Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,483,455 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 1 day ago by aggiehawg
Ellis Wyatt
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BMX Bandit said:

BenFiasco14 said:

Is this the best thread in TexAgs history? I think it might be

Kid, you should have been here for listeater, Fran needs a stache, and big red auto
We had some epic threads on rivalries back in the day. Missy and Jorts' fist fight was pretty good. And most any thread with Counselor Wilson versus the Shack bunch was good for a lot of laughs.
Lot Y Tailgate
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FriscoKid said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

It doesn't necessarily implicate Trump, but it shows why Manafort's indictments are relevant to the special council investigation.

The SC was appointed to investigate collusion with Russia. How is this relevant?

I don't need to post the original authorization again, because you know what was in it.
Lot Y Tailgate
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So having to do with the Trump campaign means it I doesn't have to do with Trump?
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Lot Y Tailgate said:

So having to do with the Trump campaign means it I doesn't have to do with Trump?

Was this alleged crime committed during the campaign? Or ten years prior to the campaign?
Lot Y Tailgate
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Please go read the last two pages.
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leakypipes said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

So having to do with the Trump campaign means it I doesn't have to do with Trump?

Was this alleged crime committed during the campaign? Or ten years prior to the campaign?
The joke of this is Manafort is doing time in Solitary confinement while awaiting trial for padding loan documents to secure a loan, and Fannie and Freddie along with 10,000 sub-prime brokers made hundreds of billions doing for years.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Lot Y Tailgate said:

Please go read the last two pages.

Stop deflecting. When was the alleged Manafort crime committed? During the campaign or ten years prior?
Lot Y Tailgate
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leakypipes said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

Please go read the last two pages.

Stop deflecting. When was the alleged Manafort crime committed? During the campaign or ten years prior?
He has a list of things he's charged with dating as far back as 2005 and on up to 2017.

The loans in question didn't take place during the 49 days Manafort was with the Trump campaign
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
Zombie Jon Snow
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leakypipes said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

Please go read the last two pages.

Stop deflecting. When was the alleged Manafort crime committed? During the campaign or ten years prior?

Ahhhh but you don't understand you simpleton... the liberal elites know...

if you committed some random crime anywhere in the world at any time....

Hillary is President!!!!!!

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Was this alleged crime committed during the campaign? Or ten years prior to the campaign?
The loans allegedly were obtained during 2016 and 2017. According to Team Mueller, the loan officer approved the Manafort loans because he wanted a position with the Trump campaign/administration. The "crime" here is fraud on the loan applications.

And Mueller's positions on Manafort's three motions in limine are essentially correct. That is not to say the effort was futile, it was not. Within Team Mueller's response the defense team can glean a lot of information as to the trial strategy.

For instance, collusion with Russia will not be in the case in chief. But the prosecution reserved the right to bring it up if the defense opens the door by mentioning it themselves. Further, the proceedings and the corresponding alleged crimes pending in the DC case (scheduled to be tried in September) will be limited to the Gates plea agreement and the extent those crimes like the FARA violation directly relate to the bank fraud.

Those other "bad acts" can be prejudicial to the defendant unless there is a nexus to the actual crimes being considered by the jury. I would expect there to be multiple objections and conversations at the bench when this thing goes to trial.
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A little weekend cheer is in order.
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Might not be the Best Thread Ever but its certianly the most important.
Zombie Jon Snow
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aggiehawg said:


Was this alleged crime committed during the campaign? Or ten years prior to the campaign?
The loans allegedly were obtained during 2016 and 2017. According to Team Mueller, the loan officer approved the Manafort loans because he wanted a position with the Trump campaign/administration. The "crime" here is fraud on the loan applications by the banker and/or Manafort.

And Mueller's positions on Manafort's three motions in limine are essentially correct. That is not to say the effort was futile, it was not. Within Team Mueller's response the defense team can glean a lot of information as to the trial strategy.

For instance, collusion with Russia will not be in the case in chief. But the prosecution reserved the right to bring it up if the defense opens the door by mentioning it themselves. Further, the proceedings and the corresponding alleged crimes pending in the DC case (scheduled to be tried in September) will be limited to the Gates plea agreement and the extent those crimes like the FARA violation directly relate to the bank fraud.

