Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,487,208 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 4 days ago by aggiehawg
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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Secolobo said:

if that's true regarding weismann, how the **** is he not in jail or at a minimum, how in the hell can he still practice law? there should be no wiggle room for that bull*****
Ellis Wyatt
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You may not have noticed, but Obama's folks literally had spies all around Donald Trump and likely still do, yet nothing's happening to them because the dimocrats are fully invested in obstructing his presidency by any means necessary.

And the horse is out of the barn. It will always be this way moving forward.
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.....And the information being requested has left allies astonished. One British official with knowledge of Barr's wish list presented to London commented that "it is like nothing we have come across before, they are basically asking, in quite robust terms, for help in doing a hatchet job on their own intelligence services".....

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drcrinum said:
One fact blatantly obvious after reading this article ... the growing view that Barr's DOJ is chasing far-right conspiracy theories in response to the threat of Trump's impeachment. The truth being the opposite .... the impeachment threat was fabricated in response to DOJ's investigation.

This alt-universe view of DOJ's investigation will prevail unless DOJ fully exposes the 2016-17 conspiracy.and starts rolling out substantive criminal indictments.
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A pleasant short read over coffee for your Saturday morning.
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will25u said:

The only thing Buzzfeed is going to report on is anything that they think they can spin to hurt Trump.

We all know who is going to be busy posting endless tweets and Trump is doomed write ups from this.
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aggiehawg said:

Could be a copying glitch but not likely. The sentence length and word positioning is too dramatic for that to be the reason. Font size?

Not a document examiner. Anybody here with that expertise or do I need to bring that to the attention of Little Green Footballs?

(Guy who outed Dan Rather's forged documents about George W. Bush.)

Lotta good that would do. Charles Johnson went crazy and became a reactionary radical leftist. Here's a recent sample of his thinking.

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Strzok & Page sent 10s of thousands of text messages on their phones; circa 70 thousand, but that number would have included other people they were texting. I think texts between Page & McCabe would be very interesting to review.

I never knew that McCabe was the one who removed Strzok from Mueller's Team. I was under the impression that this this decision was made by Mueller. I am beginning to wonder if Mueller was 'ever' anything but a figurehead.

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drcrinum said:

Strzok & Page sent 10s of thousands of text messages on their phones; circa 70 thousand, but that number would have included other people they were texting. I think texts between Page & McCabe would be very interesting to review.

I never knew that McCabe was the one who removed Strzok from Mueller's Team. I was under the impression that this this decision was made by Mueller. I am beginning to wonder if Mueller was 'ever' anything but a figurehead.

Makes sense when you recall his "Alzheimer's" testimony to Congress.

Also, if he REALLY was going to Trump in June, 2017 to take Comey's place, then his apparent lack of knowledge on term limits as FBI Director makes sense as well.
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....."Ohr and Strzok clearly were working regularly with each other during the time the illicit Spygate operation heated up against President Trump," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "It speaks volumes that Judicial Watch was forced to drag the DOJ and FBI into court in order to force the agency to admit to documents they've obviously had all along.".....

Bruce Ohr was far more than just a back channel between the FBI & Steele.
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Ulysses90 said:

aggiehawg said:

Could be a copying glitch but not likely. The sentence length and word positioning is too dramatic for that to be the reason. Font size?

Not a document examiner. Anybody here with that expertise or do I need to bring that to the attention of Little Green Footballs?

(Guy who outed Dan Rather's forged documents about George W. Bush.)

Lotta good that would do. Charles Johnson went crazy and became a reactionary radical leftist. Here's a recent sample of his thinking.

That's extraordinary for an adult to go from Right to Left. There's only two reasons I can think of changing, 1. you've seen the light, so to speak, and realize the only way to make big money is corruption, which is what happened during Obama's reign 2. you were a David Brock type, who doesn't know who he is, and decided to go with his "feelings".

It just doesn't happen that often.

Edit: BTW, surely Durham is going to subpoena and interview Rosenstein, especially after his texts surfaced. He was/is a stone cold Black Hat that took my fair minded brain forever to decide.

Secondly, crinum's post brings this nearly three year old thread all the way back to the OP's original title topic! Just a random comment.
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My question is this...

Wouldn't Trump/team pretty much know everything that was going on? I'm pretty sure they can't really hide everything. Not to mention the Durham investigation. I'm sure Trump/team know more than they let on.

