Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,481,680 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 9 hrs ago by aggiehawg
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aggiehawg said:


Given the 75 days that's puts him on the team May 19, 2017
That's the same day he was weighing the decision in texts with Page and made the there's no there, there statement so I think it would have been a day or two after the 19th.
Listen to Gowdy's question about how many interviews he did between May 17th 2017 and May 22nd 2017 as a part of the Mueller team

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Andrew McCarthy. Worth watching. He throws the FBI people behind the FISA application under the bus as well as the judge. I imagine that Rosemary Collyer is locked in her closet by now....this has to be highly embarrassing.
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That exchange is a bit confusing as Gowdy predicated the question that he was already on Team Mueller on those dates. Now I suppose Gowdy knew that from other information he has, or Strzok didn't snap to the Special Counsel part of the question?

Seems very odd to me that Strzok would already be on board two days after Mueller's appointment, at least not without a lot of advance planning before his appointment was announced. Not prepared to go there yet but it does raise and interesting question to me. That could have only been done by Rosenstein, meaning he was far more in the loop on the Trump/Russia investigation under Comey than we previously knew about.
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Is anyone else surprised at the sloppiness of the scanning and posting of these documents are? Crooked pages, slanted lines, etc. I have to assume that's exactly what JW received.

I will note that such a messy production would hamper efforts to line documents up to make sure they are exact copies. What I mean by that is the probability there is more than one version of these docs is higher in my view.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Rubio is dirty in this somehow there is no other explanation for this. Rubio's involvement may just be he was aware of the illegal counter intel Obama was running against the Trump team and turned a blind eye. I know he's chummy with McCain, and despises Trump regardless of what he says now. Trump clowned him on stage and beat him in his own states primary.

I think it's always worth remembering with Rubio that he doesn't have money of his own. He's had debt trouble. Whenever I see Rubio side with the Deep State, I think at least part of it is to curry long-term favor for financial security.
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aggiehawg said:

That exchange is a bit confusing as Gowdy predicated the question that he was already on Team Mueller on those dates. Now I suppose Gowdy knew that from other information he has, or Strzok didn't snap to the Special Counsel part of the question?

Seems very odd to me that Strzok would already be on board two days after Mueller's appointment, at least not without a lot of advance planning before his appointment was announced. Not prepared to go there yet but it does raise and interesting question to me. That could have only been done by Rosenstein, meaning he was far more in the loop on the Trump/Russia investigation under Comey than we previously knew about.
There is a thread I will have to find where it lays out a good argument of it was all preplanned and has sourcing to back most of it up, I thought I posted it a couple days ago. I think it was Rex that pulled it from the Texts
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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aggiehawg said:

Is anyone else surprised at the sloppiness of the scanning and posting of these documents are? Crooked pages, slanted lines, etc. I have to assume that's exactly what JW received.

I will note that such a messy production would hamper efforts to line documents up to make sure they are exact copies. What I mean by that is the probability there is more than one version of these docs is higher in my view.
A sign of the feeders attached to the scanners. The large ones hold 100+ sheets and whiff them through pretty fast. Not always square, though.
I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled.

- Kamala Harris

Vote for Trump.
He took a bullet for America.

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There's about a years worth of comments and actions by Rubio that has made me wonder if he actually believes the rhetoric he spewed during the campaign. It also makes me wonder if he's just bitter, which it appears.

I haven't changed my mind on him yet, but it won't take too many more comments out of the blue for me to add some adjectives in front of his name, that don't start with Senator.
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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Rubio is a Bush family acolyte. Wouldn't be surprised if he secretly voted Clinton in 2016.

The Bush and Clinton families just need to be removed from politics on a national level.
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Thanks for the link. I had scanned that post before but didn't read it that closely.

It would seem to me that if Mueller wanted info in 2016 he'd just ask his bestie, Comey instead and wouldn't have needed a cut-out.

And where does Rosenstein play into this? He was still at the USA of Maryland office until Trump picked him for DAG. So Comey is fired which Rosey knew several days before was coming and up pops Mueller with his Special Counsel Team already selected and Rosenstein just goes along with it?

Granted Mueller was taking over an existing investigation with the players already in place from which to select but he still did it extremely fast.
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This lying POS Schiff just rolls on with the lies and Stephanopoulos challenges none of it.

