Your post makes me wonder how many times Trump has been deposed in his life or appeared as a witness at trial. It has to be at least 10 and likely closer to 50 times. Giving a deposition or appearing as a witness isn't exactly a Swedish massage but people with a lot of experience acquire more skill with each appearance.AggieRain said:This is the part that I just can't figure. Despite what this board thinks, there are many intelligent operatives among their ranks. I don't see how they can conclude that this is a winning hand. My guess is that, in reading the tea leaves, this is a Hail Mary attempt. Perhaps they think Trump will hang himself under examination, which is really their best hope.Quote:
In all seriousness, how politically inept do you have to be to run a purely partisan political stunt only to hand it off to a chamber your party doesn't control for massive exposure?
So the angle of trump stepping on his own dick is a low-probability outcome. And that's if he even bothers to take the stand in the first place, which, given the fact that poking through the democrats "case" will be about as difficult as poking through a thin layer of meringue, he simply might not bother.