Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

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Batter Up!!


Michael Cohen's business partner on the failed Trump Tower Moscow project will testify publicly before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 27, the committee announced.

Felix Sater will testify "about his business ventures with the Trump Organization and the potential Trump Tower Moscow deal," according to a Thursday press release from the committee.

The committee will also have an open hearing on March 28 on "Putin's Playbook: The Kremlin's Use of Oligarchs, Money and Intelligence in 2016 and Beyond."

The hearings are the first under Democratic Chairman Adam Schiff's tenure.

Considering Sater was a long-term informant for the government, I wonder what else may come out?
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Click on this link:

Lots of speculation concerning the purpose of this DOJ flight to London. Steele? Assange? Cambridge Analytica?
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If you follow Zoe Tillman's twitter feed, Barr, Whitaker and Rosenstein were at Sessions' chair ceremony (he gets his actual Cabinet chair) today. So assume they weren't on it.
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NBC trying to manage expectations.



WASHINGTON Millions of Americans are waiting for Robert Mueller to give them the final word on whether the Trump campaign conspired with the 2016 Russian election interference effort and whether their president is under the influence of a foreign adversary.

Millions of Americans may be sorely disappointed.

Unless Mueller files a detailed indictment charging members of the Trump campaign with conspiring with Russia, the public may never learn the full scope of what Mueller and his team has found including potentially scandalous behavior that doesn't amount to a provable crime.

Whens lunch
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Tailgate88 said:

NBC trying to manage expectations.



WASHINGTON Millions of Americans are waiting for Robert Mueller to give them the final word on whether the Trump campaign conspired with the 2016 Russian election interference effort and whether their president is under the influence of a foreign adversary.

Millions of Americans may be sorely disappointed.

Unless Mueller files a detailed indictment charging members of the Trump campaign with conspiring with Russia, the public may never learn the full scope of what Mueller and his team has found including potentially scandalous behavior that doesn't amount to a provable crime.

Left: We need to start pushing another narrative hard. Time for another special council.
Not when I'm done with it.
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I think they should be far more concerned about where the evidence of collusion, FARA violations, and corruption IS leading...right back to the Dems, though painfully slowly as they try to stall for time.
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ABCNews tamping down expectations again.



The bottom line: Do not expect a harsh condemnation of President Donald Trump or any of his associates if they have not been charged with crimes.

The road map comes in the form a little-noticed 12-page letter written by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last June to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley.

The letter was in response to Grassley's demands for more information on the special counsel investigation, offers a brief history of special counsel investigations and actually quotes former and future Attorney General William Barr who appointed three special counsels during his time as attorney general under President George H.W. Bush.

In the letter, Rosenstein makes it clear he believes the Department of Justice will not and cannot without violating long-standing Department of Justice policy include disparaging or incriminating information about anybody who has not been charged with a crime.

"Punishing wrongdoers through judicial proceedings is only one part of the Department's mission," Rosenstein wrote. "We also have a duty to prevent the disclosure of information that would unfairly tarnish people who are not charged with crimes."

Sources familiar with the investigation believe there are no more indictments coming from the special counsel. If Mueller follows the guidance of the man who appointed him and supervised his investigation, he cannot publicly disparage those who have not been charged with a crime.
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Comey wrote an Op-Ed for the NYSlimes yesterday.
One wonders what Comey's definition of "morally unfit" means.

Here is a short commentary in response:

They know nothing further is coming from Mueller, so they are attempting to influence the fallout that will come after Mueller's report is released.
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"Morally unfit" means he is an uncouth boorish outsider who didn't do his time making connections and establishing a vast network of quid pro quo's that guarantee he can't do anything to or for anyone without some almost implicit and necessary consequence so that the established bureaucracy can largely control and dictate his actions to be consistent with their own vision of the future. He isn't "their man", bendable to their will. And he isn't a pretty product of their grooming.
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drcrinum said:

Comey wrote an Op-Ed for the NYSlimes yesterday.
One wonders what Comey's definition of "morally unfit" means.

Here is a short commentary in response:

They know nothing further is coming from Mueller, so they are attempting to influence the fallout that will come after Mueller's report is released.

Holy chit this guy has some nerve to make this statement:


Comey, who oversaw the FBI's collusion investigation for more than nine months until his firing, said that he has "no idea" whether Mueller will conclude that Trump knowing colluded with Russia. He also does not know whether Trump obstructed justice.

"I also don't care," he said.

"I care only that the work be done, well and completely. If it is, justice will have prevailed and core American values been protected at a time when so much of our national leadership has abandoned its commitment to truth and the rule of law."
Indeed sir, and it seems you have played a big part in that.
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Mueller is really trapped into making an honest report since the technology is now so advanced, and there has been a huge army of very smart Republicans on Trump's side crawling around in the weeds for two years now, including the IG, Judicial Watch etc. Almost everything about Trump and everything about Obama, Clinton and the Deep State is now well documented. There is no room for Mueller to fudge and all the smart Democrats know it.
Ellis Wyatt
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James Comey would be in jail right now if there were any justice.
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Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz confirmed Thursday his office is still investigating possible abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by the DOJ and FBI in their investigation into President Trump and associates of his 2016 campaign.

