Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

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More Gowdy...the mysterious transcript. Likely referring to Papadopoulos. What transcript? Papadopoulos met with Halper in September 2016, a meeting which Papa though Halper was recording. See:
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drcrinum said:

Nunes was just interviewed on Maria Bartiromo's show. He said there were 2 separate investigations into Trump. The first began in late 2015 to early 2016 by the intelligence agencies/FBI. The second was started in the spring by the DNC/Fusion GPS/Steele. They merged together into one, but when? Likely much earlier than what we have been led to believe in Nune's opinion. The video clip should be available soon.
The money shot is 'when' because of what the timeline may imply.

Nunes infers the FBI and GPS investigations ran in parallel and later merged. What if these 2 investigations were never truly independent? We know about Nellie's CIA link. Did Steele receive any friendly Intel assistance from the CIA (or their UK proxy)? Were the CIA's sources on Trump/Russia mysteriously the same as Steele's?

Not saying that GPS's project was a CIA cutout ... but maybe Steele was a convenient CIA mule.
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benchmark said:

drcrinum said:

Nunes was just interviewed on Maria Bartiromo's show. He said there were 2 separate investigations into Trump. The first began in late 2015 to early 2016 by the intelligence agencies/FBI. The second was started in the spring by the DNC/Fusion GPS/Steele. They merged together into one, but when? Likely much earlier than what we have been led to believe in Nune's opinion. The video clip should be available soon.
The money shot is 'when' because of what the timeline may imply.

Nunes infers the FBI and GPS investigations ran in parallel and later merged. What if these 2 investigations were never truly independent? We know about Nellie's CIA link. Did Steele receive any friendly Intel assistance from the CIA (or their UK proxy)? Were the CIA's sources on Trump/Russia mysteriously the same as Steele's?

Not saying that GPS's project was a CIA cutout ... but maybe Steele was a convenient CIA mule.
Initially it may well have been a UK concocted/managed plot to take down Trump rather than a CIA one. Have you ever read any of this chaps writings:
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Nunes infers the FBI and GPS investigations ran in parallel and later merged. What if these 2 investigations were never truly independent? We know about Nellie's CIA link. Did Steele receive any friendly Intel assistance from the CIA (or their UK proxy)? Were the CIA's sources on Trump/Russia mysteriously the same as Steele's?
Good point. How many times have we now seen where the FBI/DOJ plants a story in the media and then uses that story as corroboration for a court pleading, a search warrant, a FISA warrant? Circular sourcing.


The sources said Baker identified lawyer Michael Sussman, a former DOJ lawyer, as the Perkins Coie attorney who reached out to him and said the firm gave him documents and a thumb drive related to Russian interference in the election, hacking and possible Trump connections.

Information gathered separately by another congressional committee indicate the contact occurred in September, the month before the FISA warrant was approved.

A spokeswoman for the FBI declined comment. Spokespersons for Perkins Coie and the Justice Department did not return a message seeking comment.

The sources also said Baker's interview broke new ground both about the FBI's use of news media in 2016 and 2017 to further the Trump case and about Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's conversations in spring 2017 regarding possible use of a body wire to record Trump.

All roads lead back to Perkins, Coie.
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Good grief! That's one long and deep rabbit hole!
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drcrinum said:

Initially it may well have been a UK concocted/managed plot to take down Trump rather than a CIA one. Have you ever read any of this chaps writings:
Against the backdrop of HRC's election certainty, Brennan's CIA and UK's Intel were likely Twinkies. Hard to imagine Brennan being outside the circle.

Beyond Steele's fake dossier, fake collusion, unverified DNC "hack", and fake Russian agents ... all that's left are a few Russian fake social media troll farms. Durham peeling the "Crossfire Hurricane" onion should be entertaining.
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all that's left are a few Russian fake social media troll farms.
And there's still the possibility the Concord Management case (a/k/a Internet Research Agency) could be dismissed before trial.
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I have a question. Is Dr. Evelyn Farkas still alive ?
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drcrinum said:


.....We know it to be true because Admiral Mike Rogers uncovered and exposed the underlying crime. It is not an opinion. It is a fact. From 2012 until April of 2016 James Comey specifically authorized 3 contractors working for John Brennan and James Clapper unfettered access to NSA surveillance systems, including Prism.

