This is what an ACTUAL mostly peaceful protest looks like.
Now you are quoting what someone said on Facebook.Tanya 93 said:Go look at the facebook groupGap said:Nice making up Bjork thought and quotes instead of just stating your own opinion.Tanya 93 said:
Because he thinks it is not what gameday is supposed to be like.
Strange strategy.
I said what it was
Bull**** and FJB are big concerns from former students
The bull**** seems to be the bigger issue for many, but the Yell Leaders are tasked with communicating this is not what Kyle Field should be like because it is unique
I said from the initial post it was on facebook. It is a response to another member who emailed him about it.Gap said:Now you are quoting what someone said on Facebook.Tanya 93 said:Go look at the facebook groupGap said:Nice making up Bjork thought and quotes instead of just stating your own opinion.Tanya 93 said:
Because he thinks it is not what gameday is supposed to be like.
Strange strategy.
I said what it was
Bull**** and FJB are big concerns from former students
The bull**** seems to be the bigger issue for many, but the Yell Leaders are tasked with communicating this is not what Kyle Field should be like because it is unique
I've seen Bjork take a lot of questions from alums in private settings and not once have chants at games come up. Not one single time.
There is reality and those who live their lives on social media.
The bulls@$% chant has been around at sporting events since before most of us were born. No one in the family friendly westside of Kyle Field heard any political chants on Saturday.Tanya 93 said:I said from the initial post it was on facebook. It is a response to another member who emailed him about it.Gap said:Now you are quoting what someone said on Facebook.Tanya 93 said:Go look at the facebook groupGap said:Nice making up Bjork thought and quotes instead of just stating your own opinion.Tanya 93 said:
Because he thinks it is not what gameday is supposed to be like.
Strange strategy.
I said what it was
Bull**** and FJB are big concerns from former students
The bull**** seems to be the bigger issue for many, but the Yell Leaders are tasked with communicating this is not what Kyle Field should be like because it is unique
I've seen Bjork take a lot of questions from alums in private settings and not once have chants at games come up. Not one single time.
There is reality and those who live their lives on social media.
Don't know why it wouldn't be an issue to have the crowd being less family friendly to an AD who needs the money from families who want 3 generations to attend
Guess everyone will see at the next home game if anything is different
rackmonster said:
I was on Active Duty in 1983. 234 Marines around my age were killed in the Beruit Barracks bombing.
I don't remember hearing any "**** Ronald Reagan" chants at Kyle Field, and would have been disgusted as all hell if I did.
this has NOTHING to do with politics and everything we claim to represent as Aggies. Kyle Field is a special place. I know...I comes the " But WHATABOUT all them fans at the World Series game booing Trump?
So what? you want to destroy the reputation of Texas A&M and the historical legacy of Kyle Field just to get even with the Libs like some 5 year old? But WHATABOUT???!!! hey....we Aggies are held to much higher standards of decorum and decency ....and we damned well ought to be.
you gonna talk the better walk the walk.
aggiehawg said:It's going to spread because it was not just us on Saturday. Across the country.fullback44 said:
I didn't make the game and wasn't sure if this was even true .. but after hearing that video it's definitely true .. this will grow as the season goes on. The media will be in melt down if this spreads to nationwide college games
My obligation to defend the good name and reputation of Texas A&M has not ended just because I am now drawing a Social Security check....or can remember Emory Ballard.Squadron7 said:
What is the old saying, Rackmonster?
You can only be avant-garde so long. Then you just become garde.
I think you're at that point now.
rackmonster said:My obligation to defend the good name and reputation of Texas A&M has not ended just because I am now drawing a Social Security check....or can remember Emory Ballard.Squadron7 said:
What is the old saying, Rackmonster?
You can only be avant-garde so long. Then you just become garde.
I think you're at that point now.
My obligation to Texas A&M....and yours.....stays with us until the day we die.
that may sound old fashion....or "politically incorrect"....but it does have the fact being 100% correct.
When I showed up as a fish in NROTC at Texas A&M, they impressed, and I mean IMPRESSED upon us that Texas A&M produced more Commissioned Officers in World War 2 than either West Point or Annapolis.TAMUallen said:tk for tu juan said:
Coastal Carolina
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Also had a similar chant
So back to the issue at hand. Let's keep a running list of schools and or locations that the f Joe Biden chant is occurring.
