Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

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Aggiebrewer said:

29,000 posts in this thread.

wish I would have followed along
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Fishing Fools
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aggiehawg said:

Aggiebrewer said:

29,000 posts in this thread.

wish I would have followed along
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Is Q real?
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aggiehawg said:

Interesting but I think some things get lost in the translation from Italian to English. So the news to me here is that Former PM Renzi is stepping down as head of his far left party just a few days after meeting with Obama.

Pay-off to be a fall guy?
More likely scenario: Obama planted the 'mafia kiss of death' on Renzi.
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Good summation of the plot/plotters. However, the article mentions a few 'numerical facts' that I have not encountered before and wonder if completely accurate:


.....We know it to be true because Admiral Mike Rogers uncovered and exposed the underlying crime. It is not an opinion. It is a fact. From 2012 until April of 2016 James Comey specifically authorized 3 contractors working for John Brennan and James Clapper unfettered access to NSA surveillance systems, including Prism.

We have already seen and read the ruling to the Attorney General from FISA Court Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer who declared that of 40000 searches of the NSA databases between 2012 and 2016 that 85% or 32,500 were illegal......

We know there were private contractors with access to the NSA databases, but how many is the question as names/numbers of contractors were redacted in Collyer's report.
Also, we know that 85% of the NSA database searches were illegal between 2012 & 2016, but the actual number of searches was redacted in Collyer's report.

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I glance into that thread only on occasion so I can't answer that but color me highly skeptical. I see Q as much a disinformation as an information exercise.

But then again, so is the vast majority of our mainstream media.
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It's unbelievable that Obama is gonna get away with whatever crap he is pulling. And the dems are happy with it.
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Rockdoc said:

It's unbelievable that Obama is gonna get away with whatever crap he is pulling. And the dems are happy with it.
There is currently enough evidence to put Spygate inside the Oval Office. Enough reason for Durham to want to interview Obama, who is now a private citizen. But consider the position into which such a request would put the Trump Administration?

I go back to The Pentagon Papers case. There was nothing in those reports that reflected poorly on the Nixon Administration but he proceeded to try to block their publication anyway for the protection of the office of the Presidency. Ultimately a futile effort, but his attempt to enforce Executive Privilege for preceeding administrations was, I think, the right thing to do at the time.

But it isn't the 70s anymore. Were Obama to be subpoenaed by a grand jury, how fast would the Dems switch their position on Executive Privilege?

At the moment, they are conflating assertion of the Privilege as it applied to Hope Hicks as "absolute immunity" as a talking point. That of course is a misnomer as there is a difference between privilege and immunity from prosecution. Hicks has neither a privilege to assert nor immunity.

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Fishing Fools said:

aggiehawg said:

Aggiebrewer said:

29,000 posts in this thread.

wish I would have followed along
What do you want to know?

Is Q real?
the threads are parallels and sometimes seem to cross paths, but Q is not discussed here. This thread is more geared to verified news sources, court filings, and the like.
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Nutshell is that there is ample evidence that Obama and his intelligence leadership deployed the massive intelligence apparatus of the United States to spy on political enemies and after the shock of the lost election set in motion Russiagate which essentially was an effort by the self appointed Praetorian Guard that is the Deep State civil servants to overturn the election of Trump with a coup attempt while aided and abetted by a complicit media.

Oh and Mueller is a POS as was everyone on his team.
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Aggiebrewer said:

aggiehawg said:

Aggiebrewer said:

29,000 posts in this thread.

wish I would have followed along
What do you want to know?

just nutshell 29k posts. easy peasy

Short video. Former Obama DOD official.

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VegasAg86 said:

aggiehawg said:

Holy crap!

I hope they sell like Acosta's. Word is he is up to 6500 total books sold.

Weismann's will be a complete smear of Trump.
Interesting, it has been suggested that having books published is one way to launder payoffs. I used to think this was tin foil hat thinking, but ... well ... um ... seems some publishers really don't care how many books are sold. It would be enlightening to see who may be funding some of these books through publishers.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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Why would it be beneficial for Renzi to resign? I doubt Obama told him to, unless Renzi being in office makes the gathering of damaging information easier. Not everyone will work to defend the almighty party of the Democrats, as few will fall on the sword for the greater good.

Welcome back, blindey. With a newborn, two others, and your own business operation, I'm surprised you have time to peruse Texags, not to mention reading and posting. Hope all is well.

