Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,790,976 Views | 49468 Replies | Last: 12 days ago by Ulysses90
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Here is the full transcipt from the previous post (tweet) by Techno Fog.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

I know it's off topic but it's a slow day

Is this "BOOM" worthy?
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RoscoePColtrane said:

blindey said:

Can you dig up a full link to the brief?
.GIF version of that brief:

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Bird Poo
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Mueller and his ilk need to go down hard. What they do to people is pure evil. There is no justice when that scheming snake is involved. I would go further but don't want to get banned. He'll meet his maker one day.
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tsuag10 said:

As well he should. He was questioned by the FBI in late January, early February 2017. He was cooperating fully and the FBI had not made a criminal referral to DOJ. Then Mueller gets appointed as Special Counsel in May 2017. In July, Papadopoulus is arrested upon his late night arrival at the airport and detained for non-specific reasons. The feds detaining him call his lawyer because they already knew who his lawyer was because of his previous cooperation.

Also remember Papadopoulus was given a large sum of cash while he was overseas* but did not attempt to bring that cash back with him. Instead, he left the money with another lawyer in Greece. This transaction happened right before his arrest. Would appear to be yet another set-up. This one by Team Mueller (while Strzok was still on the team.)

*Papadop and his now wife, were on vacay in Mykonos when he was approached by an Israeli American in the O&G consulting business in Israel. Papadop then went to Israel with him where he received $10,000 in cash. Although the consultant, Charles Tawil, has denied he is an asset of American or Israeli intelligence, the timing is very suspicious. Appears the Feds were expecting him to have the cash on him when he came back to the states. When he didn't have it, having left it with his lawyer in Greece, they were left with the false statement crap from months earlier.

ETA: At one point, Mueller was threatening to slap Papadopoulus with a FARA charge stemming solely from that $10,000 transaction with Tawil, making Papadop an agent of the Israeli government. That alone strongly indicates it was a set-up. And Mueller did it.
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Did he have a terrible lawyer when he plead?
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(All of the tweet is not showing -- have to click on image link)
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redline248 said:

Did he have a terrible lawyer when he plead?
Not necessarily. If Mueller was throwing everything, including the kitchen sink, of potential charges against Papadopoulus should he force Mueller to take it to a grand jury, it's a cost/benefit analysis. Shut up and take the much lesser penalty-wise deal or roll the dice with a grand jury handing down multiple charges and go to a costly trial.

Remember, there is no discovery required by the prosecution under an information/plea deal prior to grand jury indictment. Makes it very easy for Mueller to threaten all sorts of things and the defense has no way to determine if they are FOS or not. Plus all of this was happening within a few months of Mueller's appointment. Little reason to suspect the Page/Strzok crap was going on, tainting Mueller's investigation from the get-go.
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I see. Thanks for the insight
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txwxman said:

OneNightW said:

Mueller and his ilk need to go down hard. What they do to people is pure evil. There is no justice when that scheming snake is involved. I would go further but don't want to get banned. He'll meet his maker one day.

Did you skip therapy this week?
Are you (of all people) even qualified to ask?
Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but upon what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force! But Jesus Christ founded His upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him. - Napoleon Bonaparte
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whatthehey78 said:

txwxman said:

OneNightW said:

Mueller and his ilk need to go down hard. What they do to people is pure evil. There is no justice when that scheming snake is involved. I would go further but don't want to get banned. He'll meet his maker one day.

Did you skip therapy this week?
Are you (of all people) even qualified to ask?
Don't worry '78, OneNight's reply is enough to make most sentient folks understand the passion for freedom and liberty that he has. Unfortunately, it's lost on so many like his replier, used only to belittle because he can't think of anything else. It's the same reason they call folks like you, me, and OneNight names like racist, mysoginist, nazi, and neanderthal. Their brains can't think of anything else!
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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Thread from a month ago that slipped under my radar (sorry if it was mentioned & I missed it). Operation 'Dragon' vs Operation 'Crossfire Hurricane' plus a name unknown to me, Jennifer Boone, a DAD in the FBI's Counterintelligence Division (colleague of Strzok). Worth a read. May become important later on.

