Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,433,446 Views | 49262 Replies | Last: 2 days ago by nortex97
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So my wife just watched Snowden and was pissed. Her reaction is "what did they do? Who paid the price?"

My response: Nothing happened. Obama took it a step further and weaponized the intelligence community for political reasons. And the media has carried his water ever since.
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Prognightmare said:

Not surprised by Dems, but Senator Corker too?
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PSA - Some "Republicans" are actually dims in disguise
Who is John Galt?

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Good read.
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Former Obama White House Counsel and Clinton-linked attorney Greg Craig may soon be charged by the Justice Department for engaging in illegal unregistered overseas lobbying, in a case initially probed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller -- a development that would make him the first Democrat to face prosecution amid the long-running Russia investigation.
The case centers on lobbying work that Craig performed in 2012 for the Russian-backed president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, while Craig was a partner at the law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. Craig allegedly never registered as a foreign agent under a U.S. law known as the Foreign Agents Registration Act, or FARA, which requires lobbyists to declare publicly if they represent foreign leaders, governments or their political parties.

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Separately, New York prosecutors are also looking into potential similar charges regarding another Clinton-connected Washington insider, Tony Podesta. In September, Manafort admitted to directing two firms -- Mercury Public Affairs and the Podesta Group -- to lobby in the U.S. on behalf of a Ukrainian political party and Ukraine's government, then led by Yanukovych, Manafort's longtime political patron.

Mercury and Podesta, which were paid a combined $2 million on the project, then registered under a less stringent lobbying law that doesn't require as much public disclosure as FARA.
About freakin' time.

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And so, the Barnetts' new chocolate Lab was christened Mueller an homage to the stoic special prosecutor appointed to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 election and whether members of the Trump campaign played any part.
For devoted Democrats like Barnett, Robert Mueller has become a sort of folk hero since his appointment in May 2017. To them, he represents calm in the face of a storm, quiet in a city of bombast, a symbol of hope that a presidency they view as dishonorable might soon face some type of consequences.
"He gives me reassurance that all is not lost," says Barnett, who lives with her family and Mueller the puppy in Kansas City, Kansas. "I admire his mystique. I admire that I haven't heard his voice. He is someone who can sift through all this mess and come up with a rationale that makes sense to everyone."


Wayne Shellabarger has sold two prints of his Mueller haircut illustration. One happy customer wrote that using the print as a meditation aide allowed her to stop taking anti-anxiety medication.
"The world has gone completely insane and topsy-turvy," Shellabarger says. "Mueller's hair is one little shining piece of sanity in a sea of madness, so precise and sober and straightforward and without deceit, absolutely by the book, the opposite of everything that's going on in the world."
He hung one of the haircut prints in his own living room in Oakland, California close to the television, so when he watches the news and his heart starts to pound, he can glance up at it.
There is such a thing as fact, it reminds him.
"And that gives me hope," Shellabarger says, "that since he's in charge, the world can be normal again."

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That can't be real
FTAG 2000
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blindey said:

That can't be real

You would be surprised.

My wife's aunt has a friend who is a hardcore lefty (I mean, campaigned for Hillary, etc.), and has suffered from TDS ever since the election.

The day Mueller was appointed, she changed her facebook cover photo to a picture of Mueller with hearts around the border of the photo.

Still has Hillary I'm with her photo as her profile pic.

She posts daily whatever talking point article comes from CNN or MSNBC about orange man bad / collusion.

I have her hidden, but right after the election she'd get 20-30 likes for posting whatever nonsense article of the day showed up about Mueller's investigation. Now she only typically has like 3-4 likes on the posting, and two of those are her and her husband.

She took off work and posted about it for the Cohen testimony a few weeks back.


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blindey said:

That can't be real
Further proof that libs are so insane that parody becomes reality.
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drcrinum said:

Good read.

And here we have the exact opposite perspective.

Lisa Page said senior FBI officials wanted to take Hillary Clinton down


I am aware of senior FBI officials talking to subordinate FBI officials on the Hillary Clinton investigative team who unquestionably had anti-Hillary sentiment, but who also said: You have to get her or again, I don't have an exact quote but like we're counting on you, you know,

My understanding, and I was never a personal witness to this, but this is what I've been told, was that at various times Sandy Kable (ph), who was an early executive in the case, as well as Randy Coleman, who at one point was the AD of the Counterintelligence Division, had both made comments to that effect.
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Lisa Page also confirmed the Russian investigation into Trump's campaign that got started in July 2016 did not, at first, include the GRU and Internet Research Agency activity that later got subsumed into the Mueller investigation.
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Keep in mind that the poster alph is a leftist shill and would be happy to have this thread shut down. Tread lightly with your responses, if any.
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alph said:

drcrinum said:

Good read.

