***Russian - Ukraine War Tactical and Strategic Updates*** [Warning on OP]

7,555,101 Views | 47734 Replies | Last: 15 hrs ago by 74OA
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Eliminatus said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

Out-****ing-standing Ukrainians!

That's a T72.

One thing just clicked in my head.

I haven't seen any ERA on any Russian vehicles yet in Ukraine. Credence that these are NOT first line units?

(Explosive Reactive Armor, brick shape layerings used to defeat shape charges. Russia absolutely has it and I have no idea why these tanks didn't have it.)
There have been numerous photos of Russian tanks with reactive armor in Ukraine. The most iconic is the shot of a turret laying out in the street from a blown-up Russian tank-it was covered with ERA blocks.
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Got the trigger discipline
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aezmvp said:

Some of that might be right but this seems like propoganda.
Yep. Its understandable that 99% of the world is for the Ukraine but we must filter all we hear with reason and logic. Truth is the last thing you are going to get in a war. Best you can do is collect information and filter it and attempt to draw "flexible" conclusions.
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"Vladimir Putin's miscalculations in Ukraine have multiplied in the last two days. In the first place, the Russian army appears to be struggling to overcome the unexpectedly fierce resistance from fully mobilized Ukrainians, despite massive numerical and technological advantages. At the same time, allies whom Putin assiduously courted over the last several years have done an abrupt about-face, blasting Putin publicly over his naked aggression in Europe. None of these backfires is more surprising than in Kazakhstan. Putin just got done rescuing President Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev from a serious uprising six weeks ago, sending Russian army formations to put down demonstrators in Almaty. With his invasion bogging down, Putin asked Tokayev for more troops to support the Ukraine invasion. Not only did Tokayev refuse, he went further in refusing to recognize the 'independent' states Putin set up in the Donbas."
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richardag said:

PWestAg18 said:

richardag said:

Kenneth_2003 said:

I'm no adept student of the matter, but I never figured Putin too be an inept tactician.
He was KGB not military and who knows how he surrounded himself with his current military leaders.
I also think Putin legitimately believes the former USSR states want to "get the gang back together" in the same way he does, and he didn't expect the entire populace of Ukraine to unite and fight back like this. My guess is nobody else in the room had the balls to tell him he was wrong either.
I think this is a very good point.

FSB and Putin misread the political climate in Ukraine - they actually polled them.

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Yeah she was just on Fox News. I have appreciated the coverage of all these MP's in their parliament making the rounds in media. Seen a few on BBC and CNN as well. They all are young-ish it seems. Probably representative of their younger democracy.
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richardag said:

PWestAg18 said:

richardag said:

Kenneth_2003 said:

I'm no adept student of the matter, but I never figured Putin too be an inept tactician.
He was KGB not military and who knows how he surrounded himself with his current military leaders.
I also think Putin legitimately believes the former USSR states want to "get the gang back together" in the same way he does, and he didn't expect the entire populace of Ukraine to unite and fight back like this. My guess is nobody else in the room had the balls to tell him he was wrong either.
I think this is a very good point.
This is what happens when a tyrant runs a country. Nobody is willing to tell them the truth.

I honestly think Putin got bad intel fed to him about how pro-Russian the Ukraine people really were.

Based on that intel I think he decided to "cheap out" and send in the cannon fodder of their military to get the job done, accepting any casualties as a negligible throw away cost that saves him money over time.

But now he finds himself in a pickle and risks losing everything including his head if this fails. He miscalculated badly and now has some big decisions to make. Send in better equipment/soldiers to help push through? Or get ruthless and start indiscriminate bombing of cities?

Normally I would say the smart thing would be to pull back and concentrate on the Donbas...but at this point that would probably be seen as a weakness and something he can't afford to do. And with the international community (rightly) siding with Ukraine it may be too late for that as well - it would give Kiev too much of a win now.
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BrokeAssAggie said:

Got the trigger discipline
First thing I noticed too.

She has another video talking about getting that gun just a couple of days ago and going through a quick training course. She sounds ready to die for her country. I woujld find it but I am not very good at the twitter.

