aggiehawg said:
Thanks for the link. I had scanned that post before but didn't read it that closely.
It would seem to me that if Mueller wanted info in 2016 he'd just ask his bestie, Comey instead and wouldn't have needed a cut-out.
And where does Rosenstein play into this? He was still at the USA of Maryland office until Trump picked him for DAG. So Comey is fired which Rosey knew several days before was coming and up pops Mueller with his Special Counsel Team already selected and Rosenstein just goes along with it?
Granted Mueller was taking over an existing investigation with the players already in place from which to select but he still did it extremely fast.
By the way while digging in those texts there is a mention of Paarmann and did a little digging on him.
Bryan Paarmann was the legal attache at the U.S. Embassy in Georgia and also lead the FBI office in Tbilisi, in 2005. Zurab Zhvania was the Prime Minister of Georgia and Speaker of the Parliament of Georgia. Zhvania died early in the morning of 3 February 2005 from what officials claimed was carbon monoxide poisoning, due to an inadequately ventilated gas heater. His bodyguards admitted to FBI investigators to tampering with the scene. The investigation into Zhvania's death blamed the heater, was conducted by FBI specialists, flown in for the purpose. The agent in charge Bryan Paarmann, was asked by the Georgian government to leave in 2007, because of inconsistencies, in his initial assessment, and an independent inspector ruled the heater was in perfect working condition. The bodyguards were tried locally and pled guilty of tampering with the scene, but implicated Paarmann as well in 2007. Was he disciplined by the FBI? No he was promoted to
Unit Chief and Assistant Section Chief, Counterterrorism Division, FBIHQ after his part in an obvious falsification of the facts & being responsible for much of the media spin. And he is currently
Special Agent in Charge, Counterterrorism Division, New York Office! Paarmann has deep ties to Mueller and has a reputation of falsification of facts in the Georgia incident. I tweeted all this to Rex and he lit up like a christmas tree. There are a LOT of nefarious characters surrounding all of this. More than just Strzok.
Interesting history, note what he was when this investigation began
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42