Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,433,415 Views | 49262 Replies | Last: 2 days ago by nortex97
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Rosenstein's staying? Didn't see that one coming.

Have no idea why he would want to stay with Horowitz breathing down his neck.
Sarge 91
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Prognightmare said:

Apologies, I don't really interact much on this thread. I just try share things that others, that are really engaged here, might find valuable.
No complaints about you posting the tweet. I was intending to point out the fact that it was an aged article that was just now being publicized/re-publicized. Would indicate something important in the article that was missed the first time around.
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aggiehawg said:

Rosenstein's staying? Didn't see that one coming.

Have no idea why he would want to stay with Horowitz breathing down his neck.

Two theories:

1. Keeping him in the loop, and having him clear Team Trump, removes the left crying the results were partisan. i.e., if he signs off on what gets released to Congress and the public, no one can say it was partisan, redacted, etc.

2. Rosenstein is so dirty that they're keeping him on and making him own the Mueller thing and clearing of Trump. Basically, they have proof he committed high crimes against the U.S., and say "either you do exactly as we say or you get to face charges with the rest of your buddies." Shorter: leverage.

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As I will detail later this week, the reason McCain passed along the dossier to Comey appears to have had less to do with national security than with confirming that explosive news with complicit journalists. While McCain worked over the news media in late 2016 to peddle stories about Trump and Russia, Kramer worked with Simpson behind the scenes to validate the dossier. It was a carefully executed strategy -- in collaboration with the Democrats -- to undermine Trump and sap the public's trust in their newly-elected president.

In the end, it backfired.

Great read on he who shall not be named, now a confirmed liar & back stabber.
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1. Keeping him in the loop, and having him clear Team Trump, removes the left crying the results were partisan. i.e., if he signs off on what gets released to Congress and the public, no one can say it was partisan, redacted, etc.
Well, we know Trump really doesn't care that much about optics. So if that theory carries water, then it was solely Barr's decision because of that useless and stupid House resolution about releasing the currently non-existent Mueller report.

Maybe Rosenstein is being kept on as a cooperating witness but I would hope his clearances would have been reduced. He's still reportedly the liasion to Mueller so he kept his clearance level.

Maybe the fancy law firm rescinded their job offer to him? And he requested additional time to secure another job?
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Here are the documents related to the search warrant for Michael Cohen's home -- horribly lengthy. "Conspiracy, false bank entries, false statements to a financial institution, wire fraud, bank fraud, and illegal campaign contributions." Extensive details about the financial dealings. However, the entire 17 pages concerning details about the illegal campaign donations are redacted.
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aggiehawg said:


1. Keeping him in the loop, and having him clear Team Trump, removes the left crying the results were partisan. i.e., if he signs off on what gets released to Congress and the public, no one can say it was partisan, redacted, etc.
Well, we know Trump really doesn't care that much about optics. So if that theory carries water, then it was solely Barr's decision because of that useless and stupid House resolution about releasing the currently non-existent Mueller report.

Maybe Rosenstein is being kept on as a cooperating witness but I would hope his clearances would have been reduced. He's still reportedly the liasion to Mueller so he kept his clearance level.

Maybe the fancy law firm rescinded their job offer to him? And he requested additional time to secure another job?
Generally I'd agree with you on optics.

But I also think that for this collusion nonsense to truly go away, they need people like Rosenstein to come out publicly and own it, as opposed to someone like Barr who the Dems will just argue is a political appointee.

If a guy that discussed invoking the 25th to remove Trump comes out and says "I've seen all the evidence Mueller came up with, and he and I both agree there was no collusion", then that tees Trump up to spike the football on the Dems and tell America the real problems with the election run-up.

Just a theory, time will tell.
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Good point. And I hope you are right.

Rosenstein is an odd duck to me. Hard for me to discern his motivations and thought processes because he's been all over the place at different times. That August 2, 2017 memo expanding Mueller's jurisdiction has always stuck in my craw.

And this morning's reveal that Cohen was under investigation in July 2017 just reinforce my view. A nearly nine hundred page search warrant, with exhibits? That takes a ton of time to develop and write. Another thing that makes me believe there was a FISA warrant on Cohen as a result of the Steele Dossier.