The balls on these Ukranians are massive.
The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you never know if they are genuine. -- Abraham Lincoln.

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JobSecurity said:

Good to see him filming in an undisclosed location!

Really, really want this guy to survive and lead the Ukes in their bravely defended freedom
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agsalaska said:

Edit to add- She is a member of Congress.
This is how you know the Ukranians will ultimately prevail. There is no greater opponent than a patriot fighting for their families and their homeland.

The Ukranians are some tough people. Russia was foolish to underestimate them. Reminds me of this quote:

"I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

- Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
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More US Stingers on the way in addition to those from the Baltics and the MANPADS from Poland. Remarkable that Russia has not been able to establish air superiority.

Ernest Tucker
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richardag said:

PWestAg18 said:

richardag said:

Kenneth_2003 said:

I'm no adept student of the matter, but I never figured Putin too be an inept tactician.
He was KGB not military and who knows how he surrounded himself with his current military leaders.
I also think Putin legitimately believes the former USSR states want to "get the gang back together" in the same way he does, and he didn't expect the entire populace of Ukraine to unite and fight back like this. My guess is nobody else in the room had the balls to tell him he was wrong either.
I think this is a very good point.

If you saw that video where he was berating his spy chief, I could see this being the case. The poor guy was so scared to disagree with Putin he looked like the kind of little dog that wets the floor when you approach them.

Putin has the hitler effect going, insulated with views of grandeur and truly believing the people in Ukrain saw themselves as Russian and would celebrate the liberation. Not sure how he didn't notice the maidan popular protests that overthrew his friendly Gov't but probably believed it was staged by the west despite the will of the people.

As a liberator, he acts as though he didn't want to destroy the place, but go for the glorious liberation on multiple fronts where he hoped the defenses of the Ukrainians crumbled. For now he sees Ukraine as part of Russia and this was supposed to be a operation. Hell, he even sent riot police to Keive

Now he is going to face a humiliating defeat/quagmire and this would ruin him and Russia. Putin will double down and see that ukrain is not filled with sympathy for Russia. His perspective will shift to invasion and I fear we will see more of what happened in Syria/grosny. Putin is about to be backed into a corner and that is scary.

My take anyways.
No Spin Ag
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agsalaska said:

Edit to add- She is a member of Congress.
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the later ignorance. Hippocrates
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TX04Aggie said:

Yeah she was just on Fox News. I have appreciated the coverage of all these MP's in their parliament making the rounds in media. Seen a few on BBC and CNN as well. They all are young-ish it seems. Probably representative of their younger democracy.
I watched a video a year ago or so about the younger Ukranians and how the Russian takeover in Crimea militarized their mindset. In the video they were in the country teaching children how to shoot a 12 gauge.

Would be interested to know just how many of these civilians with AKs have ever shot a gun. My guess is the civilian population has quite a bit of experience and training in firearms relative to other European countries.
The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you never know if they are genuine. -- Abraham Lincoln.

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That's the thing about an AK: there isn't much of a learning curve to make it run.
Stat Monitor Repairman
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How long before the net goes dark?

Seems like thats what we see next.

Is star-link operational for the general public? Could it be used in this situation?
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74OA said:

More US Stingers on the way in addition to those from the Baltics and the MANPADS from Poland. Remarkable that Russia has not been able to establish air superiority.


Curious as to how they get all of this equipment delivered where it needs to go? Anyone know?
Sully Dog
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Eliminatus said:

jabberwalkie09 said:

Out-****ing-standing Ukrainians!

That's a T72.

One thing just clicked in my head.

I haven't seen any ERA on any Russian vehicles yet in Ukraine. Credence that these are NOT first line units?

(Explosive Reactive Armor, brick shape layerings used to defeat shape charges. Russia absolutely has it and I have no idea why these tanks didn't have it.)
The thing is we really don't know what's going on because we are just seeing piecemeal glimpses of what's happening throughout the enitre country.

I don't think Russia is broadcasting Ukrainian defeats to the Western world.