We have already seen and read the ruling to the Attorney General from FISA Court Presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer who declared that of 40000 searches of the NSA databases between 2012 and 2016 that 85% or 32,500 were illegal......

We know there were private contractors with access to the NSA databases, but how many is the question as names/numbers of contractors were redacted in Collyer's report.
Also, we know that 85% of the NSA database searches were illegal between 2012 & 2016, but the actual number of searches was redacted in Collyer's report.

I've been following this but that's the first time I've seen the number of illegal database searches. That's insane. What's also insane is how people who have broke the law 32,500 times are walking the streets.
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oysterbayAG said:

I have a question. Is Dr. Evelyn Farkas still alive ?
She can still fog a mirror. Saw some op-ed she wrote last week during the Iranian hub-bub. Didn't read more than the first paragraph. Her solution? Reinstate Obama's Iran deal of course. Because it was working so well for certain people receiving bribes the first time.
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aggiehawg said:

Rockdoc said:

It's unbelievable that Obama is gonna get away with whatever crap he is pulling. And the dems are happy with it.
There is currently enough evidence to put Spygate inside the Oval Office. Enough reason for Durham to want to interview Obama, who is now a private citizen. But consider the position into which such a request would put the Trump Administration?
This whole circus was allowed to happen because of the Obama administration or was actually directed by the Obama administration. The media will criticize Trump of course, but they do that every day anyways. Trump has every reason and right to investigate Obama. It's the position Obama put the Trump administration in.
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TexAgs91 said:

aggiehawg said:

Rockdoc said:

It's unbelievable that Obama is gonna get away with whatever crap he is pulling. And the dems are happy with it.
There is currently enough evidence to put Spygate inside the Oval Office. Enough reason for Durham to want to interview Obama, who is now a private citizen. But consider the position into which such a request would put the Trump Administration?
This whole circus was allowed to happen because of the Obama administration or was actually directed by the Obama administration. The media will criticize Trump of course, but they do that every day anyways. Trump has every reason and right to investigate Obama. It's the position Obama put the Trump administration in.
From ground level, sure. From the 30,000 foot level, not as simple a calculation. The office of President means more than just the current occupant. Although Obama sicced his IC, DOJ and FBI on Trump the candidate, would Trump returning the favor really further the interests for the office and succeeding administrations?

And if employees and advisors to those administrations could be assured of massive legal fees after their term of service, who would want the jobs?

Cost/benefit analysis.

Ultimately? Let the investigations continue until the are in the Oval Office with Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Valerie Jarrett all having their time in dock. Then pardon Obama. The stain will always be there.
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Those who haven't followed the backstory might not catch what Nunes is saying. However, if you followed closely, and accept that Rosenstein was part of the problem, then you see how FBI Director Christopher Wray came into office; and, more importantlyhow/why Wray selected former DOJ-NSD head Dana Boente to shift from main justice to be legal counsel for the FBI.

Boente took over for former chief legal counsel James Baker, after the discoveries around Baker and McCabe could no longer be hidden. After being removed from responsibility eventually Baker resigned and went to work with the Lawfare group.

Boente's job at FBI was/is to bury information, block congressional inquiry, and protect the crew. Boente, along with Christopher Wray, is still there.

In a Fox News interview on Sunday, Nunes said "someone at the FBI" appears to have been "determined to hide" then-Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec's notes from both the FISA court and Congress. Our research identified that "someone" as Dana Boente and crew more than a year ago.

Throughout 2016, 2017 and through today, across both administrations, the corrupt group within the FBI in DC were/are protecting themselves. The FBI redacted the Lisa Page and Peter Strzok text messages. The FBI removed Page and Strzok texts and emails. The FBI hid texts and emails from Lisa Page to Andrew McCabe. The FBI kept documents from congress. The FBI has leaked false information to media to cover their tracks; and yes the Trump FBI and GOPe politicians have participated writ large, many still do.

