javajaws said:
Why do some of you'll think we are obligated to come to Ukraine's defense? Humanitarian? Contractual? Good time to beat up Putin? ??
Future strategic benefit and give other countries (looking at China) pause as well as not shaking trust that non-NATO allies have in us. We're just kicking the can down the road. Every step we say "Putin won't take the next step". And Putin keeps stepping and we keep backing up.
How do we feel if everyone takes a loss on this, Putin eventually amasses forces and builds forward bases in Western Ukraine, and starts this all over again?
You think the US will go to war for the Baltic states when defense of them is a death trap? We put ourselves behind the 8 ball if we lose this. Ukraine may not be a huge strategic concern now but it could be a key if we lose it to Russia.
I don't trust Putin and this event is an exemplar. We're poised to shut this **** down right now. We may not have as favorable a chance again if we embolden him and allow strategic gains.
Putin knows that the plan is a protracted civilian insurgency. Why do you think he's been running a dehumanization campaign on Ukrainians for years? Why do you think intel indicates likelihood of internment and relocation camps? He's going to try and massacre some and then relocate everyone he can get his hands on into Russia, then emigrate Russians into Ukraine.
We're about to make what I fear in the future proves to be a tremendous error that neither prevents greater conflict nor saves lives but precipitates increased losses with respect to both.