aggiehawg said:
It is confusing.
Would help considerably if the CHP would release the 14,000 hours of surveillance footage to place people where at which time. But who am I kidding? Would the date and time stamps even be all that reliable?
We saw in the Chauvin trial where one agency camera was on Zulu time and Nelson had to keep translating that to match up with Minneapolis time for the jury. Yet another, WTF? moment in that trial.
That is actually a property of twitter. As long as you know the context -- what it does is show the time of the one looking at it (that is over-simplified, but true for the next statement here) rather than where at. If you look at Texags threads on Jan 6, many tweets are actually showing Texas time. The few that don't are direct screencaps or second hand links.
Second, some of the tweeters and bloggers, like BGOnTheScene, Brendan Gutenswhager, wasn't able to tweet exactly real time, but after a delay as reported that day, and easily checked. Yet his are some of the better videos and are routinely played by the major news links or re-tweeted.
The Texags threads on Jan 6 makes the timelines very clear because you have real-time local visible frozen above the tweet times. Spent hours looking at all again in later January before youtube started taking so much down. And of course Texags preserves some of it still. Another nearly infallible source are the MSM video lives that day --- those looking at them jotting down times can have another fix.
That's what you are seeing in those reports -- failure to keep the chronology straight.
FrioAg 00:
Leftist Democrats "have completely overplayed the Racism accusation. Honestly my first reaction when I hear it today is to assume bad intentions by the accuser, not the accused."