Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,497,422 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 13 days ago by aggiehawg
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He'll be going after the National Enquirer next, as he turns to campaign finance violations. Which oddly enough is within his purview as they relate to the 2016 election.

Lanny Davis is pushing the story that Cohen has information connecting the Trump Tower meeting with the DNC hack from many months before. Cohen is apparently in full 'composing' mode and wrapping himself in the American flag as a martyr, now. He has seen the light and is born again!

Eye roll.
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drcrinum said:

Hahaha absolutly shocked that this was a coordinated news blast to inflict the maximum harm on Trump.
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Someone please explain why Sessions AND Trump seem to be just "sitting back and watching" as the hits, small as they MAY or MAY NOT be, continue to daily roll in???? It's an 'incoming' tide with no apparent change in sight.
Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but upon what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force! But Jesus Christ founded His upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him. - Napoleon Bonaparte
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whatthehey78 said:

Someone please explain why Sessions AND Trump seem to be just "sitting back and watching" as the hits, small as they MAY or MAY NOT be, continue to daily roll in???? It's an 'incoming' tide with no apparent change in sight.
Because Sessions is likely the "insurance policy." Trump can't fire him, that would leave Rosy in total control of the DOJ (not that he isn't already) and likely result in the Republicans in Congress backing impeachment calls. The Senate has already told Trump they will not confirm a replacement if Sessions is fired.
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A plea deal before the Special Master was appointed and finished? At a very high cost to Cohen and Trump for legals fees?

And where was the grand jury in all of this? Was there ever a grand jury investigation?

Have a hard time seeing that could have been a completely done deal in April.
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It's a pretty sad state when politicians and the justice department spend so much time and energy on trying to undermine a presidency.
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We now know who is behind the whole Russian collusion narrative.......

Escort says oligarch now has tapes on Russia interference
By KAWEEWIT KAEWJINDA | Associated Press

PATTAYA, Thailand A model and escort from Belarus who caused a sensation by claiming to have information linking Russian interference to the election of President Donald Trump said Monday that she no longer has the evidence and will not talk about it.
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Rapier108 said:

whatthehey78 said:

Someone please explain why Sessions AND Trump seem to be just "sitting back and watching" as the hits, small as they MAY or MAY NOT be, continue to daily roll in???? It's an 'incoming' tide with no apparent change in sight.
Because Sessions is likely the "insurance policy." Trump can't fire him, that would leave Rosy in total control of the DOJ (not that he isn't already) and likely result in the Republicans in Congress backing impeachment calls. The Senate has already told Trump they will not confirm a replacement if Sessions is fired.
Well appears Conservatism and what "was" the Republican party (except in name only) is a thing of the past and soon to become extinct. Everyone, welcome to the USSA.
Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but upon what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force! But Jesus Christ founded His upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him. - Napoleon Bonaparte
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You can keep extending this to any campaign or campaign surrogate purchasing of rights to a story or information about a candidate, then withholding or publishing it strategically to affect an election. It is fundamentally the same activity.

Likely, every campaign in the last 30 years has arguably had some measure of this.

Uncharted territory regarding the application of these laws.
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And what if you buy influence or pay in "valuable access" versus cash?
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aggiehawg said:

A plea deal before the Special Master was appointed and finished? At a very high cost to Cohen and Trump for legals fees?

And where was the grand jury in all of this? Was there ever a grand jury investigation?

Have a hard time seeing that could have been a completely done deal in April.
You may be correct. I saw multiple different people tweet about the April 24, 2018 plea date, & now someone has tweeted that date may represent a form revision date. Jeff Carlson is investigating it.
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sloppyjoe said:

We now know who is behind the whole Russian collusion narrative.......

Escort says oligarch now has tapes on Russia interference
By KAWEEWIT KAEWJINDA | Associated Press

PATTAYA, Thailand A model and escort from Belarus who caused a sensation by claiming to have information linking Russian interference to the election of President Donald Trump said Monday that she no longer has the evidence and will not talk about it.
I seriously doubt the 'ho had anything.
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hbtheduce said:

drcrinum said:

Hahaha absolutly shocked that this was a coordinated news blast to inflict the maximum harm on Trump.
I don't know how it works for the DoJ, but when I get the grant forms from NIH, they have a date stamp like that for the versioning of the template.

eta: what drcrinum said above.
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Agreed. Her claims were dismissed pretty quickly the last time around. I'm not sure why they are being resurrected. If they weren't thought to be credible claims initially, why would the claim that you no longer have the goods be taken as evidence of anything beyond the fact that you are an attention-seeking ho?
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Wildcat said:

Agreed. Her claims were dismissed pretty quickly the last time around. I'm not sure why they are being resurrected. If they weren't thought to be credible claims initially, why would the claim that you no longer have the goods be taken as evidence of anything beyond the fact that you are an attention-seeking ho?
Because the media has their marching orders. This is pretty much their last ditch effort to take out Trump, so they're using everything, even old, discredited stories, to add fuel to the fire.
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MouthBQ98 said:

You can keep extending this to any campaign or campaign surrogate purchasing of rights to a story or information about a candidate, then withholding or publishing it strategically to affect an election. It is fundamentally the same activity.

Likely, every campaign in the last 30 years has arguably had some measure of this.

Uncharted territory regarding the application of these laws.
I posed this question in another thread but will repeat it here.

Trump largely self-funded his campaign but almost every other candidate takes federal taxpayer funds.

How appropriate would it be for campaign finance laws to require blackmail payments to be paid out of campaign funds? Or conversely, find it still a campaign finance issue if personal funds were used? It's a Catch-22.

Stormy Daniels was committing a crime by extorting money out of Trump. One of the Articles of Impeachment against Nixon included CREEP using campaign funds for the Watergate plumbers's silence.

Encouraging or even mandating that taxpayer money be used in furtherance of a crime is beyond insane to me.
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What are you talking about? They left is convinced they have Trump by the balls with Manafort's conviction and Cohen's plea deal.

Have you been to CNN's site? Have you not been shocked by just how many leftist prairie dogs have poked their little heads out on this forum since yesterday afternoon? It's been like OR after the first Aggie loss of a season (Are t-sips falling from the sky?!?! [/El Guapo]).

Why the need to throw this old garbage at the wall when you are partying like it's 1999?
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Nobody who voted for Trump or is going to vote for him next time gives a damn about any of this.
End Of Message
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Obama's massive campaign violations were settled rather quickly. This is purely political. Every American should be enraged.
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Dixie how did you like Lanny Davis' explanation of Cohen's "come to Jesus" moment to suddenly turn on Trump?

"Michael was watch the Helsinki press conference and was so appalled his only patriotic move was to come clean and do a reset, and tell the truth."

They seriously can't think any serious person buys that at all
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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biobioprof said:

hbtheduce said:

drcrinum said:

Hahaha absolutly shocked that this was a coordinated news blast to inflict the maximum harm on Trump.
I don't know how it works for the DoJ, but when I get the grant forms from NIH, they have a date stamp like that for the versioning of the template.

eta: what drcrinum said above.
Yep, lots of forms have date stamps like that. Saw them all the time in the auto insurance business. Virtually certain that's what this is.
🤡 🤡 🤡
End Of Message
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"Dixie"? WTF.
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Pinche Abogado said:

"Dixie"? WTF.
Roscoe has nicknamed me "Dixie" after the late, great Dixie Carter. Seems I remind him of her. And it isn't the first time a poster has likened me to her famous character of Julia Sugarbaker on Designing Women.
We fixed the keg
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Tailgate88 said:

Nobody who voted for Trump or is going to vote for him next time gives a damn about any of this.
With regards to it changing my vote, no, but it sure the hell has my attention. As far as I am concerned, my future votes will not go to the "go along to get along" candidates. I give less than two ****s about politicians who are for "reaching across the aisle" anymore (within reason obviously).

It is time to stop playing around and expose the whole lot. Trump needs to declassify the FISA Applications and Warrants along with the communications/scheming between the DOJ/FBI/Fushion/Etc. I would bet my entire portfolio what is redacted is a much bigger deal than $130k paid to a porn star. Damn sure more damaging to our Republic.
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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We fixed the keg said:

Tailgate88 said:

Nobody who voted for Trump or is going to vote for him next time gives a damn about any of this.
With regards to it changing my vote, no, but it sure the hell has my attention. As far as I am concerned, my future votes will not go to the "go along to get along" candidates. I give less than two ****s about politicians who are for "reaching across the aisle" anymore (within reason obviously).

It is time to stop playing around and expose the whole lot. Trump needs to declassify the FISA Applications and Warrants along with the communications/scheming between the DOJ/FBI/Fushion/Etc. I would bet my entire portfolio what is redacted is a much bigger deal than $130k paid to a porn star. Damn sure more damaging to our Republic.
Fair enough, but I'd like to quote Bayside Tiger Ag on another thread which now has 80 blue stars including one from me:


This is always my point. I personally think trump is a dishonest, lying scumbag who has issue with governing in adherence of all federal regulations.