The corrupt FBI under Comey, McCabe and Baker is being protected and facilitated by the corrupt FBI under Christopher Wray, David Bowditch (San Bernadino infamy) and Dana Boente. It's one long continuum of exactly the same behavior. Remember, 50 FBI 'agents' on Mueller's team? Etc. This DC network is ideologically aligned, operating on their own self-interests, and facilitated by a compliant media.

When John Carlin resigned as Asst. Attorney General in charge of the DOJ National Security Division in October 2016 he was replaced by Principal Deputy Asst. Attorney General and Chief of Staff, Mary McCord. After President Trump took office on January 20th, 2017, Sally Yates was Acting AG and Mary McCord was in charge of the DOJ-NSD.

Yates and McCord were the two Main Justice officials who then engaged with White House Counsel Don McGahn on January 26th, 2017, regarding the General Flynn FBI interview conducted on January 24th. The Trump-Russia Collusion Conspiracy was the headline.

On January 30th, 2017, Sally Yates was fired for refusing to defend the Trump travel ban from extremist countries. Yates was replaced on January 31st by the U.S. Attorney from the Eastern District of Virginia (EDVA), Dana Boente.

When Jeff Sessions became AG, Dana Boente became Acting Deputy AG, a role he would retain until Rod Rosenstein was confirmed on April 25th, 2017. [Mary McCord remained head of the DOJ-National Security Division]

On March 2nd, 2017, Dana Boente was one of the small group who participated in a conversation that led to the recusal of Jeff Sessions from anything related to the 2016 election. This recusal included the ongoing FBI counterintelligence investigation known as Crossfire Hurricane, which was later picked up by Robert Mueller.


With AG Jeff Sessions recused on March 2, 2017, FBI Director James Comey now reported to Acting Deputy AG Dana Boente. [Technically, Boente is still EDVA U.S. Attorney and is only 'acting' as Deputy AG] Additionally, on March 31st, 2017, President Trump signs executive order 13787 making the U.S. EDVA Attorney the 3rd in line for DOJ succession.

Question: If Dana Boente was appointed "Acting Attorney General" on January 31st, 2017 (he was), then why did Don McGahn need to draw up XO 13787 on March 31st, 2017 especially after confirmed AG Jeff Sessions was already in place Feb 9th?

The answer likely has to do with a sign-off needed for FISA.

See the issue?
How does somebody (unknown) advise White House Counsel Don McGahn to draw up an executive order so that Boente can sign a FISA. without telling Don McGahn the reason why AG Sessions can't sign off on the FISA? See the issue now?
Hoo boy!

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Regarding Obama, you're correct. Whether they get him, or not, as long as he is irreversably stained for the rest of his life, it's okay by me. There are about 50 people I would like to see in prison, but that will take time. All of the players at the "meetings", Rice, Brennan, Biden, Comey, Strozk, etc. will be indicted sometime.

Oh, our friend Jarrett needs to have significant legal fees and stress-lots, and lots of stress.

Lastly, and this assumes I get what I want (always happens), it would be neat to have the media tree drawn out to see who leaked to who, who ran it, and how many times. This must include names and the number of times it occured. I wonder if there's culpability to certain media members at the end of this?

Talk about watching, or reading with a scotch!! I would be joyfully happy.

And Dr. Farkas is a true believer, I think. Unless she's an incredibly skilled liar, I don't think she was in on the planning shenanigans. Of course, I could be wrong..
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That's an absolute fascinating article by Sundance -- a must read.
It's worse than we thought, but actually, we have been spot on that Liu, Wray, Rosenstein & Mueller are black hats whose primary goal has been to protect the Swamp.
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I am not a lawyer, so the following statements may be dumb, probably are dumb. Could win for the dumbest.

I looked up the statute of limitations for sedition. Looks like there isn't?

