GordonWood said:
Logos Stick said:
Counterpoint said:
Why is this variant more capable of causing infection if you've had Covid? Isn't that the opposite of every disease ever?
Yes. With COVID, natural immunity science was thrown out the door. Rock dumb libs also argued that vax immunity was superior to natural immunity.
Mask studies were also thrown out the door - they don't work - and then changed i.e. your mask protects me from you so everyone has to wear a mask. The virus can get in while wearing a mask, but it can't get out, like a one way check valve.
Everyone is misinterpreting this article. The statement they've made is that this variant, compared to others, is more capable of overcoming immune surveillance, whether triggered by previous infection or the vaccine. It is NOT saying that people who had previous vaccination or infection are more susceptible.
A warning statement put out by the CDC to the general public should require no degree of interpretation.
If that's what the CDC meant, then why didn't the CDC say what you just said?
We are three years in and the CDC is still putting out statements to the general public that require interpretation rather than using a plain language approach.
Read the CDC's statement above. Based on the CDC's statement, rank the following persons susceptibility to the new Covid variant:
A) Vaccinated person
B) Vaccinated person who has previous covid infection(s)
C) Unvaccinated person with previous covid infection(s).
D) Unvaccinated person.
Now read your statement and rank the new Covid variant's capability of overcoming immune survellance in the following persons:
A) Vaccinated person
B) Vaccinated person who has previous covid infection(s)
C) Unvaccinated person with previous covid infection.
D) Unvaccinated person.
After we sort out the answer to these questions I will then go back and reanalyze the issue here. Standing by.