This isnt an A&M thing, it's a pissed of college aged kids showing their displeasure and having fun while doing it because olds are shocked
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Weakly at tu
Zack Bryan concert in Nashville
Coastal Carolina
rackmonster said:When I showed up as a fish in NROTC at Texas A&M, they impressed, and I mean IMPRESSED upon us that Texas A&M produced more Commissioned Officers in World War 2 than either West Point or Annapolis.TAMUallen said:tk for tu juan said:
Coastal Carolina
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Also had a similar chant
So back to the issue at hand. Let's keep a running list of schools and or locations that the f Joe Biden chant is occurring.
This isnt an A&M thing, it's a pissed of college aged kids showing their displeasure and having fun while doing it because olds are shocked
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Weakly at tu
Zack Bryan concert in Nashville
Coastal Carolina
If I showed up nowadays as a fish...I guess you guys would impress upon me that we produce more drunken MAGA turds who can yell "F*** Joe Biden!!" louder than Coastal Carolina.
Sorry....glad I showed up at Aggieland when I did.
It's just embarrassing now. Move on.rackmonster said:When I showed up as a fish in NROTC at Texas A&M, they impressed, and I mean IMPRESSED upon us that Texas A&M produced more Commissioned Officers in World War 2 than either West Point or Annapolis.TAMUallen said:tk for tu juan said:
Coastal Carolina
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Also had a similar chant
So back to the issue at hand. Let's keep a running list of schools and or locations that the f Joe Biden chant is occurring.
This isnt an A&M thing, it's a pissed of college aged kids showing their displeasure and having fun while doing it because olds are shocked
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Weakly at tu
Zack Bryan concert in Nashville
Coastal Carolina
If I showed up nowadays as a fish...I guess you guys would impress upon me that we produce more drunken MAGA turds who can yell "F*** Joe Biden!!" louder than Coastal Carolina.
Sorry....glad I showed up at Aggieland when I did.
Exactly.pacecar02 said:rackmonster said:When I showed up as a fish in NROTC at Texas A&M, they impressed, and I mean IMPRESSED upon us that Texas A&M produced more Commissioned Officers in World War 2 than either West Point or Annapolis.TAMUallen said:tk for tu juan said:
Coastal Carolina
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Also had a similar chant
So back to the issue at hand. Let's keep a running list of schools and or locations that the f Joe Biden chant is occurring.
This isnt an A&M thing, it's a pissed of college aged kids showing their displeasure and having fun while doing it because olds are shocked
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Weakly at tu
Zack Bryan concert in Nashville
Coastal Carolina
If I showed up nowadays as a fish...I guess you guys would impress upon me that we produce more drunken MAGA turds who can yell "F*** Joe Biden!!" louder than Coastal Carolina.
Sorry....glad I showed up at Aggieland when I did.
You dont get it
This weekends chants and those to come are the natural flip side to what has been occurring for years previously
Your ourtrage is selective
Back in 2016, Los Angeles-based rapper YG released his song "F*** Donald Trump," and four years later, it's become the #1 song on iTunes as Biden campaign supporters took to the streets across America on Saturday to celebrate the election results.
Bless your heart.rackmonster said:When I showed up as a fish in NROTC at Texas A&M, they impressed, and I mean IMPRESSED upon us that Texas A&M produced more Commissioned Officers in World War 2 than either West Point or Annapolis.TAMUallen said:tk for tu juan said:
Coastal Carolina
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Also had a similar chant
So back to the issue at hand. Let's keep a running list of schools and or locations that the f Joe Biden chant is occurring.
This isnt an A&M thing, it's a pissed of college aged kids showing their displeasure and having fun while doing it because olds are shocked
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Weakly at tu
Zack Bryan concert in Nashville
Coastal Carolina
If I showed up nowadays as a fish...I guess you guys would impress upon me that we produce more drunken MAGA turds who can yell "F*** Joe Biden!!" louder than Coastal Carolina.
Sorry....glad I showed up at Aggieland when I did.
So show us where you called for the removal of the student athletes who assaulted the old Ags last summer. Was that good for A&M's reputation?rackmonster said:My obligation to defend the good name and reputation of Texas A&M has not ended just because I am now drawing a Social Security check....or can remember Emory Ballard.Squadron7 said:
What is the old saying, Rackmonster?
You can only be avant-garde so long. Then you just become garde.
I think you're at that point now.
