kubiak03 said:
hopefully one of you weather gurus can confirm and maybe provide some more insight. I recall hearing a few times that tornado alley has shifted a lot to the east over the past 20 or so years.
Was heavily in north tx up north but now moving closer to alabama/MS north.
Not really
There are two main "alleys" involved in tornadoes. A few other areas also exist where tornadoes are more common and referred to as "alleys" but not in common use.
Tornado Alley is the classic area in the middle of the country.
What you're thinking of is "Dixie Alley". Tornados there tend to be the more violent, long track types which move at very fast speeds. 40-60mph or higher.
Other maps will have it everything a bit differently but this is good enough for the basics. Many have Dixie Alley covering most of Georgia and all of Alabama.
Also, side note, The Weather Channel will not use the term Dixie Alley because as I'm sure everyone can guess, "muh racism!"