Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

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Prognightmare said:

If he could see his legacy now...
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justcallmeharry said:

Prognightmare said:

If he could see his legacy now...

Found it
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Other sources for the Dossier...Ukrainian officials!
(Video only, no transcript)

Edit: Nellie Ohr previously testified that Serhiy Leshchenko was a source for Fusion GPS, the implication being that his info was passed to Steele. Posobiec is reporting a new Ukrainian name giving info to Steele, a chap named Vasily Filipchuk.
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aggiehawg said:

Well, crap! They only released a few pages of Steele's deposition.

Only released 43 pages out of a 145 page deposition, & the judge gave no indication that any of the remainder will be released. Question: Is it possible that the DOJ could have made a sealed request to the judge not to reveal anything other than what directly pertained to the plaintiff Gubarev?
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  • Fusion GPS tapped one of its contractors to investigate allegations made in the Steele dossier against Russian tech executive Aleksej Gubarev.
  • The dossier alleged Gubarev was recruited as a Russian agent and took part in the hacking of Democrats' computer systems.
  • But the internal Fusion GPS report, published here for the first time, painted Gubarev in a positive light. Fusion's sources doubted Gubarev took part in the alleged hacking......

Not only could Fusion GPS's investigation not find any evidence to support the Dossier's claims against Gubarev, per the article BuzzFeed separately hired a team of former FBI agents, paying them $4.1 million, to investigate Gubarev per the Dossier claims & they came up with nothing. So the Dossier claims about Gubarev have not been substantiated independently from the FBI.
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So the takeaway from my thread is that Nellie and her Ukrainian source(s) for the dossier are connected+ to Anne Applebaum & others like Integrity Initiative, Atlantic Council, NED, and the Wilson Center.

Russian Experts.

Researchers & authors.

Warmongering propagandists.

Two complicated threads, the second building on the first.
Nellie Ohr, David Kramer (McCain puppet), UK intel people (Andrew Wood, Richard Dearlove, etc.), Ukrainians (Vasyl Filipchuk the newly identified Dossier source, etc.), US Dept of State (Nuland & her husband, etc.)...they are all connected together via membership on various think tanks. There is much more to the Dossier and the motives behind its origin than meets the eye. Nellie & Kramer are far more influential than you would think. They wanted Trump out of the way.

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will25u said:

benchmark said:

Pinche Abogado said:

The number of POTUS tweets/Q posts within a 1 minute delta is significant. I took two statistics courses in grad school, but no longer have occasion to crunch numbers. However, it seems highly improbable that's POTUS and Q would post nearly at the same time over the course of two years.
So, out of 1,000 Q-posts ... about how many are we talking about here?
I don't know statistics, so have no idea how one would figure it out... BUT.

Since Oct. 28, 2017
Q posts - 3075
DJT Tweets - 4789
Within a minute posts - ~20

The within a minute posts are with Q posting first and Trump posting within a minute of Q's post.

That's not a good way to look at it. Most of Q's posts are not meant to coincide with Trump's tweets and shouldn't be counted as attempts. If you want to really do a better analysis look at the number of times when Q is "calling his shot" and telling us he's shooting for zero delta. He's said it and he's done it so many times I didn't realize it's still a question that he can do it anymore.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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drcrinum said:


So the takeaway from my thread is that Nellie and her Ukrainian source(s) for the dossier are connected+ to Anne Applebaum & others like Integrity Initiative, Atlantic Council, NED, and the Wilson Center.

Russian Experts.

Researchers & authors.

Warmongering propagandists.

Two complicated threads, the second building on the first.
Nellie Ohr, David Kramer (McCain puppet), UK intel people (Andrew Wood, Richard Dearlove, etc.), Ukrainians (Vasyl Filipchuk the newly identified Dossier source, etc.), US Dept of State (Nuland & her husband, etc.)...they are all connected together via membership on various think tanks. There is much more to the Dossier and the motives behind its origin than meets the eye. Nellie & Kramer are far more influential than you would think. They wanted Trump out of the way.

The rabbit hole just keeps going deeper and deeper
Who is John Galt?

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I have had not concrete proof but I have from the very beginnig felt that this was a Ukranian/EU set up from the get go. I would love to see Schiff in front of some sort of investigation answer questions about his contacts with Ukraine.

