman in USA stated a platoon of Russians surrendered when they realized they were invading..

so at least they took 30 guys off the battlefield.

Odessa is a city of over a million people- how does it get captured in a few hours when the Russkies were coming from a hundred miles away?!?
Its pretty easy in a country with limited guns...

about 1.5million firearms for 44 million people, so the number of civilians means pretty much nothing when it comes to capturing an area.

my point exactly.

It's not like Ukraine has any enemies where they had reason to arm their population and have universal military service!
All I do is Nguyen
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Dammit this photo is so heart breaking. What everyone needs to remember is that innocent people are dying when they shouldn't
No matter what!
Epstein didn't do, you know, the thing...
I'm the rare Astros/Cowboys/Spurs fan. We do exist
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these UK live news reports are vomit inducing this morning.

every report is interviewing a military age person on how their kids are feeling:

"yeah everything is awesome, everyone should have a war every day!"
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W said:

Inchon in 1950 is probably the most famous one since the end of WWII..

there have been smaller ones in the years since

Israeli Defense Forces 1982 amphib landing in Lebanon

At the same time, an Israeli amphibious operation was conducted north of Sidon, beginning with a diversionary bombardment of targets away from the landing zone by missile boats and aircraft.

Two groups of commandos from the Shayetet 13 naval commando unit then came ashore to probe enemy defenses and secure the landing site, one of which swam to the mouth of the Awali River and another which came ashore on the landing beach in rubber dinghies.

After a brief gunbattle with armed Palestinians, the main landings began, with paratroopers coming ashore in rubber dinghies to establish a beachhead followed by three landing craft that unloaded troops and armor. Over the following days, the three landing ships would run between Israel and Lebanon, shuttling more troops and armor onto the beachhead.
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LMCane said:

France lasted for 44 days against Nazi Germany

Ukraine with a population of 44 million

and the most advanced intelligence assets provided by NATO can barely survive 3 days.

France was the strongest military in the western world at the time, and had been at war with Germany for months when they invaded. What Germany pulled off was one of the most impressive/lucky feats in modern military history.

What we have here is an inferior armed forces, that weren't prepared. I don't know how long Ukraine will last, but I don't think it's a fair comparison.
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rgag12 said:

LMCane said:

France lasted for 44 days against Nazi Germany

Ukraine with a population of 44 million

and the most advanced intelligence assets provided by NATO can barely survive 3 days.

France was the strongest military in the western world at the time, and had been at war with Germany for months when they invaded. What Germany pulled off was one of the most impressive/lucky feats in modern military history.

What we have here is an inferior armed forces, that weren't prepared. I don't know how long Ukraine will last, but I don't think it's a fair comparison.
Dirk Diggler
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I watched it too. Just casually approached some Russian airborne bros for conversation.

"I have spoken to the commander. He says they are in charge"

video here


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W said:

Belarus - Ukraine relations should be damaged for a long, long time as a result of this.

they got along pretty well after the Soviet breakup...until recent years

Ukrainians have never liked Belarussians, and it really doesn't matter if their relations are damaged.

the Russians will install a client state in Kyiv likely by the end of the week,

and Ukraine and Belarus will be best buddies just like Poland and Czechoslavakia were under the Iron Curtain and Warsaw Pact.
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Dirk Diggler said:

I watched it too. Just casually approached some Russian airborne bros for conversation.

"I have spoken to the commander. He says they are in charge"

video here


rumor has it, the reporter is only ever shown from the waist up due to his massive balls not fitting in the frame
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Dirk Diggler said:

I watched it too. Just casually approached some Russian airborne bros for conversation.

"I have spoken to the commander. He says they are in charge"

video here


this would be like Canadian paratroopers taking over Reagan National airport in the first hours of a war.

this is a military calamity on the order of the fall of Singapore (which actually took 5 weeks) and the German paratroop capture of Fort Eban Emael in Belgium on 10 May 1940
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LMCane said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

BlackGoldAg2011 said:

JobSecurity said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

P.U.T.U said:

JobSecurity said:

That is a good size transport aircraft, wonder who/what is onboard

I'm going to assuming VDV, Russian airborne forces.
Twitter seems to think this. Heading toward Hostomel as reinforcements?

Isn't this basically what that CNN reporter who was reporting from the Russian controlled Antonov international airport said? that the Russian troops told him they were securing the airport so that Russia could fly in reinforcements and land there?

Landing a bunch of planes in the middle of a battle space where ground control is in querying is a big, big risk. Even for the Russians imo. You lose a plane or the runway is fouled then you lose the use of the airport until it's cleared leaving assets in limbo. It would be worse if the assets were stranded on the ground for the Russians, but a good opportunity for Ukrainians to blow up a lot of stuff if it happened.

I think Russia would drop the assets over the airfield to reinforce control before landing aircraft.

demonstrates how woeful the Ukrainian defense is- they can't even control a major airport near the capitol?!

that's something they teach for brand new butter bar Lieutenants much less a national security staff!

More like under equipped even though they have been trying to make progress to correct that since 2014. The desire and fight is obviously there to defend the homeland, but the equipment to adequately defend just isn't there.

But let's also remember that Russia's initial missile strikes and artillery barrages were meant to try and defeat AA/SAM emplacements to begin with.
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Dirk Diggler said:

I watched it too. Just casually approached some Russian airborne bros for conversation.

"I have spoken to the commander. He says they are in charge"

video here


It does kind of make sense if the Russians are being told by their commanders that they are going in as peacekeepers to get rid of rebels, not as an invading force.
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BlackGoldAg2011 said:

Dirk Diggler said:

I watched it too. Just casually approached some Russian airborne bros for conversation.