Indicates to me that Rosenstein gave the go-ahead for Mueller to target not only Manafort (retroactively, it would appear) but also Cohen. Even now there are redactions presumably because of 'ongoing investigations' which says there are more warrants (even FISA) out there.

Who else was targeted in the August 2017 memo??
Ellis Wyatt
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drcrinum said:


Great read on he who shall not be named, now a confirmed liar & back stabber.

...and currently moldering in the grave.
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So Rosenstein will be out when his successor is confirmed.

And Rosenstein is being pressed about his involvement with the Carter Page FISA.
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"And answer questions "

Hasn't it been stated several times on this thread that once they're out it a lot more difficult to question people? Maybe that's why they're keeping Rosy on??
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Cepe said:

"And answer questions "

Hasn't it been stated several times on this thread that once they're out it a lot more difficult to question people? Maybe that's why they're keeping Rosy on??
Correct. As I stated when the news first hit that Rosy was staying on awhile longer, he would still have Horowitz breathing down his neck. Apparently he also has Barr's full attention.
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Bill Barr has ordered a review of the Carter Page FISA Warrant
This will be interesting. It sure seems like they broke a lot of rules on this one. #1 for me is alleging he is an agent of the Russian government without disclosing the fact he actually worked with the FBI to catch and convict a real agent of the Russian government. They reiterated that claim every renewal while never finding any actual evidence.
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They reiterated that claim every renewal while never finding any actual evidence.
Not to mention continuing probable cause for each renewal.
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Indicates to me that Rosenstein gave the go-ahead for Mueller to target not only Manafort (retroactively, it would appear) but also Cohen. Even now there are redactions presumably because of 'ongoing investigations' which says there are more warrants (even FISA) out there.
I've always wondered if the left was spying on all candidates prior to the primaries? Were they spying on all of the leading candidates so they could be ready to try and take them down if they had won (not just Trump)? Why wouldnt they if they thought they had this in the bag? This seems to me like this had been a well thought out plan, that had been done multiple times, but the wheels just came off this time and it was with Trump...who wasnt going to let them take him down.
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My gut feeling as all this first started coming to the surface is that I suspected most of the R candidates were being spied upon.
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aggiehawg said:

Cepe said:

"And answer questions "

Hasn't it been stated several times on this thread that once they're out it a lot more difficult to question people? Maybe that's why they're keeping Rosy on??
Correct. As I stated when the news first hit that Rosy was staying on awhile longer, he would still have Horowitz breathing down his neck. Apparently he also has Barr's full attention.
Forgive my ignorance, but is this the same Horowitz from the IG's office? If so, that's hardly a fear Rosy should have. I'm not saying Horowitz isn't competent, I am saying his job description severely restrains him in an investigation.

Now, if this isn't the same person, never mind!
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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ATMTWS said:


Indicates to me that Rosenstein gave the go-ahead for Mueller to target not only Manafort (retroactively, it would appear) but also Cohen. Even now there are redactions presumably because of 'ongoing investigations' which says there are more warrants (even FISA) out there.
I've always wondered if the left was spying on all candidates prior to the primaries? Were they spying on all of the leading candidates so they could be ready to try and take them down if they had won (not just Trump)? Why wouldnt they if they thought they had this in the bag? This seems to me like this had been a well thought out plan, that had been done multiple times, but the wheels just came off this time and it was with Trump...who wasnt going to let them take him down.
There was already news that Cruz said he was spied on too (came out sometime in the fall if I remember right).

Considering Obama had his intelligence apparatus spying on any journalist that was hostile to his administration, not really a reach that they were spying on all the Republicans.

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fasthorses05 said:

aggiehawg said:

Cepe said:

"And answer questions "

Hasn't it been stated several times on this thread that once they're out it a lot more difficult to question people? Maybe that's why they're keeping Rosy on??
Correct. As I stated when the news first hit that Rosy was staying on awhile longer, he would still have Horowitz breathing down his neck. Apparently he also has Barr's full attention.
Forgive my ignorance, but is this the same Horowitz from the IG's office? If so, that's hardly a fear Rosy should have. I'm not saying Horowitz isn't competent, I am saying his job description severely restrains him in an investigation.

