GE said:
OldAg89er said:
cbr said:
IrishTxAggie said:
Want to know something even SCARIER!!! ~80k dead from complications with the flu in 2017...JUST IN THE USA!
Exactly. And the chinese government has quarantined over 70 million people, shut down huge chunks of their economy, and totally silenced all internet communications over this. And yet they couldnt give a flying **** about 80k per year of normal flu deaths and dont do anything about it.
They have the info. We dont. So what does that tell you about how many people they think are going to die?
Anyone who isn't preparing for SHTF doesn't understand the fact this is a biological weapon that escaped from the lab in Wuhan.
China is suppressing the numbers. Fellow researcher sent a WeChat pictture/message out showing bodies stacked.
There is a 14cday lag between between becoming infected and showing symptoms. Most infected are NOT being tested, thus the reported numbers in the news are low.
If full or at least partial quarantine is not implemented by February 5th, in major cities across the world, the pandemic will spread as follow (adjusted for higher R0 and higher index for infection spread chance), with the mention that the numbers will be the median ones :
Feb 6th :345,000 infected with 3,600 presenting symptoms
Feb 7th :690,000 infected with 7,500 presenting symptoms
Feb 8th : 1,435,000 / 15,600
Feb 9th : 2,980,000 / 27,456
Feb 10th: 6,240,000 / 57,100
Feb 11th: 12,979,000 / 118,100
Feb 12th: 27,990,000 / 245,600
Feb 13th: 58,220,000 / 509,600
Feb 14th:121,970,000 /1,060,000
Feb 15th:253,697,000 /2,204,800
So, those numbers above are actually understated.
Yes, understated. Do not confuse the fact that testing is ill targeted and is not widespread, and that China is lying through its teeth with the fact of how many are currently infected. As I have said a number of times: mortality rate with this virus is everything.
"The novel corona virus(2019nCoV)is a recently emerged human pathogen that has spread widely since January 2020.Initially, the basic reproductive number, R0,was estimated to be 2.2 to 2.7. Here we provide an estimate of this quantity. We collected extensive individual case reports and estimated key epidemiology parameters,including the incubation period.Integrating these estimates and hig hresolution real time human travel and infection data with mathematical models, we estimated that the number of infected individuals during early epidemic double every 2.4 days, and the R0 value is likely to be between 4.7 and 6.6. We further show that quarantine and contact tracing of symptomatic individuals alone may not be effective and early, strong control measures are needed to stop transmission of the virus"
Once the real number of infections is known by the public - you are screwed if you are not prepared.
China did not quarantine over 100,000,000 people because this is a simple virus that makes your tummy upset. They did not shut down a major portion of their manufacturing because it makes you queasy. Entire apartment sky scrapers are not abandoned/empty because it's a mere store throat and coughing.
The question is: what is the mortality rate?
The infection rate is pandemic. Is the mortality rate?