The revelation came during a panel discussion in Washington, D.C., when Horowitz was asked to divulge his biggest projects.
"We have a FISA-related review that people might have heard about that the deputy attorney general asked us to take a look at. But I'm not going to dwell on that," he said at the event alongside three other inspectors general hosted by the Atlantic Council.

Good to know but faster please.
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Interesting article about Hilliary's e-mail server & malicious Chinese microchips.
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I have no doubt Hilldawg's server was hacked, and probably more than once, but it was much more likely due to insecure mail server software and firewalls than mysterious malicious Chinese chips on the motherboard of their backup server. See: Occam's razor.
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Probably true, but I bet that all of the above was so easy to exploit that the Chinese government basically had real time access at all times.
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aggiehawg said:

ABCNews tamping down expectations again.



The bottom line: Do not expect a harsh condemnation of President Donald Trump or any of his associates if they have not been charged with crimes.

The road map comes in the form a little-noticed 12-page letter written by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein last June to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley.

The letter was in response to Grassley's demands for more information on the special counsel investigation, offers a brief history of special counsel investigations and actually quotes former and future Attorney General William Barr who appointed three special counsels during his time as attorney general under President George H.W. Bush.

In the letter, Rosenstein makes it clear he believes the Department of Justice will not and cannot without violating long-standing Department of Justice policy include disparaging or incriminating information about anybody who has not been charged with a crime.

"Punishing wrongdoers through judicial proceedings is only one part of the Department's mission," Rosenstein wrote. "We also have a duty to prevent the disclosure of information that would unfairly tarnish people who are not charged with crimes."

Sources familiar with the investigation believe there are no more indictments coming from the special counsel. If Mueller follows the guidance of the man who appointed him and supervised his investigation, he cannot publicly disparage those who have not been charged with a crime.

Wait...I was promised indictments for all the kids and Kushner. WTF?
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drcrinum said:

Interesting article about Hilliary's e-mail server & malicious Chinese microchips.

The author was really trying hard to tie Hillary into the article. China's use of 'back doors' in hardware has been known for a while.
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Wait...I was promised indictments for all the kids and Kushner. WTF?
Remember a few weeks back the kerfluffle over Jared's security clearance forms? What happened to that?

Oh, that's right, a favored Dem, Jamie Gorelick, filed all of his forms and was still acting as his lawyer in regards to compliance. So quicker than a fart in a dust storm, the story disappeared.

They are throwing crap against the walls and it keeps splashing back on them.
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But John Brennan promised me...and the rock solid reporter Louise Mensch confirmed it. Mueller must be compromised by the Russians
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Good read. Several highlights:


Yesterday, @ProfMJCleveland pointed out the first Nail in the Coffin for FBI & @AdamSchiff's defense of the fraudulent FISA on @carterwpage: a documented affirmative lie vis a vis the alleged "termination" of FBI's relationship with Steele.

Here is @DevinNunes speaking on the Declassification effort of the SECOND NAIL, with a little preamble on Rosenstein's efforts to "assist"... do have a listen:
Trace carefully what Nunes is saying: 1) they have affirmative evidence in hand to blow the Collusion & FISA case out of the water, 2) put FBI leadership under criminal investigation, 3) the leadership knows it, 4) has discussed it, 5) and declassification is imminent.
Edit: Sorry, you have to click on the photo.
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blindey said:

alph said:

The author was really trying hard to tie Hillary into the article. China's use of 'back doors' in hardware has been known for a while.
Alph is back to goaltend for his beloved democrats and to try to get this thread shut down again. Such a dildo.
Don't even acknowledge the troll. He's only here to try and get the thread derailed and deleted again. Flag for trolling and move on.
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I hate to post this because it will generate clicks, but if you want to see who weak the Left's arguments have become, read this....written by one of the colluders in SpyGate, a reporter who colluded with Steele & Simpson to push the phony Dossier, David Corn. He may even be one of the reporters who was on Simpson's payroll.
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drcrinum said:

I hate to post this because it will generate clicks, but if you want to see who weak the Left's arguments have become, read this....written by one of the colluders in SpyGate, a reporter who colluded with Steele & Simpson to push the phony Dossier, David Corn. He may even be one of the reporters who was on Simpson's payroll.


Lost in much of the speculation is the fact that Mueller has no obligation to produce a report that details all he has uncoveredThere is no telling whether Mueller will answer the big questions

I.e. "believe me, there was tons of collusion (I promise) but that's doesn't mean Mueller will put it in his report..."
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Some new texts. This time between Lisa Page and her boss, McCabe. Timeline is the days preceding the application for the Carter Page warrant. It would appear DOJ had some concerns about signing off on the warrant and was stalling, much to the anger of Page and McCabe.