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The July 2016 article (pg 21 of the application) was published in the Washington Post and was easy to identify via the quotation:


...Still, Republican delegates at last week's national security committee platform meeting in Cleveland were surprised when the Trump campaign orchestrated a set of events to make sure that the GOP would not pledge to give Ukraine the weapons it has been asking for from the United States.
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That's a trend that has become increasingly disturbing over the last few years, courts taking judicial notice of media stories as if they are credible evidence and some instances, dispositive evidence for the proposition advanced.

This trend is especially troubling coming alongside the willingness of the press to rely solely on anonymous "sources," that may be made up or just FOS.

And here's my problem with that...a little thing called the Constitution. You have a right to confront the witnesses against you. When anonymously sourced articles are used to violate Americans' civil rights, or to gain an injunction, or start a criminal investigation...?

Now, I'm sure my detractors will be along any minute to nitpick and say, "No one's been prosecuted based on news reports!" And that would be correct, AFAIK. My point remains that courts should not entertain media reports as credible evidence of anything.
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fasthorses05 said:

There's about a years worth of comments and actions by Rubio that has made me wonder if he actually believes the rhetoric he spewed during the campaign. It also makes me wonder if he's just bitter, which it appears.

I haven't changed my mind on him yet, but it won't take too many more comments out of the blue for me to add some adjectives in front of his name, that don't start with Senator.
When Rubio entered the scene in 2010, I had high hopes for him as a stand up legislator. Sometime around late 2015, his narrative changed, and he has progressively gone down hill (excuse the pun...) since.

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aggiehawg said:

Thanks for the link. I had scanned that post before but didn't read it that closely.

It would seem to me that if Mueller wanted info in 2016 he'd just ask his bestie, Comey instead and wouldn't have needed a cut-out.

And where does Rosenstein play into this? He was still at the USA of Maryland office until Trump picked him for DAG. So Comey is fired which Rosey knew several days before was coming and up pops Mueller with his Special Counsel Team already selected and Rosenstein just goes along with it?

Granted Mueller was taking over an existing investigation with the players already in place from which to select but he still did it extremely fast.
By the way while digging in those texts there is a mention of Paarmann and did a little digging on him.

Bryan Paarmann was the legal attache at the U.S. Embassy in Georgia and also lead the FBI office in Tbilisi, in 2005. Zurab Zhvania was the Prime Minister of Georgia and Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia. Zhvania died early in the morning of 3 February 2005 from what officials claimed was carbon monoxide poisoning, due to an inadequately ventilated gas heater. His bodyguards admitted to FBI investigators to tampering with the scene. The investigation into Zhvania's death blamed the heater, was conducted by FBI specialists, flown in for the purpose. The agent in charge Bryan Paarmann, was asked by the Georgian government to leave in 2007, because of inconsistencies, in his initial assessment, and an independent inspector ruled the heater was in perfect working condition. The bodyguards were tried locally and pled guilty of tampering with the scene, but implicated Paarmann as well in 2007. Was he disciplined by the FBI? No he was promoted to Unit Chief and Assistant Section Chief, Counterterrorism Division, FBIHQ after his part in an obvious falsification of the facts & being responsible for much of the media spin. And he is currently Special Agent in Charge, Counterterrorism Division, New York Office!

Paarmann has deep ties to Mueller and has a reputation of falsification of facts in the Georgia incident. I tweeted all this to Rex and he lit up like a christmas tree. There are a LOT of nefarious characters surrounding all of this. More than just Strzok.

Interesting history, note what he was when this investigation began

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Now, I'm sure my detractors will be along any minute to nitpick and say, "No one's been prosecuted based on news reports!" And that would be correct, AFAIK.

I am quite sure that your detractors would be a no-show in any kind of fight with your supporters over your opinions.
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The fact that judge's sign off on these is basically meaningless as their huge approval rate shows. They are trusting 100% the Law Enforcement community and rubber stamping them. I bet a few have been having O'$!:&# moments since this all started.
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And this hack is suppose to be a law professor? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Thankful when he was put on a short list to Trump for a Judge appointment, he was sent packing.

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Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Interesting take from Reuters


Accused Russian agent Maria Butina had wider high-level contacts in Washington than previously known, taking part in 2015 meetings between a visiting Russian official and two senior officials at the U.S. Federal Reserve and Treasury Department.

The meetings, revealed by several people familiar with the sessions and a report from a Washington think tank that arranged them, involved Stanley Fischer, Fed vice chairman at the time, and Nathan Sheets, then Treasury undersecretary for international affairs.