Those other "bad acts" can be prejudicial to the defendant unless there is a nexus to the actual crimes being considered by the jury. I would expect there to be multiple objections and conversations at the bench when this thing goes to trial.

FIFY - important distinction.

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Well from the pleadings it appears that the banker didn't follow the bank's underwriting rules when approving the loans at a minimum. Not sure if he actually broke the law in doing so, yet. But it certainly looks like something very fishy was going on.

Having lived through the wild west days of the savings and loan lending sprees, no telling what other side deals might have been involved with the way Manafort rolled. Quite the sharp operator.
DeWrecking Crew
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drcrinum said:

A little weekend cheer is in order.
I think this is spot on...Mueller and team are in trouble, and they know it. They are prosecutorially paralyzed until they know what Horowitz knows.
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That statement may really blow up on Mueller.
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That statement may really blow up on Mueller.
I don't think so within the context of that particular trial for Manafort. Sure, it will torque off Ellis a little as a matter of jurisdiction but it is what it is.

The whole muh Russia issue is an example of other "bad acts" that I discussed before. Team Mueller has (correctly, IMO) decided the potential prejudice to the defendant outweighs whatever evidentiary value in bringing it up. And Ellis would have ruled against them anyway.
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DeWrecking Crew said:

drcrinum said:

A little weekend cheer is in order.
I think this is spot on...Mueller and team are in trouble, and they know it. They are prosecutorially paralyzed until they know what Horowitz knows.
I am not so sure. I suspect ever since he was blindsided by the initial Strzok/Page emails, Mueller knows everything in the OIG's reports/investigations. I would think there are enough swamp rats left to be feeding him information. I believe he thinks he is untouchable legally and it appears he may just be as more of this historical government corruption is covered up by the leaders and MSM.

Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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Let me expand further on that point.

As has been said ad nauseam, "collusion" is not a crime. On top of that it is clear that Mueller has zip, nada, zero evidence of any type of conspiracy, acts in furtherance of a conspiracy, nor coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian efforts to meddle in the election. That much is clear from the Russian troll farm indictment. This just reinforces that Mueller has nothing to corroborate the Steele dossier.

Consequently, making any reference to it in connection with Manafort's financial crimes would most likely be reversible error on appeal.
DeWrecking Crew
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If he believed he was untouchable Flynn would have been sentenced 6 months ago...he's trying to wait out the OIG report, that much is pretty clear
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DeWrecking Crew said:

If he believed he was untouchable Flynn would have been sentenced 6 months ago...he's trying to wait out the OIG report, that much is pretty clear
Tend to agree with this. He certainly should have sentenced Flynn after he obtained the Russian bot indictment. If there had been any evidence of conspiracy with the Trump campaign that indictment would have been the place to reveal it. And Flynn likely would have been central in it.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

leakypipes said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

So having to do with the Trump campaign means it I doesn't have to do with Trump?

Was this alleged crime committed during the campaign? Or ten years prior to the campaign?
The joke of this is Manafort is doing time in Solitary confinement while awaiting trial for padding loan documents to secure a loan, and Fannie and Freddie along with 10,000 sub-prime brokers made hundreds of billions doing for years.
And Awan walks for his loan indiscrestion.
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Nunes was just on Judge Jeanine. They received some documents this week and more are expected on Monday...a slow dribble. Still nothing on 'were there any surveillance activities/informants used prior to July 31, 2016.' May come down to Trump ordering the declassification of the FISA warrant/application (except for methods). Nothing about setting into motion a contempt or impeachment hearing. So, nothing earth shattering.
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drcrinum said:

Nunes was just on Judge Jeanine. They received some documents this week and more are expected on Monday...a slow dribble. Still nothing on 'were there any surveillance activities/informants used prior to July 31, 2016.' May come down to Trump ordering the declassification of the FISA warrant/application (except for methods). Nothing about setting into motion a contempt or impeachment hearing. So, nothing earth shattering.

