Rest of thread:
Kherson region has been under Russian occupation for more than two months, yet, Russians fail to install an effective control over the region. They kidnap, torture, kill civilians, shoot at protesters. My source believes 90% of Kherson reg residents oppose Russian occupation
Russians have been trying to disconnect the region from internet and mobile communications in the last days. They closed almost all of the evacuation routes from Kherson region. They do not allow food and medicine supplies from Ukraine in,bringing low-quality stuff from Crimea
Many people in Kherson region refuse to take goods brought by Russians. It is a matter of dignity and another form of protest. 'Kherson is not Crimea, Russians cannot count on popular support here', my source said. 'People are waiting for Ukrainian army to come and liberate them'
According to my source, Russians were surprised to see that living standards in Kherson region were higher than back home. They also cannot comprehend a different, bottom-up and based on free elections, system of governance that exists even in small Ukranian villages