My favorite response is the "Trump was called a racist for restricting travel from China" when it was maybe a handful of Dems that disagreed with it and all it did was restrict non-US citizens. US citizens were free to travel to China and back as they pleased.
Well it was the presumptive Democrat presidential candidate....
And the Dem Speaker of the House. And the Mayor of NYC.
Because we have a misallocation of medical resources right now, we're willing to misallocate all of our resources for generations! Its the Keynesian way!
One of the [pieces of] information that we have pretty much confirmed now is that a significant number of individuals that are infected actually remain asymptomatic. That may be as many as 25%. That's important, because now you have individuals that may not have any symptoms that can contribute to transmission, and we have learned that in fact they do contribute to transmission.
I thought some people were trying to say this was as high as 80% in order to prop up their do nothing heard immunity plan.
A study / model published in Science inferred 86% undetected during the early Wuhan outbreak, but that could be lack of testing, mild cases staying home, people not wanting to get welded into their homes, whatever. Early serology studies have shown ~40% asymptomatic from really small sample sizes.
The other difficulty here is that the symptomatic response seems to line up with the age / risk profile. So while the young people drive the fatality rate down, they also make it very difficult to contain. It would be much better if that asymptomatic portion was uniformly spread across the population.
I was surprised to learn that for almost ever disease there's some portion of people who don't get it. Even something like Ebola has a ~15% asymptomatic rate. Seasonal flu is 10-50% depending on the year and the study with a median reported value of 16%.
I do not study these things for a living but I'd hazard a guess that there will be a mixture of the two. Some portion are asymptomatic by age, and some portion of the population in general is just asymptomatic for whatever reason.
We need testing for antibodies scaled up rapidly. Presumably those who have already been infected and recovered have resistance to reinfection if not temporary immunity and once they are virus free, they could resume normal work routines.
We need testing for antibodies scaled up rapidly. Presumably those who have already been infected and recovered have resistance to reinfection if not temporary immunity and once they are virus free, they could resume normal work routines.
That would provide an interesting dynamic. As people would want to go back to work, or otherwise try to live a normal life again without social distancing, I could easily see people going ahead and taking the risk and intentionally trying to get infected.
Y'all need to watch this guy's videos. I've been following him for a few years. He's a biker that has spent almost 15 years in China traveling to all parts of it. He vlogged it all while over there. He's now back state side because of increased surveillance, threats and aggression towards foreigners. Guy has been talking about the rise in aggressive nationalism in the Chinese people for years.
He's normally been pretty even keeled about China while he was over there, but you could tell he was holding back. Now that he is back in the states he is sharing more sharp criticisms in China. This is his first video where he isn't reserved.
He addresses a lot of the reasons why the Chinese will eat anything that moves, why wet markets exist, and exposes a lot of unhygienic practices. For those who have never peeked under the curtain about real life in China, it is certainly eye-opening.
Edit: The channel I've followed was this one: ADVChina The channel of the video is definitely a more political and pointed one about his experiences. Someone is definitely producing that channel. ADVChina is more of ride along vlog, less firebrand, more countryside.
Fine. Y'all can go find your own news. I've been posting tweets from that guy and the other two for well over a month and this is the first time I've heard one complaint. Sorry they're not the doom and gloom some of y'all so desire.
i have called out numerous posters before about posting tweets and nothing else.
people get pissed about fake news but this world of relying on a twitter account is just as much garbage. take 10 minutes to do your own research or don't post.
but you didn't post that for news purposes anyway.
Fine. Y'all can go find your own news. I've been posting tweets from that guy and the other two for well over a month and this is the first time I've heard one complaint. Sorry they're not the doom and gloom some of y'all so desire.
No don't stop posting tweets like this. It's good info and you have been solid in this thread despite our disagreements.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
First, I haven't been reading the thread for 2 months.
Secondly, I don't think anyone has a problem with tweets as long as they are accompanied by links. I mean, the guy could just be making stuff up.
Thirdly, calm down.
So you're fine with calling me out for sources I've been using for over a month but acknowledge that you haven't been reading the thread. No one, absolutely no one has complained about those tweets until you. Those guys are tied into traders' desks. They break the news well before people get an article put together and all of those people have subs on their twitters because they're paid for providing the information a minute or two ahead of the tweets because positions are taken in real time off of the information in the stock market.
Take a look at who he's following. He's following financial and news outlets, stripping the links, then tweeting them himself without the links.
If you are cool with that, OK. Much like with many other things, I prefer my news to be sourced. He isn't sourcing at all. With the world that we are living in, you and everyone else SHOULD be skeptical when people are literally just posting random things.
Sorry for the derail. I just prefer anything that we see be sourced.
Take a look at who he's following. He's following financial and news outlets, stripping the links, then tweeting them himself without the links.
If you are cool with that, OK. Much like with many other things, I prefer my news to be sourced. He isn't sourcing at all. With the world that we are living in, you and everyone else SHOULD be skeptical when people are literally just posting random things.
Sorry for the derail. I just prefer anything that we see be sourced.
Now go look at their followers and see that it's a lot of traders... None of the information I've posted from them has been discredited or had to have been retracted.
If staff has a problem with it, they can delete the tweets.
Take a tweet of his, then search twitter for it. There are several other "traders" who are posting the exact same thing as their own.
Let's take this to PM. If you're cool with following a bot, have at it. It's just not for me.
No, I don't need to take it to the PM. As you so love to point out, you're not staff, so quit trying to act like it. Like I said, no one has said a word about the tweets until you. You don't like them, fine flag them and move on. They've been posted by me and others for a good while now.