Deplorable Neanderthal Clinger
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[We put a very clear warning in the OP. -Staff]
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[We put a very clear warning in the OP and replying to derails is the same as starting a derail. -Staff]
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Wrong thread
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Reports that the Russians are trying another (third) airborne assault in vicinity of Kyiv.
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richardag said:

PWestAg18 said:

richardag said:

Kenneth_2003 said:

I'm no adept student of the matter, but I never figured Putin too be an inept tactician.
He was KGB not military and who knows how he surrounded himself with his current military leaders.
I also think Putin legitimately believes the former USSR states want to "get the gang back together" in the same way he does, and he didn't expect the entire populace of Ukraine to unite and fight back like this. My guess is nobody else in the room had the balls to tell him he was wrong either.
I think this is a very good point.

I find this very hard to believe. I was born in 1970 (cold war engrained). In elementary school recall singing bomb iran. In 1997 I competed in infantry squad competition in the Czech Republic with and against almost all of the small former soviet satellite countries in a collaboration effort. In the evenings, in the city streets, the residents all came out of their homes and thanked us for their freedom, we had to eat dinner sometimes 3x a day because we didn't want to say no, all the while learning how much these soldiers and the czech citizens hated the russians. This was 8 years after the fall of the wall. It was one of the most impactful moments in my life understanding that any conventional war with russia would result in their quick demise and we should not fear them. I have to believe that sentiment still exists, putin knows it or has gone nuts, and several ole soldiers from neighboring countries have absolutely entered Ukraine with the opportunity to spill rusky blood.
“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.”
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

How long before the net goes dark?

Seems like thats what we see next.

Is star-link operational for the general public? Could it be used in this situation?

already happening, I posted a tweet some pages ago this morning about outages
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Strongweasel97 said:

Some vestiges of the USSR appear to still linger: when you're fearful of your life and family, you lie to the people at the top. You tell them you're equipment is superior to the enemy and ready to go. The morale of your troops is high and you're ready to dispatch the evil from the motherland.

That's the information the top brass seems to have used to plan the invasion. I don't buy the whole "elite troops" are coming narrative. I see the same rotting husk of the old Soviet army here IMHO. If they succeed it'll be through sheer numbers.
Stalin did say there is a certain quality in quantity.(paraphrasing)
Chef Elko
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Anyone seeing anything on how the Ukrainian SAMs are doing? Reports are Russia is having a tough time controlling the skies around Kyiv. Hopefully this makes a lot of their heavy armor sitting ducks as they close in. I saw what's supposed to be Ukrainian BUKs on fire and various other SAMs on Twitter and YouTube, man I hope they have some left. Give em hell!
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rathAG05 said:

74OA said:

More US Stingers on the way in addition to those from the Baltics and the MANPADS from Poland. Remarkable that Russia has not been able to establish air superiority.


Curious as to how they get all of this equipment delivered where it needs to go? Anyone know?
Ukraine has a long land border with Poland and other NATO countries. It's still open.
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Danwell Home said:

Anyone seeing anything on how the Ukrainian SAMs are doing? Reports are Russia is having a tough time controlling the skies around Kyiv. Hopefully this makes a lot of their heavy armor sitting ducks as they close in. I saw what's supposed to be Ukrainian BUKs on fire and various other SAMs on Twitter and YouTube, man I hope they have some left. Give em hell!
See link just above.
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[Contributing to a derail is the same as starting a derail. -Staff]
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Israel News has a reporter broadcasting live from Kyiv and another reporter from Kharkiv

both reporting an hour ago that the cities are in the hands of the Ukrainians

one of them outside the Ministry of Defense

also a report from the border and from Lviv.
2wealfth Man
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Man, all of this armor is turning into coffins. Russians need to disperse forces better. These Javelins and NLAWS are making an impact.
Irish 2.0
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rathAG05 said:

74OA said:

More US Stingers on the way in addition to those from the Baltics and the MANPADS from Poland. Remarkable that Russia has not been able to establish air superiority.


Curious as to how they get all of this equipment delivered where it needs to go? Anyone know?

They're bringing it in through Poland
Dirt 05
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We should offer to replace Polish Mi-24 and Mig 29's donated to Ukraine with AH64s and F16s.

Best case ukraine can hold them to stalemate, but can't push out the Russians without air superiority.
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