I used to think that Hillary kept her server defenesless so the Russians and Chinese could access them for information as a quid pro quo for the $145 million, but now it might have been for access to these three contractos, in addition to the NSA information. I would LOVE to find out what happened to that NSA information, who in the contracting companies had access to it, how secure is it now, and what they did with it? It's now probable that her server also had easy access so the Italians could get the information, and place damaging information on Trump employee servers.

Somehow or another, maybe Hillary's server was tied into the Awan/Wasserman-Schultz fiasco, regarding access. While I don't believe all Dem judges to be corrupt, if anyone like Durham did a review of the Awan trial, there's got to be some technicality the judge used to basically allow a not guilty plea. Using the law as a means to serve the Dem partys goals is one thing, but that decision was enormous, even in DC.

My 2 cents for this morning.
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Nunes was just interviewed on Maria Bartiromo's show. He said there were 2 separate investigations into Trump. The first began in late 2015 to early 2016 by the intelligence agencies/FBI. The second was started in the spring by the DNC/Fusion GPS/Steele. They merged together into one, but when? Likely much earlier than what we have been led to believe in Nune's opinion. The video clip should be available soon.
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drcrinum said:

Nunes was just interviewed on Maria Bartiromo's show. He said there were 2 separate investigations into Trump. The first began in late 2015 to early 2016 by the intelligence agencies/FBI. The second was started in the spring by the DNC/Fusion GPS/Steele. They merged together into one, but when? Likely much earlier than what we have been led to believe in Nune's opinion. The video clip should be available soon.
The timeframe of 2015 is astonishing to me because the Dems had to either believe Trump was going to be the nominee, or they were serveiling all of the R candidates who still had a chance to win the nomination. I have a suspicion it's the latter.
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That's why Hillary band the media were pushing Trump during the primaries. They thought beating him would be a slam dunk.
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fasthorses05 said:

Why would it be beneficial for Renzi to resign? I doubt Obama told him to, unless Renzi being in office makes the gathering of damaging information easier. Not everyone will work to defend the almighty party of the Democrats, as few will fall on the sword for the greater good.

Welcome back, blindey. With a newborn, two others, and your own business operation, I'm surprised you have time to peruse Texags, not to mention reading and posting. Hope all is well.

I used to think that Hillary kept her server defenesless so the Russians and Chinese could access them for information as a quid pro quo for the $145 million, but now it might have been for access to these three contractos, in addition to the NSA information. I would LOVE to find out what happened to that NSA information, who in the contracting companies had access to it, how secure is it now, and what they did with it?

Somehow or another, maybe Hillary's server was tied into the Awan/Wasserman-Schultz fiasco, regarding access. While I don't believe all Dem judges to be corrupt, if anyone like Durham did a review of the Awan trial, there's got to be some technicality the judge used to basically allow a not guilty plea. Using the law as a means to serve the Dem partys goals is one thing, but that decision was enormous, even in DC.

My 2 cents for this morning.
Renzi just resigned as head of his party. He lost his reelection bid as Italy's Prime Minister.

The third party contractor access was pursuant to a secret Memorandum of Understanding between the CIA and FBI wherein contractors would be allowed access to the FBI's access to the NSA database. (Note the NSA was not reportedly a signatory to this agreement. Which explains Admiral Rogers' alarm and dismay when it was discovered.) There was an open channel between the CIA/FBI including on American citizens, which should have been a no-no.

Hillary's servers were reportedly off-line and in FBI custody in August 2015. That would have been about two years after she had left the State Department. Unsure the timeline with the Awan/DWS computer breaches match the timelines there.

As to the ultimate disposition of the Awan case, it would have been normal to assume he pled out because he was cooperating and turned state's evidence. But now enough time has lapsed, that doesn't appear to have happened. I think the Awan case is too far attenuated to be part of the Durham probe from what we know at the moment.
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drcrinum said:

Nunes was just interviewed on Maria Bartiromo's show. He said there were 2 separate investigations into Trump. The first began in late 2015 to early 2016 by the intelligence agencies/FBI. The second was started in the spring by the DNC/Fusion GPS/Steele. They merged together into one, but when? Likely much earlier than what we have been led to believe in Nune's opinion. The video clip should be available soon.
If you think about it, the two investigations would make sense. The first one was just precautionary (in their view, doesn't make it right, though). Trump is still a long shot during that time frame. Everything changed in South Carolina when he took the counties that had been a Huckabee stronghold in 2012. Panic time.