And here we have the exact opposite perspective.

Lisa Page said senior FBI officials wanted to take Hillary Clinton down


I am aware of senior FBI officials talking to subordinate FBI officials on the Hillary Clinton investigative team who unquestionably had anti-Hillary sentiment, but who also said: You have to get her or again, I don't have an exact quote but like we're counting on you, you know,

My understanding, and I was never a personal witness to this, but this is what I've been told, was that at various times Sandy Kable (ph), who was an early executive in the case, as well as Randy Coleman, who at one point was the AD of the Counterintelligence Division, had both made comments to that effect.

From the Federalist article I posted:


Did Page ever see any political bias in the FBI? Her answer revealed everything. The only bias she perceived was anti-Clinton sentiment. She revealed, "I am aware of senior FBI officials talking to subordinate FBI officials on the Hillary Clinton investigative team who unquestionably had anti-Hillary sentiment, but who also said: 'You have to get her. We're counting on you.'"

These officials, Sandy Kable and Randy Coleman, had an early role in the Clinton email investigation but at the time they made these statements "were no longer in a position of authority over the Clinton investigation." This leaves one to wonder whether the FBI policed anti-Clinton bias in the investigation but not pro-Clinton, anti-Trump bias....

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blindey said:

Keep in mind that the poster alph is a leftist shill and would be happy to have this thread shut down. Tread lightly with your responses, if any.

That's what the ignore feature is for.
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alph said:

And here we have the exact opposite perspective.

Lisa Page said senior FBI officials wanted to take Hillary Clinton down

Bingo, that's why she's in prison right now, right? The fact they didn't file charges after Comey laid out a clear violation of the law belies that claim.
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drcrinum said:

alph said:

drcrinum said:

Good read.

And here we have the exact opposite perspective.

Lisa Page said senior FBI officials wanted to take Hillary Clinton down


I am aware of senior FBI officials talking to subordinate FBI officials on the Hillary Clinton investigative team who unquestionably had anti-Hillary sentiment, but who also said: You have to get her or again, I don't have an exact quote but like we're counting on you, you know,

My understanding, and I was never a personal witness to this, but this is what I've been told, was that at various times Sandy Kable (ph), who was an early executive in the case, as well as Randy Coleman, who at one point was the AD of the Counterintelligence Division, had both made comments to that effect.

From the Federalist article I posted:


Did Page ever see any political bias in the FBI? Her answer revealed everything. The only bias she perceived was anti-Clinton sentiment. She revealed, "I am aware of senior FBI officials talking to subordinate FBI officials on the Hillary Clinton investigative team who unquestionably had anti-Hillary sentiment, but who also said: 'You have to get her. We're counting on you.'"

These officials, Sandy Kable and Randy Coleman, had an early role in the Clinton email investigation but at the time they made these statements "were no longer in a position of authority over the Clinton investigation." This leaves one to wonder whether the FBI policed anti-Clinton bias in the investigation but not pro-Clinton, anti-Trump bias....

It doesn't discount their bias if the statements were made after being reassigned. Coleman was the senior most official overseeing the email probe and had an early but lengthy role in the investigation.
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alph said:

drcrinum said:

alph said:

drcrinum said:


Good read.

And here we have the exact opposite perspective.

Lisa Page said senior FBI officials wanted to take Hillary Clinton down


I am aware of senior FBI officials talking to subordinate FBI officials on the Hillary Clinton investigative team who unquestionably had anti-Hillary sentiment, but who also said: You have to get her or again, I don't have an exact quote but like we're counting on you, you know,

My understanding, and I was never a personal witness to this, but this is what I've been told, was that at various times Sandy Kable (ph), who was an early executive in the case, as well as Randy Coleman, who at one point was the AD of the Counterintelligence Division, had both made comments to that effect.