As much of the apparently illegal acts perpetrated by these people approach a typical five year statute of limitations, I will feel more comfortable that these criminals will be held accountable if charges of sedition are being presented to grand juries. Maybe perpetrators lower in the hierarchy will be willing to turn on their superiors if facing sedition charges.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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aggiehawg said:

TexAgs91 said:

aggiehawg said:

Rockdoc said:

It's unbelievable that Obama is gonna get away with whatever crap he is pulling. And the dems are happy with it.
There is currently enough evidence to put Spygate inside the Oval Office. Enough reason for Durham to want to interview Obama, who is now a private citizen. But consider the position into which such a request would put the Trump Administration?
This whole circus was allowed to happen because of the Obama administration or was actually directed by the Obama administration. The media will criticize Trump of course, but they do that every day anyways. Trump has every reason and right to investigate Obama. It's the position Obama put the Trump administration in.
From ground level, sure. From the 30,000 foot level, not as simple a calculation. The office of President means more than just the current occupant. Although Obama sicced his IC, DOJ and FBI on Trump the candidate, would Trump returning the favor really further the interests for the office and succeeding administrations?

And if employees and advisors to those administrations could be assured of massive legal fees after their term of service, who would want the jobs?

Cost/benefit analysis.

Ultimately? Let the investigations continue until the are in the Oval Office with Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Valerie Jarrett all having their time in dock. Then pardon Obama. The stain will always be there.

You're talking about the lib projection that republicans want to prosecute their political rivals? Depending on the full scope of Obama's crimes I agree with you about the pardon, with the caveat that I don't know all of what Obama is guilty of yet. If the level of his guilt rises high enough then you'd have to consider letting him face the music.

There's a lot of libs who have no problem prosecuting and indicting Trump. Some even seem ok with charging him with treason. The difference though is that Trump hasn't even done anything and the dems are guilty of by far the largest political scandal in the history of the US. That is an important difference. Especially if we're going to put the blind fold back on Lady Justice - that means a single tier justice system and no one is above the law.
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.....By the end of her nearly eight hours of testimony last week, Hicks obliterated many of the Russia-collusion talking points pushed by Democrats and the media for the last three years, even more expertly than Mueller did in his special counsel report. As one Democrat noted during the hearing, Hicks was "with [Trump] every day," during both the primary and general election. She would have known had the campaign colluded with Russia.

Yet her testimony made clear there was no Russia strategy, significant contact, collaboration, or collusion, which is why when Hicks was asked whether she thought the president "might be angry about [her] testifying before Congress today," her ready reply punctuated her significant -- but unreported -- testimony: "I think the president knows that I would tell the truth, and the truth is there was no collusion. And I'm happy to say that as many times as is necessary today."

Good read. Quite a different story than the one portrayed by the MSM.

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if employees and advisors to those administrations could be assured of massive legal fees after their term of service, who would want the jobs?

I think this is a given now if you serve a Republican president.
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BQ78 said:


if employees and advisors to those administrations could be assured of massive legal fees after their term of service, who would want the jobs?

I think this is a given now if you serve a Republican president.

Yep, that's the strategy.
Can I go to sleep Looch?
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From drcrinum's link:


When, following Trump's election, then-President Barack Obama raised questions about Michael Flynn to Trump, Hicks explained that warning tainted Trump's view of Flynn going forward. Trump "was a bit bewildered that, you know, of all the things that the two of them could have been discussing," it was Flynn that came up. (This detail also raises the question of Obama's motivation and his efforts to sour the president-elect's relationship with Flynn.)
So was the whole Innovo Turkish government contract with Flynn Intel Group a set-up? I'm going to do some back tracking to look at the time line.
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Good (long) read from Imperator Rex on Papadopoulos, Erdogan, Obama, Gulen & Middle East pipelines.
Flynn fits into this Turkish drama as well, & since Flynn was anti-Iran, one can see how Obama didn't want him in the White House. After reading the above article, it makes me wonder if Flynn & Papa were aware of each other's activities and perhaps may even have corresponded or met. Flynn had definite Israeli ties as well. It all comes down to natural gas. For a reference, below is a Flynn article to combine with the above:
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drcrinum said:

This article both reminds me of what a scumbag Obama was and adds a lot of new info about how corrupt Obama was. Actually it goes beyond corrupt. If all this is true Obama was doing everything he could to sell us out to our enemies.