First investigation was desultory, producing nothing. The next efforts would be to gin up something, running push-pull operations as to Page, Clovis, Papadopoulus, Flynn and others. Then Manafort joins the campaign (not as campaign manager yet) creating an instant bogeyman and they were off and running.

That series of events suggest March 2016 for the origin of what is being called the second investigation.
Garrelli 5000
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The look on her face after she stops talking, a few seconds before the video ends. She knew she F'd up.
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Adam Ag 98 said:

The look on her face after she stops talking, a few seconds before the video ends. She knew she F'd up.
Yeah. I actually watched that live and had to pick my jaw up off of the floor. How did that nut have a top secret security clearance at DOD??
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aggiehawg said:

Adam Ag 98 said:

The look on her face after she stops talking, a few seconds before the video ends. She knew she F'd up.
Yeah. I actually watched that live and had to pick my jaw up off of the floor. How did that nut have a top secret security clearance at DOD??

Like Rice, she could be counted to spew whatever they wanted her to say but it looks like in this case she wasn't given talking points ahead of time, likely because many of the main players were scrambling and in panic mode.
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Here's the video of Nunes I referenced above. The comments I noted begin at 6:00. The earlier portion of the interview discusses some interesting aspects of the Kavalec memo & a possible upcoming criminal referral.
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Thanks for posting. What Nunes failed to mention was the presence of Nellie Ohr at Fusion from September 2015 until roughly October 2016.
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Prosperdick said:

aggiehawg said:

Adam Ag 98 said:

The look on her face after she stops talking, a few seconds before the video ends. She knew she F'd up.
Yeah. I actually watched that live and had to pick my jaw up off of the floor. How did that nut have a top secret security clearance at DOD??

Like Rice, she could be counted to spew whatever they wanted her to say but it looks like in this case she wasn't given talking points ahead of time, likely because many of the main players were scrambling and in panic mode.
She was near breathlessness after stupidly revealing incriminating actions from within performed. Her cohorts couldn't have been pleased with what she revealed.
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To circle back on something on an article linked by drcrinum, I think we overlooked something. Here is the link from his post

Here is an quote that has been overlooked


The plan was for Italian Intelligence to hack into these servers, plant classified emails from Hillary's servers inside these servers on American soil, and then alert the FBI.

IF this is true, that means the FBI already HAD the classified emails in their possession! We know that the FBI was covering for her, but there has been a ton of back-and-forth about recovering the emails. If this article is correct, then the FBI already had them.

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This has been percolating the last few days.


As part of the "investigation into the investigators," U.S. Attorney John Durham's team reportedly wants to talk to at least one senior CIA counterintelligence official and a senior CIA analyst who examined Russia's role in meddling in the 2016 election.

The review is not a criminal inquiry, but should Durham find criminal activity he can take prosecutorial action. Top CIA officials are said to be anxious over the federal prosecutor's efforts.

Michael Morell, who was deputy director of the CIA during the Obama administration, said Durham's interest in speaking to a CIA analyst concerns him.

"I see no problem with a DOJ review of whether the CIA and other intelligence community agencies lived up to their legal and regulatory responsibilities related to how they handled any information related to U.S. persons U.S. citizens and U.S. nationals," Morell told CBS News, where he is now a senior national security contributor.
This is rich.

"Having said that, I see a DOJ review of whether or not the intelligence analysts made the right call as wholly inappropriate. I cannot ever remember a DOJ review of analysis," Morrell added.

"[Durham] and his team have no experience with, or knowledge of, the process of intelligence analysis," Morell said. "He and his team could well impose a law enforcement standard in coming to a conclusion a much higher bar than exists in the intelligence community for analytic judgments."
First, Barr started out at CIA. He is versed in the differences between counter-intel and criminal probes.

Second, Morrell is missing the point in that a counter-intel operation was deliberately turned into a criminal one. So the low standard should not have applied after that point. And certainly not have been in the Mueller Report without further more robust corroboration.

Third, Morrell is practically admitting that there is likely no other corroborating evidence for Putin's state of mind other than the Steele Dossier. Under that very low standard, Steele's word is good enough to support the conclusion that Putin wanted to interfere in the election for a specific purpose, i.e. to help Trump get elected.

Fourth, the CIA has had 3 years to develop said corroboration but where is it? For that matter all of the Western intelligence agencies have had that long as well. Where is theirs?