From the Federalist article I posted:


Did Page ever see any political bias in the FBI? Her answer revealed everything. The only bias she perceived was anti-Clinton sentiment. She revealed, "I am aware of senior FBI officials talking to subordinate FBI officials on the Hillary Clinton investigative team who unquestionably had anti-Hillary sentiment, but who also said: 'You have to get her. We're counting on you.'"

These officials, Sandy Kable and Randy Coleman, had an early role in the Clinton email investigation but at the time they made these statements "were no longer in a position of authority over the Clinton investigation." This leaves one to wonder whether the FBI policed anti-Clinton bias in the investigation but not pro-Clinton, anti-Trump bias....

It doesn't discount their bias if the statements were made after being reassigned. Coleman was the senior most official overseeing the email probe and had an early but lengthy role in the investigation.
Except, in Clinton's case, they already had hard evidence of an actual crimethe bathroom server. There's a difference between

1). "We cant let someone who has already ignored national security policy and, plausibly, got a lot of foreign intelligence assets killed (in China);


2). "We cant let someone who's not an insider become President and possibly screw up the government scam we're using to get wealthy."

You may disagree that 2 is a correct characterization of Page/Stzrok, Brennan, etc, but the evidence is pretty clear their concern was never over any crime Trump committed or even tried to commit.
PatentMike, J.D.
BS Biochem
MS Molecular Virology

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VegasAg86 said:

alph said:

And here we have the exact opposite perspective.

Lisa Page said senior FBI officials wanted to take Hillary Clinton down

Bingo, that's why she's in prison right now, right? The fact they didn't file charges after Comey laid out a clear violation of the law belies that claim.
We could expand on your thought. If not prosecuting this "clear violation of the law" is conformation of pro-Clinton bias, then why has the current administration pursued this course? What is the statue of limitations for this supposed crime?
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alph said:

VegasAg86 said:

alph said:

And here we have the exact opposite perspective.

Lisa Page said senior FBI officials wanted to take Hillary Clinton down

Bingo, that's why she's in prison right now, right? The fact they didn't file charges after Comey laid out a clear violation of the law belies that claim.
We could expand on your thought. If not prosecuting this "clear violation of the law" is conformation of pro-Clinton bias, then why has the current administration pursued this course? What is the statue of limitations for this supposed crime?
I didn't say it confirmed a pro-Clinton bias, I said it disproves the claim of an anti-Clinton bias.
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Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko told Hill.TV's John Solomon in an interview aired on Wednesday that he has opened a probe into alleged attempts by Ukrainians to interfere in the United States' 2016 presidential election....

Lutsenko is probing a claim from a member of the Ukrainian parliament that the director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), Artem Sytnyk, attempted to the benefit of the 2016 U.S. presidential election on behalf of Hillary Clinton. ...

"It means that we think Mr. Sytnyk, the NABU director, officially talked about criminal investigation with Mr. [Paul] Manafort, and at the same time, Mr. Sytnyk stressed that in such a way, he wanted to assist the campaign of Ms. Clinton," he continued.

Solomon asked Lutsenko about reports that a member of Ukraine's parliament obtained a tape of the current head of the NABU saying that he was attempting to help Clinton win the 2016 presidential election, as well as connections that helped release the black-ledger files that exposed Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's wrongdoing in Ukraine

You will remember that the leaked Ukrainian ledger led to the downfall of Manafort in August 2016, representing a major scandal for the Trump Campaign at the time. You can read the initial article in the MSM here:

Although her fingerprints were not on the ledger, the principal connection between the DNC & the Ukraine circa April-June 2016 was Alexandra Chalupa; you can read about her here:

Ukraine is a much bigger player in SpyGate than Russia. You will remember we recently learned that two Ukrainian officials were sources for the Dossier, Sergey Leshchenko (per Nellie Ohr) & Vasily Filipchuk (per Jack Posobiec). It is very likely that these two individuals were recruited directly by Alexandra Chalupa or through her efforts. Read the story below:

I wonder if Alexandra Chalupa was ever on the payroll of Fusion GPS or communicated with Steele.
Ellis Wyatt
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alph said:


And here we have the exact opposite perspective.

Lisa Page said senior FBI officials wanted to take Hillary Clinton down


I am aware of senior FBI officials talking to subordinate FBI officials on the Hillary Clinton investigative team who unquestionably had anti-Hillary sentiment, but who also said: You have to get her or again, I don't have an exact quote but like we're counting on you, you know,

Which matters not. There is no question Hillary committed multiple crimes. She wasn't set up, she wasn't ignorant of the law, she chose to use an illegal server to avoid oversight. She also knowingly violated laws regarding the handling of classified info.