He's done more to destroy liberalism than even Reagan. And more so, he actually fights and gets in the mud pit with the left. That's what I want. I don't want reaching across the aisle, or civility. I want you to lower my taxes, weaken the federal government, make foreign deals lopsided in our favor, stack the bench with constitutionalists, and trash every pig scumbag liberal along the way.

Do that and you can dog cuss my grandmother and I'll still vote for you with a smile on my face.
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aggiehawg said:

Pinche Abogado said:

"Dixie"? WTF.
Roscoe has nicknamed me "Dixie" after the late, great Dixie Carter. Seems I remind him of her. And it isn't the first time a poster has likened me to her famous character of Julia Sugarbaker on Designing Women.

That show had exactly 1 plot. One of the other women would get into a pickle of sorts, drama and punchlines for 15 min, then the old battleaxe would ride-in and set everything straight with a torrent of verbal assaults that were just shy of 3 snaps and a head bop.
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We fixed the keg said:

Tailgate88 said:

Nobody who voted for Trump or is going to vote for him next time gives a damn about any of this.
With regards to it changing my vote, no, but it sure the hell has my attention. As far as I am concerned, my future votes will not go to the "go along to get along" candidates. I give less than two ****s about politicians who are for "reaching across the aisle" anymore (within reason obviously).

It is time to stop playing around and expose the whole lot. Trump needs to declassify the FISA Applications and Warrants along with the communications/scheming between the DOJ/FBI/Fushion/Etc. I would bet my entire portfolio what is redacted is a much bigger deal than $130k paid to a porn star. Damn sure more damaging to our Republic.
...and for some unknown...bizarre...incomprehensible reason, he and Sessions sit on their thumbs. Dumb and Dumber x 10.
Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but upon what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force! But Jesus Christ founded His upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him. - Napoleon Bonaparte
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Oh I don't know, I always found the line, "If sex were fast food, Suzanne would have a pair of golden arches over her bed," to be pretty funny.
We fixed the keg
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Fair enough, but I'd like to quote Bayside Tiger Ag on another thread which now has 80 blue stars including one from me:


This is always my point. I personally think trump is a dishonest, lying scumbag who has issue with governing in adherence of all federal regulations.


He's done more to destroy liberalism than even Reagan. And more so, he actually fights and gets in the mud pit with the left. That's what I want. I don't want reaching across the aisle, or civility. I want you to lower my taxes, weaken the federal government, make foreign deals lopsided in our favor, stack the bench with constitutionalists, and trash every pig scumbag liberal along the way.

Do that and you can dog cuss my grandmother and I'll still vote for you with a smile on my face.

I am on board with this 100%....well, other than the part about dog cussing BTA's grandmother, I am betting she is a wonderful lady.
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aggiehawg said:

Oh I don't know, I always found the line, "If sex were fast food, Suzanne would have a pair of golden arches over her bed," to be pretty funny.

I just have a hard time referring to a lady as Hawg.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Rapier108 said:

sloppyjoe said:

We now know who is behind the whole Russian collusion narrative.......

Escort says oligarch now has tapes on Russia interference
By KAWEEWIT KAEWJINDA | Associated Press

PATTAYA, Thailand A model and escort from Belarus who caused a sensation by claiming to have information linking Russian interference to the election of President Donald Trump said Monday that she no longer has the evidence and will not talk about it.
I seriously doubt the 'ho had anything.
I wasn't referring to the "ho". Look at her "gang sign" she is flashing.....Austin....tu....get it?
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RoscoePColtrane said:

aggiehawg said:

Oh I don't know, I always found the line, "If sex were fast food, Suzanne would have a pair of golden arches over her bed," to be pretty funny.

I just have a hard time referring to a lady as Hawg.
Why I spelled it that way. Non offensive.
Whens lunch
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Dixie how did you like Lanny Davis' explanation of Cohen's "come to Jesus" moment to suddenly turn on Trump?

"Michael was watch the Helsinki press conference and was so appalled his only patriotic move was to come clean and do a reset, and tell the truth."

They seriously can't think any serious person buys that at all
Especially when the Helsinki "Summit" was apparently about two months after Cohen's plea deal.

That tweet with the April date for the plea has disappeared, btw.
Not when I'm done with it.
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