cbr said:
Lets say a true pandemic, 1/3 of us gets it, 3% fatal, thats over 3 million american dead in one month. Plus the 1/3 of rest of the country out of work, plus everyone totally freaked out.
I'm not really concerned w catching the virus. Two biggest concerns that I have that could happen.
1) The healthcare system could be overwhelmed by this causing a cascade effect where other everyday illnesses and emergencies can't get the treatment they normally get. How's a heart attack patient feeling about his chances this morning in Wuhan?
2) the economic activity slowing to a halt that is going to be the real disaster. China has millions on lock down now, how does Wal-Mart restock it's inventory when manufacturing and distribution are slowed/stopped? How does the banking system, which is COMPLETELY over leveraged, deal with the massive shocks?