Fairfax County decided to change the rules of the Virginia election at the last minute (sound familiar?) by not requiring last-4 of social security on mail-in ballot requests to receive a ballot. Providing last 4 of social to receive a ballot is Virginia State Law.
RNC lawyers sued Fairfax county and will challenge if the race is close enough to where the ballots might turn the election.
He said then Fairfax County general assembly is voted 8-1 for a resolution for the Governor to declare emergency powers due to COVID19 that does to not only waive the 4-digit social rule but also not require a witness to attest that the person signing the ballot is who they say they are under penalty of law. They are pushing him to do it. Of course so they can flood the zone with mail-ins.
He also said its ridiculous that they are attempting to do this in Virginia when 85k people were at a football game.
If they start to panick, look for this to happen.
If the RNC can keep a close eye on this and prevent these things, Youngkin has a chance.