Now, if this isn't the same person, never mind!
It's the same person but with Barr confirmed as AG; the calculus is now different than before
"And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
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Forgive my ignorance, but is this the same Horowitz from the IG's office? If so, that's hardly a fear Rosy should have. I'm not saying Horowitz isn't competent, I am saying his job description severely restrains him in an investigation.

Now, if this isn't the same person, never mind!
Horowitz loses access to witnesses once they are no longer at DOJ, was my point. Horowitz is supposedly still investigating FISA abuse. Which, in and of itself, indicates to me there are more improper FISA warrants out there than just Carter Page.
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Thanks, guys.

Y'alls frickin' business is like the entire US tax code. I understand the first 100,000 pages, but it's the other 400,000 pages that's hard to really know.
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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You are welcome.

I have always been a political junkie since 1972 when I ripped a fellow junior high student's Nixon button off of his shirt and stomped on it, because I was following the early reports of what would turn out to be Watergate.

(Full disclaimer: Parents were Texas Democrats, meaning very conservative. They voted for Humphrey in 1968 but just couldn't go as far as McGovern. In 1972, they switched to the Republican Party but I hadn't gotten the memo yet.)
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aggiehawg said:

You are welcome.

I have always been a political junkie since 1972 when I ripped a fellow junior high student's Nixon button off of his shirt and stomped on it, because I was following the early reports of what would turn out to be Watergate.

(Full disclaimer: Parents were Texas Democrats, meaning very conservative. They voted for Humphrey in 1968 but just couldn't go as far as McGovern. In 1972, they switched to the Republican Party but I hadn't gotten the memo yet.)
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I was 13. But I humbly beg forgiveness. When I was finally able to vote, in 1980, I voted for Reagan, if that has some redemption value.
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aggiehawg said:

I was 13. But I humbly beg forgiveness. When I was finally able to vote, in 1980, I voted for Reagan, if that has some redemption value.
You rock Hawg!
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I know.
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I propose we go lenient with AggieHawg for her transgression. When she does her nude walk of atonement we will not throw rotting food, excrement, nor hurl superlatives her direction but instead, just give her a slight smile with an accepting head nod.
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Agnzona said:

I propose we go lenient with AggieHawg for her transgression. When she does her nude walk of atonement we will not throw rotting food, excrement, nor hurl superlatives her direction but instead, just give her a slight smile with an accepting head nod.
How generous of you.

Does that also include my Perot vote in 1992?
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I voted for Perot in 92! But back in 72 I was sporting a Goldwater button. I hate to think of what you would have done to that precosious 11 year old me.
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Things seem to be going in the direction of the Obama Administration being drunk with spying on almost everyone for a long time. Trump seems to be feeling his oats with his tweets lately, maybe because of what he knows and sees blood in the water. Obama has been very quiet lately !
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Agnzona said:

I voted for Perot in 92! But back in 72 I was sporting a Goldwater button. I hate to think of what you would have done to that precosious 11 year old me.
But you were in Arizona, I presume, since in 1972, would have been for a Senate campaign.

Looking back, my parents were traumatized by JFK's assassination to such an extent, they knee-jerked their way into LBJ and then Humphrey, as 1968 was so chaotic. They probably would have voted RFK with little thought, had he lived. Ironic, since the distance between RFK and McGovern wasn't that great but in the meantime we had moved up north and Dad was a big oil exec.

He learned to vote his pocketbook.
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Actually it would have been his 64 presidential campaign button, that I proudly wore to alert all Republicans that I was a real conservative. And I was living in Texas, born and bred. Didn't move to Arizona for another 25 years.
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Agnzona said:

Actually it would have been his 64 presidential campaign button, that I proudly wore to alert all Republicans that I was a real conservative. And I was living in Texas, born and bred. Didn't move to Arizona for another 25 years.

Dedicated. I'm impressed.
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