I new from day one the one thing the Swamp rats were afraid of, for a number of reasons is Trump and Putin/Russia having an amiable working relationship. That much was obvious to me from day one.
"only one thing is important!"
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Unnamed Source said:

The rabbit hole just keeps going deeper and deeper

This seems very significant
Dr. Quigley said:

Dr. Quigley @CarrollQuigley1
Basically US/EU Globalists, CIA/State & MI6/FSO forced regime
change in Ukraine. They planned on EU/NATO incorporation under
HRC while the Russian military was still actively engaged.

They never thought she'd lose.

They really wanted WW3. #GlobalistsGoneWild#PropagandaWars

Is this what their endgame actually was? Can anyone shed more light on what this is about?
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Houston Lee
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War is very profitable for certain people.

Also, countries at war can remove certain civil liberties in the name of national security.

In war zones, large amounts of cash can go missing without traceability

Human, sex, child trafficking is easier in war zones where people go missing during battles and bombings.

Evil can run rampant.
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BigBrother said:

Tailgate88 said:

Thanks for's the unroll for easy reading.

And LOL that Buzzfeed.....BUZZFEED....screwed the pooch on their plan. That is just awesome.
McCain was such a sleazy politician.
Boy, I'm sure gonna miss that old curmudgeon. LOLOLOLOLOL
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Prognightmare said:

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Prognightmare said:

Loretta Lynch's Justice Department and James Comey's FBI worked together with the Hillary Clinton campaign to entrap Donald Trump and associates including his eldest son prior to the 2016 presidential election, according to records and testimony of federal law enforcement insiders.
Probably true to some degree .... but speculative until a credible FBI witness or bullet proof evidence is provided.
Sarge 91
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Prognightmare said:

That article is from April 2018. WTF?
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Apologies, I don't really interact much on this thread. I just try share things that others, that are really engaged here, might find valuable.
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Prognightmare said:

That lays it all out nicely. Time to start the arrests and try these people for treason & sedition. Only question is how deeply was Obama involved.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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So, Papadopoulos' wife testified before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (i.e., The Snake Pit) on March 11, a closed hearing, & the Committee decided to keep the hearing confidential. Hah! That tells you something.
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Sarge 91 said:

That article is from April 2018. WTF?
A lot of this stuff has been known for a while. People who know this are very frustrated that nothing is being done. Although Huber is said to be doing something. Hopefully we'll find out something soon.
Fight! Fight! Fight!
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Felix Sater, Man of the Year, 2014. Watch the first 4 eye-opener. The stories about him are true...he definitely was an undercover agent for the FBI/CIA.

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This might prove interesting.
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Good read.
I have my doubts though regarding Kramer's factuality in his testimony. I think he was play acting to make it appear that his role was merely one of an 'innocent messenger' with respect to the Dossier. Remember, Kramer signed letters stating that Trump was unfit to be President...he had a motive to spread the news about the Dossier.

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So is there any indication of when the Mueller report might drop or is it the best kept secret in the swamp?
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Tailgate88 said:

So is there any indication of when the Mueller report might drop or is it the best kept secret in the swamp?
I think we're around week 6 of "any day now". I heard a report last week that he had extended the Grand Jury again.
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Tailgate88 said:

So is there any indication of when the Mueller report might drop or is it the best kept secret in the swamp?
While I don't believe specifics have been discussed, I'm nearly 100% certain someone from the Mueller camp has talked extensively to the Left, and more than one.

The Borg (Democrats) started tamping down the investigation results anticipation about 2-3 months ago. Schiff started it, and Pelosi had her impeachment mea culpa two weeks ago. Well, she didn't say the impeachment mantra for the last 2 years was an error, but she did politically.
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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Another prosecutor leaving from Team Mueller: Zainab Ahmad. She & Weissmann were outed in the Bruce Ohr transcripts as having received info from Ohr about Steele & the Dossier, specifically that Steele was biased against Trump & that the Dossier was unverified. Many people are saying that Weissmann & Ahmad are leaving since Mueller is winding down his investigation. I am not so sure about the latter. Remember the letter Representatives Meadows & Jordan sent to Barr concerning whether or not Weissmann & Ahmad had informed Mueller about their contacts with Ohr? Perhaps Mueller has dismissed them for misconduct, similar to the dismissal of Strzok & Page; they are supposed to be impartial to be on Team Mueller. Sara Carter has an article where this is discussed:


...In a letter sent to Attorney General William Barr on March 1, the lawmakers have asked the Justice Department to provide all information about "actions taken or not taken" by Weissmann and Ahmad after they met with Ohr.