We could expand on your thought. If not prosecuting this "clear violation of the law" is conformation of pro-Clinton bias, then why has the current administration pursued this course?
Of course you act like you're ignorant of the "insurance policy" and the fact that your corrupt party screams "OBSTRUCTION!!!!!!" when Trump even glances in the direction of the DOJ. He obviously can't see to it that the DOJ prosecutes Hillary.
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drcrinum said:


Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko told Hill.TV's John Solomon in an interview aired on Wednesday that he has opened a probe into alleged attempts by Ukrainians to interfere in the United States' 2016 presidential election....

Lutsenko is probing a claim from a member of the Ukrainian parliament that the director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), Artem Sytnyk, attempted to the benefit of the 2016 U.S. presidential election on behalf of Hillary Clinton. ...

"It means that we think Mr. Sytnyk, the NABU director, officially talked about criminal investigation with Mr. [Paul] Manafort, and at the same time, Mr. Sytnyk stressed that in such a way, he wanted to assist the campaign of Ms. Clinton," he continued.

Solomon asked Lutsenko about reports that a member of Ukraine's parliament obtained a tape of the current head of the NABU saying that he was attempting to help Clinton win the 2016 presidential election, as well as connections that helped release the black-ledger files that exposed Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's wrongdoing in Ukraine

You will remember that the leaked Ukrainian ledger led to the downfall of Manafort in August 2016, representing a major scandal for the Trump Campaign at the time. You can read the initial article in the MSM here:

Although her fingerprints were not on the ledger, the principal connection between the DNC & the Ukraine circa April-June 2016 was Alexandra Chalupa; you can read about her here:

Ukraine is a much bigger player in SpyGate than Russia. You will remember we recently learned that two Ukrainian officials were sources for the Dossier, Sergey Leshchenko (per Nellie Ohr) & Vasily Filipchuk (per Jack Posobiec). It is very likely that these two individuals were recruited directly by Alexandra Chalupa or through her efforts. Read the story below:

I wonder if Alexandra Chalupa was ever on the payroll of Fusion GPS or communicated with Steele.

...and the threads swerve towards one another again. Q posted a link to this story at 12:39....13 minutes after you posted it here. Edit: math is hard.
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...and the threads swerve towards one another again. Q posted a link to this story at 12:39....13 minutes after you posted it here. Edit: math is hard.

Q reads TexAgs?
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Very interesting tweet thread by Cates.

I'm still laughing my ass off at those who think the entire plot was exposed, aired out in public for the last year and a half so that..........

[can you believe this? I mean, really?]

they can let all the plotters walk away.

My God some people are dumb.

Remember what I told you earlier - I wrote columns about it. The Trump admin strategy on the SpyGate investigations/prosecutions/indictments is not to comment or *even acknowledge their existence* until they are ready.

How the DC Leak Culture Was Made Powerless to Thwart Spygate InvestigationsThere have been two competing narratives when it comes to the Spygate scandal. The first narrative is that ...

NOW READ THIS LETTER from Reps. Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows, in which they demand new AG William Barr give them an update on the criminal referral they made to the DOJ about Andrew McCabe more than a year ago.

NOWHERE in their letter do the two House Reps *even mention* or acknowledge the fact *there's already a grandy jury investigation of McCabe being led by US Attorneys.

The existence of that grand jury was revealed in a leak last September 6.

The Silent ProfessionalsWhile members on Robert Mueller's team have engaged in frequent media leaks, a group of prosecutors has quietly been investigating corruption.

Note they don't ask for any update on the GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION into McCabe that had been meeting for 'months' by the time it was revealed last September.
If these guys are playing a role of being clueless, they are doing a really great job of it.

Look at the opinion polls on SpyGate.


The *majority* of those polled now understand what happened.

A year and a half ago, was that true?


The constant drip-drip-drip rollout of the plot, carefully managed, has done it's work
If Trump launched major prosecutions in 2017, *without* public support & tried to *explain* after the fact, how well would that have worked, do you think?

Even mid 2018 the ground wasn't ready yet.

But now it is.

Many commentators never had any real faith in Trump to begin with, and are right now spinning tales about how he's stupidly been fooled again by appointing Barr, etc. etc. argle bargle barf.