Should Obama get a pardon after all this? I'm starting to think not. This is a textbook example of when an ex president should not receive a pardon.
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So the FBI 7th Floor setup the director?
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TexAgs91 said:

drcrinum said:

This article both reminds me of what a scumbag Obama was and adds a lot of new info about how corrupt Obama was. Actually it goes beyond corrupt. If all this is true Obama was doing everything he could to sell us out to our enemies.

Should Obama get a pardon after all this? I'm starting to think not. This is a textbook example of when an ex president should not receive a pardon.

If Obama receives a pardon, it just emboldens the next guy to go even further(see: Richard Nixon). BTW, what would be further other than murder? Let's ask Seth Rich.
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Its so crazy how much Obama did to screw up the FBI, CIA, and DOJ, his presidency used those organizations to go after political opponents 100% of the time, they were collecting information to be used in future elections against sitting Senators and Congressman...

it will be a real travesty if this is not brought to justice in the eyes of the public..

This Wray **** really makes my blood boil if its true... get the guy out of their if hes deep state
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fullback44 said:

Its so crazy how much Obama did to screw up the FBI, CIA, and DOJ, his presidency used those organizations to go after political opponents

And don't forget the IRS
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TexAgs91 said:

drcrinum said:

This article both reminds me of what a scumbag Obama was and adds a lot of new info about how corrupt Obama was. Actually it goes beyond corrupt. If all this is true Obama was doing everything he could to sell us out to our enemies.

Should Obama get a pardon after all this? I'm starting to think not. This is a textbook example of when an ex president should not receive a pardon.
There could be other options. Maybe suspend his sentence so that he is still guilty, but not in prison. Revoke his passport while you are at it.

I am OK with the prison option too.
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K188Ag said:

TexAgs91 said:

drcrinum said:

This article both reminds me of what a scumbag Obama was and adds a lot of new info about how corrupt Obama was. Actually it goes beyond corrupt. If all this is true Obama was doing everything he could to sell us out to our enemies.

Should Obama get a pardon after all this? I'm starting to think not. This is a textbook example of when an ex president should not receive a pardon.
There could be other options. Maybe suspend his sentence so that he is still guilty, but not in prison. Revoke his passport while you are at it.

I am OK with the prison option too.

What Obama and his crew did makes Watergate look like a kid taking a pack of gum from QuikTrip. They all need to be in PMITA prison. Including Obama. Otherwise we have a two-tier justice system. Why not just go full-blown Socialism? This 'protect the office of the Presidency' is crap once it's been shredded like it has.
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TexAgs91 said:

drcrinum said:

This article both reminds me of what a scumbag Obama was and adds a lot of new info about how corrupt Obama was. Actually it goes beyond corrupt. If all this is true Obama was doing everything he could to sell us out to our enemies.

Should Obama get a pardon after all this? I'm starting to think not. This is a textbook example of when an ex president should not receive a pardon.
Remember - Jarrett is Iranian. Makes me wonder what her influence was on Obama.
Sarge 91
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Wendy 1990 said:

TexAgs91 said:

drcrinum said:

This article both reminds me of what a scumbag Obama was and adds a lot of new info about how corrupt Obama was. Actually it goes beyond corrupt. If all this is true Obama was doing everything he could to sell us out to our enemies.

Should Obama get a pardon after all this? I'm starting to think not. This is a textbook example of when an ex president should not receive a pardon.
Remember - Jarrett is Iranian. Makes me wonder what her influence was on Obama.
She is not Iranian. She was born in Iran to two American parents who ran a children's hospital in Iran. They relocated to London when she was 5.

That being said, I do think VJ has an outsized empathy with Iran and its mullahs. And, I believe she was pulling BHO's strings and running the White House for eight years, including the development of Iran policy.
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