Mordred said:
dermdoc said:
And this should be called the China flu. It is their fault. They are the ones who are directly responsible for this.
The whole stupidity of this thing is calling it the China flu doesn't actually help or change anything. Why wasn't SARS the Chinese flu? What happens the next time a virus comes out of China? Do we call it China Flu II: Electric Boogaloo?
For that matter, Coronavirus is barely more helpful.
Wuhan Flu would have been more descriptive and in keeping with the convention for these things. That's what even the Chinese press called it before it apparently became racist to connect it to a particular geographic area once Trump did so (just like it was racist to cut off travel from China early on, because Trump).
But when the Chinese govt began actively trying to blame the US for the flu thru it's disinformation campaign, then dang right we should hang this on China. And that's not petty, that's reality. They're responsible for the way this thing took off. Their refusal to close down the wet markets is probably responsible for this thing's existence! And they already knew wet markets could lead to this kind of thing; how much blood and economic ruin is on their hands?
And they want to try to engage in subterfuge to try to convince the world this is somehow our fault? If we didn't all have our focus on dealing with the repercussions, it would be infuriating. If China won't own it, the very least we can do is hang this around their necks and not let them try to change the narrative.
And if calling it the China Flu gets the PC/SJWs to jump offside and show their rears to the world with their irrational criticism of it, all the better. It's such a ridiculous complaint that I am entertained by seeing it, and I don't have March Madness to entertain myself.