You *just got done* watching Trump epically troll DC over the wall funding. He knew *all along* he was going to get the $ from the DoD as CinC and Congress couldn't do jack to stop him.

How many MONTHS did it take him to set that up?

What we call "SpyGate" is more massive and far reaching than most of you know. I've tried to explain the actual scope of this several times, then I gave it and decided to just let it happen.

Russian moles
Massive bribery scandals
Illegal spying on Congress.

Entire CIA networks being rolled up.
Massive exposure of top classified intelligence, including Special Access Programs.

Most people have NO IDEA this goes *far* beyond just spying on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

People who keep screaming "Well hurry up already!!!!" have no idea of the real scope and how far reaching this is.

This had to be carefully managed to avoid a societal collapse. I am not joking.

When you *begin* rolling all this out, the ground has to be ready or there will be massive upheaval.

The extent and depth of the corruption is staggering. Trump had to solidfy control of fed. agencies chock full of spies and saboteurs.

That was literally ALL of 2017, part 2018
When this gets rolled out, Democrats, DNC Media, Never Trump, etc. are going to realize that it's really being done, they're serious about not just airing all this stuff out but also about prosecuting the people that did it, they are going to TRY to literally start a civil war.

So people who say Trump & his team 'should have' pulled the trigger on this back in 2017 were always clueless.

They didn't understand the extent of this and that country ITSELF hangs in the balance if this is mishandled.

So no, the perps are NOT going to be allowed to walk away scott free after all that they were doing has been fully exposed to the public.

But the public exposure had to come FIRST and had be accepted by MOST of the public before taking the next step.
And people who can't see that or accept that have more problems than I can help them with.

Trump knows what he's doing.


ADDENDUM: forgot a point I was going to make.

In 2017 we had ANTIFA holding major riots in many large cities, remember THAT?

Now thanks to Sessions & others, they were dispersed and now only cause problems in deepest blue places like Portland, Oregon.
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Jonathan Turley (not a friend of Trump) weighs in on the Manhattan DA's state charges against Manafort. Even he is very alarmed at what those charges portend.


For more than a year, leading New York state prosecutors have openly pledged to get Manafort on some undefined crime to prevent Trump from releasing him from jail on a presidential pardon. They promised to find crimes that could be alleged in the state system, which would not at all be impacted by a presidential pardon. To do that, they only had to strip all citizens of certain rights.


New York is one of those states with its own protections against such abusive and duplicative charges. When Schneiderman was forced out of office for alleged sexual assault, his cause was picked up by his successor, Barbara Underwood, who has deemed the constitutional protection a loophole that would "thwart the cause of justice rather than advance it." You heard that right, a constitutional protection would "thwart justice" because it could be used by an unpopular individual such as Manafort.

These calls were then picked up by Vance and James, who promised to get Manafort at any cost. James actually campaigned for and was elected to the attorney general post in part on her effort to reduce constitutional protections for everyone in order to get one man. Now Vance has fulfilled his pledge and charged Manafort in New York. It is a striking contrast here that Scheiderman was allowed to walk on sexual assault charges because prosecutors determined that some punching and slapping without any consent is allowed for "sexual gratification." Yet, Manafort was charged on essentially the same alleged fraudulent conduct as in his federal case.

When I read the complaint against Manafort, I was struck not only by the overlap but the overkill. I had never seen the Manhattan district attorney bring such a case, but I could be mistaken. After all, Vance proclaimed he had a sacred duty to protect the "integrity of our residential mortgage market." That was news in itself. The core allegation was that Manafort lied about a condo being used as a home by his family, as opposed to a rental property. If that type of misrepresentation were truly prosecuted with vigor, New York would be a ghost town. In the land of rent controlled apartments, fraudulent practices are the norm. Indeed, Aaron Carr of the Housing Rights Initiative, a nonprofit housing watchdog group, declared recently that in New York "rent fraud is like finding rain in a rain storm."


What emerges is a picture that should trouble everyone who values blind and fair justice. Vance took the same underlying conduct from the federal cases to recharge Manafort then used the same conduct over and over to pile up 16 counts for mortgage fraud and falsifying business records. Most of the counts are built around defrauding Citizens Bank, leaving just four or five more charges pertaining to his involvement with a second bank. It is unclear whether "Lender #1" in many of the New York state charges is Citizens Bank, but it sure looks like those state charges are related to the Citizens Bank loan with "Lender #1" featured in the federal prosecution.