"OI [Office of Intelligence] now has a robust explanation re any possible bias of the chs [confidential human source] in the package," Lisa Page wrote to McCabe on Oct. 12, 2016. "Don't know what the holdup is now, other than Stu's continued concerns."

It's unclear whether the confidential source in question was Steele or another individual. "Stu" was an apparent reference to Stuart Evans, then the DOJ's National Security Division deputy assistant attorney general. In one previously unearthed and since-unredacted text message, former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok texted Lisa Page that he was "Currently fighting with Stu for this FISA" in late 2016.


"Strong operational need to have in place before Monday if at all possible, which means to ct tomorrow," Page added. "I communicated you and boss's green light to Stu earlier, and just sent an email to Stu asking where things stood. This might take a high-level push. Will keep you posted."

Minutes later, Page sent another urgent text to McCabe: "If I have not heard back from Stu in an hour, I will invoke your name to say you want to know where things are, so long as that is okay with you."
Here's where it gets very interesting:


On Oct. 14, 2016, Page again wrote to McCabe, this time concerning a meeting with the White House.
"Just called," Page said to McCabe. "Apparently the DAG [Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates] now wants to be there, and WH wants DOJ to host. So we are setting that up now. ... We will very much need to get Cohen's view before we meet with her. Better, have him weigh in with her before the meeting. We need to speak with one voice, if that is in fact the case." ("Cohen" is likely then-Deputy CIA Director David Cohen.)

McCabe responded within the hour: "Thanks. I will reach out to David."

On Oct. 19, Page wrote to McCabe that the "meeting with WH counsel is finally set up."
So to recap, they needed firepower to overrule DOJ's concerns about signing off on the FISA application and voila! A meeting at the White House is arranged?

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aggiehawg said:

Some new texts. This time between Lisa Page and her boss, McCabe. Timeline is the days preceding the application for the Carter Page warrant. It would appear DOJ had some concerns about signing off on the warrant and was stalling, much to the anger of Page and McCabe.


"OI [Office of Intelligence] now has a robust explanation re any possible bias of the chs [confidential human source] in the package," Lisa Page wrote to McCabe on Oct. 12, 2016. "Don't know what the holdup is now, other than Stu's continued concerns."

It's unclear whether the confidential source in question was Steele or another individual. "Stu" was an apparent reference to Stuart Evans, then the DOJ's National Security Division deputy assistant attorney general. In one previously unearthed and since-unredacted text message, former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok texted Lisa Page that he was "Currently fighting with Stu for this FISA" in late 2016.


"Strong operational need to have in place before Monday if at all possible, which means to ct tomorrow," Page added. "I communicated you and boss's green light to Stu earlier, and just sent an email to Stu asking where things stood. This might take a high-level push. Will keep you posted."

Minutes later, Page sent another urgent text to McCabe: "If I have not heard back from Stu in an hour, I will invoke your name to say you want to know where things are, so long as that is okay with you."
Here's where it gets very interesting:


On Oct. 14, 2016, Page again wrote to McCabe, this time concerning a meeting with the White House.
"Just called," Page said to McCabe. "Apparently the DAG [Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates] now wants to be there, and WH wants DOJ to host. So we are setting that up now. ... We will very much need to get Cohen's view before we meet with her. Better, have him weigh in with her before the meeting. We need to speak with one voice, if that is in fact the case." ("Cohen" is likely then-Deputy CIA Director David Cohen.)

McCabe responded within the hour: "Thanks. I will reach out to David."

On Oct. 19, Page wrote to McCabe that the "meeting with WH counsel is finally set up."
So to recap, they needed firepower to overrule DOJ's concerns about signing off on the FISA application and voila! A meeting at the White House is arranged?

So, Obama didn't learn about the FISA when he saw it reported on TV?
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Link to the Andrew McCabe tweets per the FoxNews story above, the first McCabe tweets to be published.
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The texts at the link are FROM Lisa Page TO McCabe, correct?
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tsuag10 said:

The texts at the link are FROM Lisa Page TO McCabe, correct?
Both. It's McCabe's phone, so outgoing messages are from him and incoming are from her.
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Some speculation from John Dean, former Nixon WH counsel, and Carl Bernstein, reporter that broke the Watergate scandal.
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alph said:

Some speculation from John Dean, former Nixon WH counsel, and Carl Bernstein, reporter that broke the Watergate scandal.
So more fake news. Since when are journalists encouraged to make wild, unsupported speculations about crimes?
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Don't respond to trolls on this thread
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alph said:

Some speculation from John Dean, former Nixon WH counsel, and Carl Bernstein, reporter that broke the Watergate scandal.
Sweet! They're finally going to nail Hillary and Podesta, about time!!!!
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Let's keep this forum free of speculation. There's a thread on forum 16 for that!
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The Mueller Report just got dropped via
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