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Trump is holding his fire until after the Midterms. Then I think he will go after Mueller and the rest of the Deep State characters including Clinton and the Obama Administration with both barrels and then some !! Especially if he looses the House. Trump has them all fully documented.
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oysterbayAG said:

Trump is holding his fire until after the Midterms. Then I think he will go after Mueller and the rest of the Deep State characters including Clinton and the Obama Administration with both barrels and then some !! Especially if he looses the House. Trump has them all fully documented.
That really doesn't make any sense, but I hope you are right. Republicans will gain at least 2 seats in the Senate, and the Senate has been the issue passing legislation (Health Care/Immigration). Losing the House just means almost no legislation will be passed in the next two years, and he will have one year to replace a SC judge.

Maybe he WANTS Pelosi and Maxine as a foil, but it just doesn't make sense to me.
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FbgTxAg said:

oysterbayAG said:

Trump is holding his fire until after the Midterms. Then I think he will go after Mueller and the rest of the Deep State characters including Clinton and the Obama Administration with both barrels and then some !! Especially if he looses the House. Trump has them all fully documented.
That really doesn't make any sense, but I hope you are right. Republicans will gain at least 2 seats in the Senate, and the Senate has been the issue passing legislation (Health Care/Immigration). Losing the House just means almost no legislation will be passed in the next two years, and he will have one year to replace a SC judge.

Maybe he WANTS Pelosi and Maxine as a foil, but it just doesn't make sense to me.
I concur. What is the motivation for waiting? Nuke em now..."it's the only way to know for sure".
Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but upon what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force! But Jesus Christ founded His upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him. - Napoleon Bonaparte
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whatthehey78 said:

FbgTxAg said:

oysterbayAG said:

Trump is holding his fire until after the Midterms. Then I think he will go after Mueller and the rest of the Deep State characters including Clinton and the Obama Administration with both barrels and then some !! Especially if he looses the House. Trump has them all fully documented.
That really doesn't make any sense, but I hope you are right. Republicans will gain at least 2 seats in the Senate, and the Senate has been the issue passing legislation (Health Care/Immigration). Losing the House just means almost no legislation will be passed in the next two years, and he will have one year to replace a SC judge.

Maybe he WANTS Pelosi and Maxine as a foil, but it just doesn't make sense to me.
I concur. What is the motivation for waiting? Nuke em now..."it's the only way to know for sure".
The thinking is they don't want to do anything that might galvanize the Left into voting in the Midterms. Right now the Left is suffering from voter apathy due to a demoralized mood stemming from a lack of leadership and absence of a major stimulating cause under which to unite -- they have no national strategy other than 'hate Trump' -- current Dem absentee voting is down nationwide compared to 2014 while Rep voting is up. By indicting the plotters of Spygate or releasing the FISA/302 documents now, the Dems will see it as an attempt to whitewash the Russian collusion investigation...and then the media will really begin banging the drums and the major protest rallies will commence.
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We have been following the Concord Management case on this thread, but I saw this interesting comment today regarding the 12 Russians indicted over the DNC hack. Wouldn't that be something if they came to plead their case?
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We have been following the Concord Management case on this thread, but I saw this interesting comment today regarding the 12 Russians indicted over the DNC hack. Wouldn't that be something if they came to plead their case?
Team Mueller has already handed that case off to nat sec division of DOJ. I wondered earlier if Putin sent a couple of GRU agents to fight the charges if DOJ would just dismiss instead of trying to take it to trial. The discovery the defense would be entitled to would have multiple national security issues. Even proceeding under the CIPA wouldn't prevent that.

Main reason why even bringing that indictment was a bone-headed move in the first place and why Team Mueller quickly dumped it onto DOJ. Just a publicity stunt.
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Papadopoulos is tweeting up a storm.
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Something new to me, another counterintel operation: Operation 'Latitude' -- General Flynn, his Turkey/Erdogan/FARA dealings & Jennifer Boone. Interesting questions raised regarding the dealings between Flynn, Mike Pence & Chuck Ross.

That's three counterintel operations: Hurricane Crossfire, Dragon & Latitude. This chap seems to be the only investigative individual who has likely figured out the latter two operations from the Strzok-Page texts (see earlier post on this page about Operation Dragon). There is no investigative journalism in the MSM, & I'm beginning to question how much actual investigation can occur in Congress if all the info is shielded/hidden from the committees.
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The above email has been obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch. This morning I've seen several Twitter posts about this email, with people speculating over who wrote it. It had to be a very high ranking government official with access to classified info, plus someone not a friend of Hillary. Admiral Rogers???
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drcrinum said:

The above email has been obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch. This morning I've seen several Twitter posts about this email, with people speculating over who wrote it. It had to be a very high ranking government official with access to classified info, plus someone not a friend of Hillary. Admiral Rogers???