Manafort was convicted of defrauding the bank by securing a $3.4 million loan for his New York condo by saying that his family was living in it rather than renting it. However, James and others never succeeded in stripping the New York state constitution of the core protections related to double jeopardy. Vance charged him anyway,
Read the rest

These people have lost their minds, not to mention their last shred of legal professionalism and even Turley can see it.
Ellis Wyatt
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aggiehawg said:


...and the threads swerve towards one another again. Q posted a link to this story at 12:39....13 minutes after you posted it here. Edit: math is hard.

Q reads TexAgs?
If Q ends up being MF Barnes, I'm going to...
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Ellis Wyatt said:

aggiehawg said:


...and the threads swerve towards one another again. Q posted a link to this story at 12:39....13 minutes after you posted it here. Edit: math is hard.

Q reads TexAgs?
If Q ends up being MF Barnes, I'm going to...
Speaking of Barnes, any news about RoscoePColtrane? He hasn't posted in almost 2 months.
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No surprise here but Roger Stone's attorney has told Jabba the Hut Nadler to sod off.

He's taking the 5th

Would make no sense for Stone to cooperate with Nadler while under indictment.
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If Ukraine law enforcement figures who worked frequently with the U.S. Embassy did leak the Manafort documents in an effort to influence the American election for Clinton, the public deserves to know who knew what, and when.

Lutsenko's interview with Hill.TV raises another troubling dynamic: The U.S. Embassy and the chief Ukrainian prosecutor, who America entrusts with fighting corruption inside an allied country, currently have a dysfunctional relationship.

In our interview, Lutsenko accused the Obama-era U.S. Embassy in 2016 of interfering in his ability to prosecute corruption cases, saying the U.S. ambassador gave him a list of defendants that he would not be allowed to pursue and then refused to cooperate in an early investigation into the alleged misappropriation of U.S. aid in Ukraine.

Lutsenko provided me with a letter from the embassy, supporting part of his story by showing that a U.S. official did in fact ask him to stand down on the misappropriation-of-funds case. "We are gravely concerned about this investigation for which we see no basis," an embassy official named George Kent wrote to the prosecutor's office....

Seems the US Ambassador to Ukraine (Marie L. Yovanovitch) & her Charge d'Affaires (George Kent) have been interfering with as well as refusing to cooperate in Ukraine's investigation of Ukrainian officials who were aiding HRC's Campaign during the 2016 Presidential Election (a compromising letter is included in the article). Ms. Yovanovitch was appointed by Obama in August 2016 and still serves as the US Ambassador. Last year Rep. Pete Sessions sent a letter to SOS Pompeo (included in the article) informing him that Ms. Yovanovitch had been making disparaging remarks about the Trump Admin.
So, a second US Ambassador aiding & abetting the enemy. Hint: Interesting that ambassadors are drawing interest immediately after Rep. Meadows made his public remarks
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Lutsenko provided me with a letter from the embassy, supporting part of his story by showing that a U.S. official did in fact ask him to stand down on the misappropriation-of-funds case.
Using the Trump-Flynn standard, isn't this obstruction of justice?
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To me, the problem with Ukraine is trying to figure who are the good guys and who are Putin's covert puppets and whether people bounce back and forth depending on how the wind is blowing.

Confusing. But that letter from George Kent implies to me he was covering up some bribery or other scandal, with the FBI's help. Could be way off-base with that, of course.
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When did these govt. officials (Diplomats, Appointees, Designates, etc, etc.,) decide every Hollywood plot/scheme was SOP and the ethical "thing to do"??? Are formal authorizations even required anymore? Do audit trails even exist?

I missed that memo/executive order.
Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but upon what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force! But Jesus Christ founded His upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him. - Napoleon Bonaparte
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whatthehey78 said:

When did these govt. officials (Diplomats, Appointees, Designates, etc, etc.,) decide every Hollywood plot/scheme was SOP and the ethical "thing to do"??? Are formal authorizations even required anymore? Do audit trails even exist?

I missed that memo/executive order.
State Department has been a mess for years and years. Too much money sloshing around in the system and many people have their hands out for their piece of the pie.

Why do the Dems want to bring back the Iran Deal? Because the money spigot was turned off.
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