fasthorse05 said:
aggiehawg said:
will25u said:
Is everything that is happening today trying to muddy the water for the judge/Durham for the hearing tomorrow?
Yes. It's called "a rolling barrage." Works well against civil litigants with limited pockets.
Does not work as well against a Special Counsel with the government's deep pockets.
What do I always say about pigs squealing?? Yeah, that.
I don't know how many attorneys Durham has, but assume it's 20, or more. How does someone like Durham divide each lawyer, or teams of lawyers?
I assume he has certain folks writing the motions, others on research, and others on potential actions to be taken outside of the Sussman case.
The reason Durham has been able to keep a lid on this investigation for two plus years is because he has a very small group of hand picked seasoned prosecutors. I think he has 6 or 7 prosecutors that he's used for years in all the corruption cases he's prosecuted for decades. Now those prosecutors have staffers as well but they are going to be few and all 100% trustworthy, because Durham's MO is zero leaks.
This blizzard of paperwork isn't a big deal for this team, this is exactly what they expected. This isn't always a good strategy, and it backfires a lot of the time. And some of these arguments are so legally ludicrous the stench or it attaches itself to any real legal arguments they have. This is desperation because they've run outta things to do. Some of these claims now they are making directly contradicts sworn testimony they made three and four years ago. They never expected this to go this far.
I honestly think that when they got Trump out of office that Garland would have shut all this down and they'd be off to do more evil elsewhere and here they are with the Hail Mary.
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because hard men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.