My obligation to Texas A&M....and yours.....stays with us until the day we die.
that may sound old fashion....or "politically incorrect" to you and most here....but it is easy to defend because it has the advantage of being 100% correct.
rackmonster said:All them LIBS made me do it.... pretty lamejrdaustin said:
My daughter was on 3rd deck last night and left the game before halftime due to the "craziness" as she described it by many of the Aggie fans. She called me at halftime to talk about it.
Which brings me, Rackmonster, to the problem I have to your response on this thread.
She didn't mention Biden at all. She just said the energy was toxic and didn't feel right to her and her roommate. She wasn't upset, nor was she lamenting about the change in Aggie Spirit. You see, Rack, this is HER A&M. It IS the new normal.
Why is this the new normal? Though you are only seem concerned because a group said "#$%@" Biden. I believe it is greatly caused because of the actions of the left before and during the last administration:
- It was okay 4+ years ago to attack Trump and NEVER give him the respect due an incoming POTUS.
- It was okay to have insiders in the administration leak damaging information on Day 1 to try to undermine the presidency before it even began
- It was okay to impeach a president based on selection of words in a PHONE CALL.
- It is now okay to imply that people right of center - including me - are one step away from being domestic terrorists.
- It is now okay to accuse me - because I am white - of being inherently racist - because I am white.
- It was okay for Alford, many of the football team, and others to make that same accusation against Former Students who had the audacity to believe a statue of Sully is actually a good thing that promotes the traditions of A&M.
- It was okay for academia and media to abandon all sense of fairness and wear their bias on their sleeve as they demonize those that disagree with their "enlightened" thinking.
I could go on, but you get the idea. This loss of Aggie respect that you lament and try to lay at the feet of opponents of your way of thinking is the manifestation of a lack of respect that began long before yesterday.
Since you have not leveled this same level of disapproval to the jackass that tried to frame an innocent white student last year of leaving racist notes on his car or decried any of the dumbf***ckery that has been going on within certain professors or the president's office, you can take your sanctimony and place it where the sun isn't shining.rackmonster said:When I showed up as a fish in NROTC at Texas A&M, they impressed, and I mean IMPRESSED upon us that Texas A&M produced more Commissioned Officers in World War 2 than either West Point or Annapolis.TAMUallen said:tk for tu juan said:
Coastal Carolina
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Also had a similar chant
So back to the issue at hand. Let's keep a running list of schools and or locations that the f Joe Biden chant is occurring.
This isnt an A&M thing, it's a pissed of college aged kids showing their displeasure and having fun while doing it because olds are shocked
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Weakly at tu
Zack Bryan concert in Nashville
Coastal Carolina
If I showed up nowadays as a fish...I guess you guys would impress upon me that we produce more drunken MAGA turds who can yell "F*** Joe Biden!!" louder than Coastal Carolina.
Sorry....glad I showed up at Aggieland when I did.
You were born 30 years too late - you'd be at least an O-7 with that attitude.rackmonster said:When I showed up as a fish in NROTC at Texas A&M, they impressed, and I mean IMPRESSED upon us that Texas A&M produced more Commissioned Officers in World War 2 than either West Point or Annapolis.TAMUallen said:tk for tu juan said:
Coastal Carolina
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Also had a similar chant
So back to the issue at hand. Let's keep a running list of schools and or locations that the f Joe Biden chant is occurring.
This isnt an A&M thing, it's a pissed of college aged kids showing their displeasure and having fun while doing it because olds are shocked
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Weakly at tu
Zack Bryan concert in Nashville
Coastal Carolina
If I showed up nowadays as a fish...I guess you guys would impress upon me that we produce more drunken MAGA turds who can yell "F*** Joe Biden!!" louder than Coastal Carolina.
Sorry....glad I showed up at Aggieland when I did.
rackmonster said:When I showed up as a fish in NROTC at Texas A&M, they impressed, and I mean IMPRESSED upon us that Texas A&M produced more Commissioned Officers in World War 2 than either West Point or Annapolis.TAMUallen said:tk for tu juan said:
Coastal Carolina
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Also had a similar chant
So back to the issue at hand. Let's keep a running list of schools and or locations that the f Joe Biden chant is occurring.
This isnt an A&M thing, it's a pissed of college aged kids showing their displeasure and having fun while doing it because olds are shocked
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Weakly at tu
Zack Bryan concert in Nashville
Coastal Carolina
If I showed up nowadays as a fish...I guess you guys would impress upon me that we produce more drunken MAGA turds who can yell "F*** Joe Biden!!" louder than Coastal Carolina.