Instead, Mifsud (still not a Russian agent) is in hiding. Italy's intelligence community is in full meltdown. Steele is pressured by the British government to finally cooperate with our investigators, after he has said under oath in civil proceedings that his dossier was raw and unverified. Kilimnik (still not a Russian agent) was a State Department human source for years before the 2016 election. The Manafort "black ledgers" are most likely forged by Ukrainian government people under pressure by the Obama Administration, George Soros and the DNC.

What is the confidence level that the CIA's assessments in 2016 were even close to accurate?

Not much, from where I stand.

Parting shot:

Siding with Democrats, Morrell said he feels "strongly" the Justice Department has "NO business" doing a follow-up review of the intelligence community analysis. "It does not have the knowledge & expertise necessary to get the right answers and it could well have a chilling effect across the analytic community," he said in a tweet.
Perhaps a "chilling effect" would be a good thing, no? Keep you guys from going off the deep end and putting the American people through two and half years of what was a tin foil hat conspiracy theory cooked up by boys and gals at Langley?

Whens lunch
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Not when I'm done with it.
Rocky Rider
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aggiehawg said:

Adam Ag 98 said:

The look on her face after she stops talking, a few seconds before the video ends. She knew she F'd up.
Yeah. I actually watched that live and had to pick my jaw up off of the floor. How did that nut have a top secret security clearance at DOD??
I don't watch enough CNN to know who the lady in pink is but my read of her expression is '(I can't believe you are saying this)'. The camera never went back to her even though her voice is heard. Would loved to have seen her expression when the comment about leaking was made.
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I was going to reply to your comment before it went away.

I was going to say don't forget the $$$$$$$$$ some of these folks could have commanded from the Clinton administration for keeping their mouths shut. Whomever the Clinton's have used for 45 years as "silencer" is extraordinarily skilled, but even the Clinton's wouldn't be able to "sllence" all of the folks involved. I guess they could use the NSA information to black mail, or just leak information to the talking heads in the media to discredit these folks.

And Hawg, Morrell has always confused me. I thought he was corrupt as hell, then seemed to be candid about the O administration, and now just seems to be another "chosen one", among many, who served for "the greater good" in that WH.
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That was Mika on MSNBC. At the time of the interview, March 2017, the Russia stuff was just getting started. Mika was trying to take the concerned moderate approach to Trump the first few months of his administration. She was certainly surprised where Farkas took that interview.
Whens lunch
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fasthorses05 said:

I was going to reply to your comment before it went away.

I was going to say don't forget the $$$$$$$$$ some of these folks could have commanded from the Clinton administration for keeping their mouths shut. Whomever the Clinton's have used for 45 years as "silencer" is extraordinarily skilled, but even the Clinton's wouldn't be able to "sllence" all of the folks involved. I guess they could use the NSA information to black mail, or just leak information to the talking heads in the media to discredit these folks.

And Hawg, Morrell has always confused me. I thought he was corrupt as hell, then seemed to be candid about the O administration, and now just seems to be another "chosen one", among many, who served for "the greater good" in that WH.
Sorry...I deleted the post shortly after posting it. I thought the post blamed the various Ukrainians too much for this whole thing. While there was plenty of involvement and influence coming from that direction, the U.S. intel community was a huge problem.

As I said before deletion....the people in the intel community tasked to figure this stuff out (what the Brits, Ukrainians, Italians, and of course Americans were up too) were either so biased that they were blind to what was happening, in the tank for the DNC/ Hillary, or just really effing stupid....or maybe they orchestrated the whole thing.

Not when I'm done with it.
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.I deleted the post shortly after posting it. I thought the post blamed the various Ukrainians too much for this whole thing. While there was plenty of involvement and influence coming from that direction, the U.S. intel community was a huge problem.
They were under huge pressure by the Obama Administration. Biden threatening to withhold a billion in aid unless they fired a prosecutor investigating the company on which his son had a lucrative board seat and forbidding any investigation of Soros' organizations operating within Ukraine.

The new prosecutor was given a list of whom he could and could not investigate. Guess who was on the "do investigate list"? Manafort.

I actually feel a little sorry for the Ukrainians. Facing an angry President Hillary if they didn't play ball with what was being ordered by Obama's State Department and Vice-President?
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More and more, every day I am of the belief that there is not enough rope in this country to handle the amount of players involved in this disgusting display. SMH
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Trey Gowdy discusses Mike Morrell's statement it isn't "appropriate" for DOJ to review CIA assessments. He hammers on the point that counter-intel should never be forced into criminal investigations.
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