Maybe I'm crazy, but this just seems fake as hell. Or at least not a legit email from anyone important.
The greatest argument ever made against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter.
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FbgTxAg said:

drcrinum said:

The above email has been obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch. This morning I've seen several Twitter posts about this email, with people speculating over who wrote it. It had to be a very high ranking government official with access to classified info, plus someone not a friend of Hillary. Admiral Rogers???

Maybe I'm crazy, but this just seems fake as hell. Or at least not a legit email from anyone important.
Agree that is doesn't appear to be legit but it was turned over under a FOIA action. So it should be legit.

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I believe Papadopoulos is learning about Operation Dragon/Crossfire Hurricane & Jennifer Boone, per the earlier thread on this page.
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drcrinum said:

The above email has been obtained via FOIA by Judicial Watch. This morning I've seen several Twitter posts about this email, with people speculating over who wrote it. It had to be a very high ranking government official with access to classified info, plus someone not a friend of Hillary. Admiral Rogers???

Sources and methods, national security, how would the identity of the sender meet the requirements for redaction? Is this another one to avoid embarrassment?
🤡 🤡 🤡
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TCTH thinks the spy in the Trump Campaign was Rep. Mike Rogers, former Chair of the HPSCI (replaced by Nunes), and he gives his reasons in the above article. Other possible candidates for the spy are rumored to be Sam Clovis and Paul Manafort.
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TCTH thinks the spy in the Trump Campaign was Rep. Mike Rogers, former Chair of the HPSCI (replaced by Nunes), and he gives his reasons in the above article. Other possible candidates for the spy are rumored to be Sam Clovis and Paul Manafort.
Seriously doubt it was Manafort by this point. Not after what he's been through.
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Took a few days off from technology and went to the cabin, feeling refreshed. A lot to catch up on with Sundance's little revelation here. Makes perfect sense looking back at my notes and answered a few questions I had. I never bought the whole Kushner revenge nonsense, I figured it had to do with the negative baggage over the bridgegate thing and his bad lobbyist practices. Trump hates lobbyists and always has, he views them like the thugs that were shaking him down on the construction sites and the union thugs.

On the night of 11/11/16 Trump called Christie and told him his involvement with the Bridgegate scandal was a political liability and his performance heading the transition unsatisfactory. And that was so he wouldn't tip off the rest of the team; because Trump, later told Pence and Clovis privately he ousted him because of Christie's retention of lobbyists in key transition posts as well. At the end of the call, Trump fired Christie from his position as transition chair and swore him to silence. Fake news was reporting it was the SIL and a longstanding grudge from when Christie prosecuted Kushner's father in 2004.

Then he blindsided the ones Christie brought in for the transition.and they were quickly removed from the transition team by John Ashcroft who was helping Trump behind the scenes. And if you remember the MSM went nuts, even the MSNBC Morning Joke characterized it as a "Stalinesque purge". That next morning transition executive Richard Bagger found himself suddenly locked-out of the transition team's offices. Bill Palatucci, Mike Rogers, and others, were also among those removed. Remember Ashcroft and Prince were doing the security detail and intel work behind the scenes. Princes guys were better equipped than the USSS but they worked it out.

Prince and Adm. Rogers were pretty tight. If you remember though that ex NSA guy Robert Caron saif on Voice America that he got word from his inside contact at the NSA that he got a tip that Trump Tower was bugged and he went up to Trump tower and gave a heads up to David Bosse and Erik Prince a week before Adm. Rogers took the evidence of it to Trump and Trump moved the Team overnight to Bedminster. Twitter bashed the guy and said he was full of it, but this timeline of Christie and the insiders being ousted and Sundance pointing out the real reason that the other Mike Rogers and team were locked out. It all makes sense and some people may owe Caron an apology. Trump had started cleaning house a week before Adm Rogers came to see him. Prince reported to Ashcroft and Trump started firing people. Prince and Ashcroft are joined at the hip via Academi (Blackwater). And I'd bet a good bottle of Woodford's is the reason deep state went after Price over that stupid Dubai meeting that was a nothingburger as payback for ferreting out the moles. Remember back when they were talking about they had a mole in the Trump campaign? Well it seems they had a pack of them, and damn sure Mike Rogers. That's why the MSM defended him for weeks, saying Trump was going rogue and was putting cronies in place in place of the establishment guys that had been running the transition team up to that point. Trump was in fact trying to get people he could trust around him. I think Priebus wasn't trustworthy either he was too shifty to me.

