cone said:
my question
how is the median age of Italian cases 63?
were these older people just going about their business as normal before the lockdown?
that's what doesn't make sense to me. how does it attack this group that is completely paranoid about getting it?
nursing homes are one thing, but this is just mowing through everyone
Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella has suggested residents hug Chinese people to encourage them in the fight against the novel coronavirus. Meanwhile, a member of Associazione Unione Giovani Italo Cinesi, a Chinese society in Italy aimed at promoting friendship between people in the two countries, called for respect for novel coronavirus patients during a street demonstration. "I'm not a virus. I'm a human. Eradicate the prejudice."
And from the comments...
Plot twist: now Italy has the highest number of people affected with Coronavirus in Europe...
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