This country is being run by Fascists.
A behemoth Deep State, an unelected bureaucracy in bed with leftist democrat party and establishment, complicit republicans, who work with and control (through academia and social media and threat of regulation) global corporations and big tech, all working together to circumvent the will of the American Voter, working class, middle class. And thanks to Obama's purging of the military from any traditional, conservative, or somewhat nationalist minded officers, they now have the military on board.
Honest question: HOW IS THIS NOT AUTHORITARIANISM??????????? In the form of Fascism?
I keep hearing on FOX that the Dems will pay in 2022 with loss of the House and Senate. I don't believe it for a second. Democrats will not accept defeat in elections. If the votes show that, then they must be fraudulent. However, if a republican feels the same when the votes see contrary to their observations, then they are "insurrectionists".
Seriously after 2020, why should we trust our elections?
The Establishment Rep and Dem Parties, the Deep State unelected bureaucracy, and big corp and big tech WILL decide who is elected.
You cast your vote for appearance sake, and then smile and accept the results.
SOOOOO disappointed in what our country has become.