Butina travelled to the United States in April 2015 with Alexander Torshin, then the Russian Central Bank deputy governor, and they took part in separate meetings with Fischer and Sheets to discuss U.S.-Russian economic relations during Democratic former President Barack Obama's administration.

The two meetings, which have not been previously reported, reveal a wider circle of high-powered connections that Butina sought to cultivate with American political leaders and special interest groups.

Butina's lawyer, Robert Driscoll, did not have any details about her participation in meetings with Treasury and Federal Reserve officials when asked about them on Friday.

The meetings with Fischer and Sheets were arranged by the Center for the National Interest, a Washington foreign policy think tank that often advocates pro-Russia views.

The meetings were documented in a Center for the National Interest report seen by Reuters that outlined its Russia-related activities from 2013 to 2015. The report described the meetings as helping bring together "leading figures from the financial institutions of the United States and Russia."
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SeMgCo87 said:

fasthorses05 said:

There's about a years worth of comments and actions by Rubio that has made me wonder if he actually believes the rhetoric he spewed during the campaign. It also makes me wonder if he's just bitter, which it appears.

I haven't changed my mind on him yet, but it won't take too many more comments out of the blue for me to add some adjectives in front of his name, that don't start with Senator.
When Rubio entered the scene in 2010, I had high hopes for him as a stand up legislator. Sometime around late 2015, his narrative changed, and he has progressively gone down hill (excuse the pun...) since.

Rubio would not be the first politician to go to Washington with his hair on fire only to change his "narrative" once there and toe the party line for the enticements of committee and chair appointments.
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meetings, revealed by several people familiar with the sessions and a report from a Washington think tank that arranged them, involved Stanley Fischer, Fed vice chairman at the time, and Nathan Sheets, then Treasury undersecretary for international affairs.
Sounds like lobbying behavior to me. Is the Center for National Interest registered under FARA?
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aggiehawg said:


meetings, revealed by several people familiar with the sessions and a report from a Washington think tank that arranged them, involved Stanley Fischer, Fed vice chairman at the time, and Nathan Sheets, then Treasury undersecretary for international affairs.
Sounds like lobbying behavior to me. Is the Center for National Interest registered under FARA?
Funny you should ask. According to

They are not
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Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Little puppet

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Little puppet

Little Marco is completely ignoring the "2-hop" rule on surveillance. Deliberate or un-knowing, he needs to go.
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Nunes & his Memo have been completely vindicated.
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Some questions are raised from the release of the heavily-redacted Carter Page FISA Applications.

Not the least of which is this:
How did this come to be released in the first place.

FOIA? After defying Congress for months on end?
I think more is at play....

Good read.
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Former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper admitted in a CNN interview Saturday that former President Obama instigated the ongoing investigations into Donald Trump and those in his orbit.
Speaking with CNN's Anderson Cooper, Clapper let slip:

If it weren't for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today including Special Counsel Mueller's investigation. President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place
And with Clapper's admission - it looks like Strzok's text stating "the White House is running this" may have been right on the money....

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drcrinum said:


Some questions are raised from the release of the heavily-redacted Carter Page FISA Applications.

Not the least of which is this:
How did this come to be released in the first place.

FOIA? After defying Congress for months on end?
I think more is at play....

Good read.

I read it was partially declassified by Trump to allow it to be seen by Nunes' Committee, that put it in play originally, Then JW got right on it with a FOIA, that was initially denied, then they filed a lawsuit and it was granted. This is a more redacted form than what Nunes' committee saw.
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8 KEY TAKEAWAYS: A Deep Dive into the Scandalous FISA Warrant Used to Spy on the Trump Campaign

1. The Application Lied About Carter Page...
2. The Application Contradicts Itself From the Outset...
3. Christopher Steele Lied About Page...
4. The FBI failed to disclose that Clinton/DNC was funding Steele's work...
5. A Circle of Laundered Lies...
6. Comey Lied, Justice Died...
7. The Application Lied About Steele and the Press...
8. Comey Knowingly Lied to the FISA Court...

Detailed in the blog post.

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Witness protection program? Bottom of the ocean?
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I was just about to post this!!!

WOW! Bet this'll put a hitch in somebody's giddyup. Of course, he of the, "No...not knowingly" response would be the most likely to throw Hussien under the bus. The man has no filter on his mouth.

I certainly hope this gets to Nunes, or better yet, Sen. Grassley. At least he'll pull the lid off Clapper's garbage can.
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Can we please replace John Cornyn.
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