Sorry....glad I showed up at Aggieland when I did.
agdaddy04 said:
You still haven't answered where you were last year "protecting" a&m's reputation and culture.
Again, you showed no similar sense of outrage when people committed real offenses against your alma mater's reputation and history.rackmonster said:When I showed up as a fish in NROTC at Texas A&M, they impressed, and I mean IMPRESSED upon us that Texas A&M produced more Commissioned Officers in World War 2 than either West Point or Annapolis.TAMUallen said:tk for tu juan said:
Coastal Carolina
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Also had a similar chant
So back to the issue at hand. Let's keep a running list of schools and or locations that the f Joe Biden chant is occurring.
This isnt an A&M thing, it's a pissed of college aged kids showing their displeasure and having fun while doing it because olds are shocked
Virginia Tech
Bama fans at a bar
Weakly at tu
Zack Bryan concert in Nashville
Coastal Carolina
If I showed up nowadays as a fish...I guess you guys would impress upon me that we produce more drunken MAGA turds who can yell "F*** Joe Biden!!" louder than Coastal Carolina.
Sorry....glad I showed up at Aggieland when I did.
Dark_Knight said:
While I don't like the chanting using the f-word at a crowded football stadium with families......I'm not going to be so stuck up to not think this was funny and awesome. I think as Aggies we have more class and probably could have come up with something more creative, but I do love it. I give it a B+.
Dark_Knight said:
That we're better than everyone else, of course.
I'm torn on it on how it was executed, but the message is clear so I cant fault it.
Maybe "Beat the Hell outta Joe Biden" would have been better ;-)
Proper Twelve said:Dark_Knight said:
That we're better than everyone else, of course.
I'm torn on it on how it was executed, but the message is clear so I cant fault it.
Maybe "Beat the Hell outta Joe Biden" would have been better ;-)
Better at what? Being classy?
I'll be a very nice person to anyone I meet in the street but if I'm at an Aggie game and the crowd starts yelling something "mean", I'm gonna yell with
Classy, smart, etc...just better in general. Not lowering ourselves to everyone else's level.Proper Twelve said:Dark_Knight said:
That we're better than everyone else, of course.
I'm torn on it on how it was executed, but the message is clear so I cant fault it.
Maybe "Beat the Hell outta Joe Biden" would have been better ;-)
Better at what? Being classy?
I'll be a very nice person to anyone I meet in the street but if I'm at an Aggie game and the crowd starts yelling something "mean", I'm gonna yell with
Tanya 93 said:According to a post on the Texas A&M Former Students Facebook Group, Ross Bjork is not happy with what happened and there is a plan to get the yell leaders involved in stopping thisProper Twelve said:Burdizzo said:Stlkofta said:I'll bet he was showing his grandkids this picture...Aggies2009 said:Lmao, now you're using the "Think of the children!!" defense?!rackmonster said:
I live far away from. Aggieland.
We just welcomed our 5th grandchild into the world. My second grandson.
I've often thought that I would want to take my 2 grandsons to Kyle Field in a few short years see and feel the tradition and history of where their grandfather went to school.
Would you people chant " F*** Joe Biden!!!" in front of my grandsons?.....Would you actually do that to a fellow Aggie in front of his grandsons?
I guess coming here acting all big and bad didn't work so well.
Sorry. You voted for this. There were literal riots and cities on fire last year. And NOW you're clutching your pearls over a few chants? LOL
...and laughing his Marxist ass off.
When you let Kathy Griffin be the standard for behavior, you have already lost.
He's not. He's showing you what your enemies are willing to do. Cry about some more chants though. It's mean and not "who we are" as aggies I guess
Guess it will be interesting if they can actually get the students not to do the chant again
Clay Travis was on with Hemmer and Perino this morning. He was talking about these spontaneous F Joe Biden chants across the country. He also made and interesting point in that he saw images from fraternity houses around the country. Normally the signs they make have something to do with putting down their opponent that week. Not Saturday, more about the 13 fallen warriors in Afghanistan.fullback44 said:aggiehawg said:It's going to spread because it was not just us on Saturday. Across the country.fullback44 said:
I didn't make the game and wasn't sure if this was even true .. but after hearing that video it's definitely true .. this will grow as the season goes on. The media will be in melt down if this spreads to nationwide college games
Ho Lee Chit wait till this really catches on, it will be the entire stadiums doing it !