"This development raises questions about the impartiality and independence of Weissmann and Ahmad as senior members of the Special Counsel investigation," the letter states. "We write to determine what steps both Weissmann and Ahmad took to apprise Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III and the Justice Department of their contacts with Ohr and the substance of those meetings before their assignment to the Special Counsel's office."...

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Prognightmare said:

Sorry, Brand Value, dearie. I'll decline your gracious invitation to assist your efforts to be held accountable for your actions.
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Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., hinted Monday the coming release of documents that will "show" U.S. ambassadors conspired with the FBI and the Justice Department to harm President Trump.

"It's additional information that is coming out that will show not only was there no collusion, but there was a coordinated effort to take this president down," Meadows told Fox News' Sean Hannity. "We talk about the 'Deep State.' There are players now, even ambassadors, that are sitting ambassadors that were involved in part of this with the FBI-DOJ."

Meadows did not name any ambassadors....

Well, we have to assume that at least one of these ambassadors was Matthew Barzun, the Obama crony who was Ambassador to the UK, stationed in London where many events related to SpyGate took place. Think about it...many, many important events & people: Steele, Mifsud, Halper, Papadopoulos, Page, Downer, Flynn, Gaeta, Dearlove, Wood, Kramer, Hannigan, Waldman, Strzok, Priestap...darn near everything important happened in London. And who would have his fingers and ears in the background, including Five Eyes, the Obama arm of the US State Department, Barzun. Even Obama visited London in April 2016 and met Barzun. I may be wrong but I don't think Barzun has appeared in our thread. Here's a long read where you can see where Barzun would be in the background; the author is very critical about some of the actors and pundits. I am including a short quote from his article below:


George Papadopoulos, Matthew Barzun, John Solomon, Dan Bongino, and Deep-State Lies

I have said it before, but it cannot be repeated too often, so I'll say it again: All "ambassadors" and embassies everywhere in the world are covers and cutouts for intelligence agencies and their operatives. Period. Anyone who tells you otherwise is probably an ambassador or an intelligence agent. (Or "liar," to use the technical term.)

Matthew Barzun was the major ambassador to the single biggest Five-Eyes "special relationship" nation in the world, the United Kingdom -- an absolutely pivotal position between CIA, DIA, MI6, and all Five-Eyes operatives anywhere. As such, it is ridiculous to think that he didn't have connections to CIA Director John Brennan, and to Greg Vogle, director of the dirtiest and most criminal division in the history of the CIA, the infamous National Clandestine Service.

It's also absurd to think that Matthew Barzun didn't know of and have connections to every one of the Five-Eyes cabal members who became involved in the "destroy Trump" operation: Joseph Mifsud, Stefan Halper, Alexander Downer, and "former" MI6 director Richard Dearlove. And with those close connections, that means inevitably that Barzun also had connections with "former" MI6 covert operative Christopher Steele.....
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Wow. Ambassadors and WH counsels. We need some of them to get pinched and roll.
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Looks like Rosenstein isn't leaving anytime soon and continues to run the Mule Head investigation.


Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has reached an agreement with Attorney General William Barr to stay on at the Justice Department "a little while longer," a source familiar with their conversation told Fox News despite initial plans to step down by now.

Fox News and other outlets previously reported that Rosenstein had planned to step down in mid-March. However, sources close to the deputy attorney general say Rosenstein has not yet given his two weeks notice. He remains at the DOJ as Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe enters what is widely believed to be its final phases. There has been much speculation that Rosenstein would like to stay in his post until the investigation concludes.

DOJ sources confirmed to Fox News that Rosenstein is still the primary liaison between department headquarters and Mueller's office, even though the recently confirmed Barr has ultimate oversight over the Russia investigation.
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