I really hope we are about to see some real deep state go down, and fundamental operations of our government so what is happening doesn't happen again.
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IMO, you won't see it before New Years. Once the election season begins, any old news will go away, except maybe the impeachment news, which keeps the ratings back where they were during the Mueller probe.

If I was Trump, I'd wait until next Spring. However, we don't know if there's going to be any action from the Horowitz report. If there's nothing of importance, or no indictments, then it will be business as usual.

I've got to admit, Trump always seems like he doesn't know anything. I've wondered about his knowledge a long time. If genuine, Trump is doomed, but if Trump genuinely follows The Art of War, then he should hold his powder, knowing there's a much more opportune time to pounce. My complete lack of public relations knowledge and wisdom knows little about the whens, wheres and hows, but I know it's out there.
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Edit: BTW, surely Durham is going to subpoena and interview Rosenstein, especially after his texts surfaced. He was/is a stone cold Black Hat that took my fair minded brain forever to decide.

I like you thought and still may think Rosey is a black hat. I am not convince he is a stone cold black hat. I think he kind played both side, kind of a double agent. The reason I think that is.

1. Greg Rubini has been a major hitter in bringing some top flight stuff on the Trump side of things. BIG TIME, and he is the biggest Rosey white hat advocate I have seen.

2. What if Rosey really wasn't sure if Trump was colluding with Russia or that the dossier had some reality behind it? What if the only info he originally had was from the whole spy gate deal and with Mueller as his old mentor, he may have a tendency to believe that. Yet is is possible that as he got into things it became clear that Trump was dirty and that all this was nonsense?

Still I lean towards Rosey being more of a black hat then a white one and I think he covered his rear no matter which was this went.
"only one thing is important!"
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This relates to the BuzzFeed FOIA drop, link here:

I quickly scanned the FOIA drop. It contains the 302s + handwritten FBI agent notes from interviews of Gates, Cohen & Bannon, There are very heavy redactions to the Gates & Cohen materials, but not so with regard to Bannon.

It's interesting that neither Flynn, Manafort or Kilimnik thought that the Russians hacked the DNC server, + Manafort & Kilimnik believed it was the Ukrainians who had done it. Perhaps this is related to the Ukrainian server that Trump referenced in his telephone call with Zelensky. (The above 2 sections contained in the tweets are found on pgs. 17-18.)

Couple of quick comments on the Bannon section (I'm sure there is more here -- I haven't read it in detail): Bannon had multiple meetings with Erik Prince + emails relating especially to foreign policy in the Middle East & other parts of the world. Bannon also exchanged emails with Papadopoulos regarding Trump meeting Egyptian leaders -- Bannon wasn't very receptive to dealing with Papadopoulos.

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OPAG said:


Edit: BTW, surely Durham is going to subpoena and interview Rosenstein, especially after his texts surfaced. He was/is a stone cold Black Hat that took my fair minded brain forever to decide.

I like you thought and still may think Rosey is a black hat. I am not convince he is a stone cold black hat. I think he kind played both side, kind of a double agent. The reason I think that is.

1. Greg Rubini has been a major hitter in bringing some top flight stuff on the Trump side of things. BIG TIME, and he is the biggest Rosey white hat advocate I have seen.

2. What if Rosey really wasn't sure if Trump was colluding with Russia or that the dossier had some reality behind it? What if the only info he originally had was from the whole spy gate deal and with Mueller as his old mentor, he may have a tendency to believe that. Yet is is possible that as he got into things it became clear that Trump was dirty and that all this was nonsense?

Still I lean towards Rosey being more of a black hat then a white one and I think he covered his rear no matter which was this went.
My pet name for Rosenstein is "weasel." Plays nicely into your "covered his rear end no matter which way this went." He tailored his positions to which audience he was addressing and playing both sides.
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I've got to admit, Trump always seems like he doesn't know anything. I've wondered about his knowledge a long time. If genuine, Trump is doomed,
I am extremely confident that Trump is no foul and he very much knows how to act like one so his enemies and competition will take him for one! That does not mean he does not have weaknesses or make mistakes but the man really knows how to play the game. I am sure of that.

I do wish he would just pull off the whole impeachment issue, ignore it and just go on about the business of serving the American people seeking to make us great again. He has no real need to defend himself on this. Don't get down and wrestle with the pigs, it just makes you look like a pig!
"only one thing is important!"
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Here's a thread on the BuzzFeed FOIA drop.
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My pet name for Rosenstein is "weasel." Plays nicely into your "covered his rear end no matter which way this went." He tailored his positions to which audience he was addressing and playing both sides.

