BadMoonRisin said:
Some thing that I noticed cruising around in the Johns Hopkins tracker is the length of time from diagnosis to recovery. Seems to be in excess of 10 days in most cases. I've been knocked out by the flu for maybe 1 or 2 days, but I dont think I've ever been out for 3 consecutive days in a row my entire life (for work or school).
Then I'm not sure you've had The Flu. I was fortunate enough to have it during Christmas break my 3rd year at A&M. Came home for Christmas. A couple of days later couldn't move. Super high fever. Waited a day, gathered enough strength to drive back to cs. Turns out my boyfriend and his roommates had it as well. We slept for the next 5 days. This would've been '93/'94. I haven't had it since and don't want to. I also don't get flu shots.