But this revelation with Sundance is significant. That email to Comey is really a big deal, I just don't think they'd answer a FOIA lawsuit in federal court with a fake document. The blowback on that being exposed would put people in prison for falsifying federal documents in a Federal Court. Most of these FOIA documents JW produces are under a Judge's order. If you look at the DC Court docket JW has hundreds of pending suits and they file more daily.

ETA: I think David Bosse is who tipped of Napolitano and that is how he got ahead of the story and made that leak public on F&F that got him suspended for 10 days but they brought him back when it was the truth. Napolitano never had to retract it or apologize. They just brought him back and that was that. Napolitano likely spoke out of turn and got Bosse in a pinch, because he was laying low as well at the time.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Took a few days off from technology and went to the cabin, feeling refreshed. A lot to catch up on with Sundance's little revelation here. Makes perfect sense looking back at my notes and answered a few questions I had. I never bought the whole Kushner revenge nonsense, I figured it had to do with the negative baggage over the bridgegate thing and his bad lobbyist practices. Trump hates lobbyists and always has, he views them like the thugs that were shaking him down on the construction sites and the union thugs.

On the night of 11/11/16 Trump called Christie and told him his involvement with the Bridgegate scandal was a political liability and his performance heading the transition unsatisfactory. And that was so he wouldn't tip off the rest of the team; because Trump, later told Pence and Clovis privately he ousted him because of Christie's retention of lobbyists in key transition posts as well. At the end of the call, Trump fired Christie from his position as transition chair and swore him to silence. Fake news was reporting it was the SIL and a longstanding grudge from when Christie prosecuted Kushner's father in 2004.

Then he blindsided the ones Christie brought in for the transition.and they were quickly removed from the transition team by John Ashcroft who was helping Trump behind the scenes. And if you remember the MSM went nuts, even the MSNBC Morning Joke characterized it as a "Stalinesque purge". That next morning transition executive Richard Bagger found himself suddenly locked-out of the transition team's offices. Bill Palatucci, Mike Rogers, and others, were also among those removed. Remember Ashcroft and Prince were doing the security detail and intel work behind the scenes. Princes guys were better equipped than the USSS but they worked it out.

Prince and Adm. Rogers were pretty tight. If you remember though that ex NSA guy Robert Caron saif on Voice America that he got word from his inside contact at the NSA that he got a tip that Trump Tower was bugged and he went up to Trump tower and gave a heads up to David Bosse and Erik Prince a week before Adm. Rogers took the evidence of it to Trump and Trump moved the Team overnight to Bedminster. Twitter bashed the guy and said he was full of it, but this timeline of Christie and the insiders being ousted and Sundance pointing out the real reason that the other Mike Rogers and team were locked out. It all makes sense and some people may owe Caron an apology. Trump had started cleaning house a week before Adm Rogers came to see him. Prince reported to Ashcroft and Trump started firing people. Prince and Ashcroft are joined at the hip via Academi (Blackwater). And I'd bet a good bottle of Woodford's is the reason deep state went after Price over that stupid Dubai meeting that was a nothingburger as payback for ferreting out the moles. Remember back when they were talking about they had a mole in the Trump campaign? Well it seems they had a pack of them, and damn sure Mike Rogers. That's why the MSM defended him for weeks, saying Trump was going rogue and was putting cronies in place in place of the establishment guys that had been running the transition team up to that point. Trump was in fact trying to get people he could trust around him. I think Priebus wasn't trustworthy either he was too shifty to me.

But this revelation with Sundance is significant. That email to Comey is really a big deal, I just don't think they'd answer a FOIA lawsuit in federal court with a fake document. The blowback on that being exposed would put people in prison for falsifying federal documents in a Federal Court. Most of these FOIA documents JW produces are under a Judge's order. If you look at the DC Court docket JW has hundreds of pending suits and they file more daily.
Thanks! You're a treasure trove of info.
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aggiehawg said:


TCTH thinks the spy in the Trump Campaign was Rep. Mike Rogers, former Chair of the HPSCI (replaced by Nunes), and he gives his reasons in the above article. Other possible candidates for the spy are rumored to be Sam Clovis and Paul Manafort.
Seriously doubt it was Manafort by this point. Not after what he's been through.
Agree 100% doubt Clovis as well.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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You are probably right about Bosse and Napolitano.
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