Halper first contacted Pop in March of 2016, within days of Pop joining Trumps team. I have a very difficult time believing that was just chance and not arranged.
🤡 🤡 🤡
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Here is a very interesting read from the New York Times
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Just a reminder: they are all in it for the money, & this is where the money comes from.
DeWrecking Crew
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I'd love nothing more than to see a special prosecutor appointed to investigate the Clinton Foundation, that would truly drain the swamp
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drcrinum said:

Nunes was just on Judge Jeanine. They received some documents this week and more are expected on Monday...a slow dribble. Still nothing on 'were there any surveillance activities/informants used prior to July 31, 2016.' May come down to Trump ordering the declassification of the FISA warrant/application (except for methods). Nothing about setting into motion a contempt or impeachment hearing. So, nothing earth shattering.
You can watch this video of Jeanine & Nunes posted just above by captkirk. Jeff Carlson summarized it:


The interview centered on The Nunes List Forty-Two Names Referred & Growing.
There were a number of items I found important.
  • Notes his 3rd Letter is focused on Fusion GPS & handling of the Dossier (discussed here).
  • Has suggested a new "Deposition-Style" interview format.
  • Is expecting more documents from the FBI & DOJ on Monday.
  • Is heavily focused on what happened before the official start of the FBI's Counterintelligence Investigation on July 31, 2016.
  • Has shifted his Investigation to Phase III.
  • Questions if FBI Informants were used prior to the July 31, 2016 Counterintelligence Investigation.
  • States he believes the Carter Page FISA is 100% fraudulent.
  • Repeatedly calls on President Trump to declassify documents including the Carter Page FISA documents.
  • [/ol]

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    Details emerge on Justice Department meeting with reporters on Manafort

    Lawyers for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort are crying foul over a meeting Justice Department prosecutors held with four Associated Press reporters last year as news organizations and the FBI bore down on the longtime lobbyist and political consultant.

    Manafort's defense has argued for months that the off-the-record session on April 11, 2017, was a potential conduit for improper leaks to the press about the probe that led to two criminal cases against the former Trump campaign chief.

    Now, Manafort's attorneys have fresh evidence they say bolsters their claims: two memos written by FBI agents who attended the meeting and documented their version of what transpired.

    Manafort's legal team paints the evidence as confirmation that journalists were given inside information about the investigation in violation of Justice Department policies and, perhaps, legal prohibitions on disclosure of grand jury secrets.

    "The meeting raises serious concerns about whether a violation of grand jury secrecy occurred," Manafort's lawyers wrote in a filing Friday with U.S. District Court Judge T.S. Ellis, who's set to oversee an upcoming trial of Manafort on bank and tax fraud charges brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. "Now, based on the FBI's own notes of the meeting, it is beyond question that a hearing is warranted."...

    Here is a link to one of the memos:

    What a memo of a meeting with reporters! I can't believe the exchange of info. This is the meeting where a reporter told the prosecutors about Manafort's lock containing loads of documents, including the code to the lock on the locker. Somebody set up Manafort.

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    This is the mmeting where a reporter told the prosecutors about Manafort's lock containing loads of documents, including the code to the lock on the locker. Somebody set up Manafort.
    Although they weren't listed as being at the meeting, which former reporters were long-term jonesing to get Manafort for years? Glenn Simpson and his wife, Mary Jacoby.

    Notice the meeting was set up by Weissman.
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    PIRRO: Why do you think the President is not declassifying?

    NUNES: I don't know. The FISA is very frustrating to me because I think that pieces of the FISA that was gotten on Carter Page we've had an ongoing feud about this for many, many months. I think the FISA is totally fraudulent, 100% fraudulent. You have James Comey and others currently at the FBI and DOJ who are defending the FISA which is unbelievable to me.

    The President ought to just solve this once and for all. Declassify you don't have to expose sources and methods but most of that FISA, the pertinent parts of it could be declassified.

    He could help answer for all of us who was telling the truth. Were they justified to get a FISA warrant on Carter Page or not? I don't think they were and I think the American people have the right to know and the President should declassify.

    Trump not declassifying anything (not one) serves what and who's purpose?
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