Yes indeed, he is very smooth operator, that's for sure. I still don't think he is just an evil guy, I think there is an aspect of him that does want to do the right thing. The swamp is a tough place to swim and Rosey is a good as any swimmer I have seen. Hard guy to nail down.
"only one thing is important!"
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To tie this back together. There was a report a month or so back that Rudy had visited Manafort in prison (or at least had asked Manafort's lawyers to visit him and ask him some things). At the time I speculated that Rudy was trying to track down Kilimnik to see if he could tap his sources n Ukraine and be of assistance to Rudy's investigation. But I didn't connect it to the DNC hack, at the time. Thought it was more about Biden and Burisma.
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drcrinum said:

It's interesting that neither Flynn, Manafort or Kilimnik thought that the Russians hacked the DNC server, + Manafort & Kilimnik believed it was the Ukrainians who had done it. Perhaps this is related to the Ukrainian server that Trump referenced in his telephone call with Zelensky. (The above 2 sections contained in the tweets are found on pgs. 17-18.)
If so, why would the Ukrainians then leak the DNC emails to Wikileaks? Doesn't add up.
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Can I go to sleep Looch?
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If so, why would the Ukrainians then leak the DNC emails to Wikileaks? Doesn't add up.
IIRC, Assange has said "no state actor" was involved in transmitting the emails to wikileaks. Poroshenko was very afraid of Biden and Obama, much less the frontrunner Hillary. So if the hacking was done by someone in Ukraine, it likely wasn't on Poroshenko's orders.

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benchmark said:

drcrinum said:

It's interesting that neither Flynn, Manafort or Kilimnik thought that the Russians hacked the DNC server, + Manafort & Kilimnik believed it was the Ukrainians who had done it. Perhaps this is related to the Ukrainian server that Trump referenced in his telephone call with Zelensky. (The above 2 sections contained in the tweets are found on pgs. 17-18.)
If so, why would the Ukrainians then leak the DNC emails to Wikileaks? Doesn't add up.
Ever hear of CyberBerkut? It's a rather famous Ukrainian hacking outfit that has strong Russian ties as well as having connections with Fancy Bear & possibly working in conjunction with the latter.
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aggiehawg said:

IIRC, Assange has said "no state actor" was involved in transmitting the emails to wikileaks. Poroshenko was very afraid of Biden and Obama, much less the frontrunner Hillary. So if the hacking was done by someone in Ukraine, it likely wasn't on Poroshenko's orders..
drcrinum said:

Ever hear of CyberBerkut? It's a rather famous Ukrainian hacking outfit that has strong Russian ties as well as having connections with Fancy Bear & possibly working in conjunction with the latter.
Amorphous pro-Russian cybernauts make sense ... Ukraine gov, not so much.
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Just a wild a$$ guess but there very well could have been multiple hackers and it wasn't the Ukrainians who leaked the emails. Or someone within the DNC leaked the emails. At this point I do not trust CrowdStrike, why would anybody? Whatever happened to Imran Awan?
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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An expanded discussion on why Brennan/Strzok/Deep State needs to keep Assange quiet -- because Assange has stated that the Russians didn't hack the DNC server. The latter blows the lid off the Mueller Investigation & the Muh Russia narrative & the intelligence community assessment report on Russian interference in the 2016 Election...something we all knew.
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Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails. Then got whacked for it.
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New: Halper served as a source to David Ignatius of the Washington Post regarding the 'alleged Russian honeypot' Svetlana Lokhova and the smearing of Flynn. Lokhova just discovered this from Sidney Powell's request for Brady material. Professor Cleveland has been in contact with Lokhova & obtained emails.

Worth a read.


The Federalist has learned that the now-outed CIA and FBI informant Stefan Halper served as a source for Washington Post reporter David Ignatius, providing more evidence that the intelligence community has co-opted the press to push anti-Trump conspiracy theories. In addition, an email recently obtained by The Federalist from the MI5-connected Christopher Andrew bragging that his long-time friend Ignatius has the "'inside track' on Flynn" adds further confirmation of this conclusion......

BMX Bandit
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Roger Stone jury selection is tomorrow
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Can I go to sleep Looch?
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Most likely fake since there's no blue check of verification next to the name.
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