The police closed the case because Isiah never broke the law. It's not illegal to leave racist notes on your own vehicle. And since HE didn't contact the police, he therefore never filed a fraudulent police report. Remember, the police initiated contact with him after he posted it on Twitter. He was smart enough to stop cooperating with police after he saw himself on film, so there was nothing more they could do. Case closed.Burdizzo said:
Here is the other kicker, we still don't officially have a perp. Like OJ, we all know he did it, but he was never even up on charges.
So for $1200 we/y'all are going to say "Isaiah did it" and we are going to expect a state agency to agree to that when not even the police have said it. The police just quietly closed the case.
I am all for shining a light on this to expose these roaches, but I don't think everyone realizes what this going to take.
We don't need a "perp" to enforce the contract terms. The SOLE action we are taking is enforcing the terms of the contract. Read Young's statement closely.
Texas A&M is offering a $1,200 reward based on valid information that leads to identifying the person or people responsible.
Whoever identifies the person responsible for leaving the note is entitled to the reward. Nothing more.