"I have spoken to the commander. He says they are in charge"

video here


rumor has it, the reporter is only ever shown from the waist up due to his massive balls not fitting in the frame
not really, he had met with the Russkie commander who gave him access to that area.

the real question is why Putin doesn't have embedded journalists on HIS side of the lines showing their propaganda
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jabberwalkie09 said:

LMCane said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

BlackGoldAg2011 said:

JobSecurity said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

P.U.T.U said:

JobSecurity said:

That is a good size transport aircraft, wonder who/what is onboard

I'm going to assuming VDV, Russian airborne forces.
Twitter seems to think this. Heading toward Hostomel as reinforcements?

Isn't this basically what that CNN reporter who was reporting from the Russian controlled Antonov international airport said? that the Russian troops told him they were securing the airport so that Russia could fly in reinforcements and land there?

Landing a bunch of planes in the middle of a battle space where ground control is in querying is a big, big risk. Even for the Russians imo. You lose a plane or the runway is fouled then you lose the use of the airport until it's cleared leaving assets in limbo. It would be worse if the assets were stranded on the ground for the Russians, but a good opportunity for Ukrainians to blow up a lot of stuff if it happened.

I think Russia would drop the assets over the airfield to reinforce control before landing aircraft.

demonstrates how woeful the Ukrainian defense is- they can't even control a major airport near the capitol?!

that's something they teach for brand new butter bar Lieutenants much less a national security staff!

More like under equipped even though they have been trying to make progress to correct that since 2014. The desire and fight is obviously there to defend the homeland, but the equipment to adequately defend just isn't there.

But let's also remember that Russia's initial missile strikes and artillery barrages were meant to try and defeat AA/SAM emplacements to begin with.

I am just not seeing a desire to fight anywhere.

the Russians have telegraphed their intent for WEEKS, and the Ukes couldn't blow the one major bridge from Crimea into Ukraine?!?

or protect a major airport a few miles from their capitol?

where are you seeing evidence that the Ukes have a desire to fight? Russian armored columns are moving dozens of miles in the first few hours.
Dirk Diggler
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If anyone wants a quick reference guide so you can ID all the Russian vehicles cruising into and around Ukraine instead of just calling everything a tank.
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LMCane said:

BlackGoldAg2011 said:

Dirk Diggler said:

I watched it too. Just casually approached some Russian airborne bros for conversation.

"I have spoken to the commander. He says they are in charge"

video here


rumor has it, the reporter is only ever shown from the waist up due to his massive balls not fitting in the frame
not really, he had met with the Russkie commander who gave him access to that area.

the real question is why Putin doesn't have embedded journalists on HIS side of the lines showing their propaganda
he doesn't have embeded reporters, this is the same reporter that was on the rooftop in kiev this morning when the rockets started landing. so he had to at some point walk up to and begin a conversation with these troops.

also it was a joke, calm down
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txags92 said:

Dirk Diggler said:

I watched it too. Just casually approached some Russian airborne bros for conversation.

"I have spoken to the commander. He says they are in charge"

video here


It does kind of make sense if the Russians are being told by their commanders that they are going in as peacekeepers to get rid of rebels, not as an invading force.

I don't think anyone in the Russian military is being fed that propaganda. The Russian commanders had to get their troops ready for the actual goal of conquest, destruction, and regime change. And this is Kiev, not Donbas.

Side note: I've been pronouncing Kiev wrong my whole life apparently. It's much closer to "Keev" than "Key-ev".
Dirk Diggler
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This reporter has been on the ground listening to Russian airstrikes, artillery, and bombings near and far the last 12 hours. He has been watching the tanks fly across the border. Even under the ruse of "peacekeeping" It 100% takes some cajones to just walk up to these dudes for a chat.
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Side note: I've been pronouncing Kiev wrong my whole life apparently. It's much closer to "Keev" than "Key-ev".
You've been pronouncing it in English your whole life.
Dirk Diggler
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When will a car bomb go off in Moscow?
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Dirk Diggler said:


This reporter has been on the ground listening to Russian airstrikes, artillery, and bombings near and far the last 12 hours. He has been watching the tanks fly across the border. Even under the ruse of "peacekeeping" It 100% takes some cajones to just walk up to these dudes for a chat.
exactly. here's the broadcast he was doing live from Kyiv when the explosions started, causing him to stop and put on his flak jacket and helmet. sorry in advance for linking to CNN

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JJxvi said:


Side note: I've been pronouncing Kiev wrong my whole life apparently. It's much closer to "Keev" than "Key-ev".
You've been pronouncing it in English your whole life.
Better than Pee-can
Nobody cares. Work Harder
Build It
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If you are in any US office of Lukoil or Gazprom, did you go to the office today?

Wondering if Ukrainian sympathizers around the world take over Russian business offices?

I know a guy at Gazprom and he has been moving money out of Europe and the us for months. Been trying to reach him this morning.
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BlackGoldAg2011 said:

Dirk Diggler said:


This reporter has been on the ground listening to Russian airstrikes, artillery, and bombings near and far the last 12 hours. He has been watching the tanks fly across the border. Even under the ruse of "peacekeeping" It 100% takes some cajones to just walk up to these dudes for a chat.
exactly. here's the broadcast he was doing live from Kyiv when the explosions started, causing him to stop and put on his flak jacket and helmet. sorry in advance for linking to CNN

CNN actually doesn't suck when it does what it was intended to do...Give foreign war coverage.

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