scottimus said:
Faustus said:
aTm2004 said:
aggiehawg said:

Life got real for sk8ter boi.
Got real for all concerned.
Kid shot someone to death wielding a skate board. He was obviously defending himself, but he crossed state lines to defend property that wasn't his (let's be honest, he heeded the clarion call to confront protesters/rioters/enemy, not to defend random third-party property), and shot to death someone looking to hit him with a skate board.
The blame also lies with the militia/counter-protesters/whatever that allowed the kid to get separated from the group and be put in a position to where he was scared enough shoot people, and with the protesters/rioters who felt empowered/angered/scared enough to try to apprehend/accost/assault their perceived enemy.
This is a **** show on all sides at this point, started by the left leaning protesters/rioters. The protests themselves are counter-productive and plays into the right's narrative about lawlessness. Absolutely need to be reigned in, and looters/violent offenders arrested and prosecuted.
Social media tends to radicalize both sides. This site lauds a kid's killing of other Americans because it's the right Americans, in this case sk8ter boi. It's reading stuff like on this thread that probably emboldened the kid to arm himself and go take matters into his own hand against evil.
The kid was a hero to people who radicalized him and sent him forth to combat the enemy. Palestinians revere child suicide bombers/knifers too who kill Israelis, because it's in the name of righteousness. At least the kids wasn't killed fighting for the cause.
Logic falls off a cliff here.
Protecting life, liberty, and property are righteous American values. Someone did not "radicalize" him, on the contrary he seemed quite aware, prepared, and....fearful of his life.
Again, logically, a suicide bomber would not have that fear....also probably not run away from a mob..
Terrible argument.
You don't think Palestinians think the same sort of thing in "resisting the occupation" blah, blah righteous values?
only reason a kid arms himself and goes to confront an enemy "aware, prepared, and . . . fearful for his life" is because he's been radicalized and encouraged to do so by others. This didn't happen in a vacuum. It does not occur to a child
sua sponte. Becoming engorged on inflammatory rhetoric on social media (e.g. protecting "righteous American values") is almost always a component, if not the key factor.
I don't excuse the leftists/protesters/looters from this process of radicalization and reinforcement feedback. It's exactly the same.