Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,484,565 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 2 days ago by aggiehawg
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RoscoePColtrane said:
Louise Mensch?? November 7, 2016.
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drcrinum said:

RoscoePColtrane said:
Louise Mensch?? November 7, 2016.

Yeah I found that a bit curious since she's a 100% blue blood Trump hater
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Sounds like a guy who's been promised a pardon to me.
Bird Poo
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RoscoePColtrane said:


I confess to being more weary than dizzy from the Dr. Gowdy and Mr. Trey routine. Just three weeks ago, Representative Gowdy, the South Carolina Republican who chairs the House Oversight Committee, assured us that everything was peachy with the FBI no way, no how did the bureau "spy" on the Trump campaign when it deployed an "informant" to pry information from Trump-campaign officials. As Mollie Hemingway pointed out at the time, Gowdy had not seen relevant documents the FBI and Justice Department have been withholding from Congress in fact, his spokeswoman said he did not even know what documents and records have been subpoenaed by the House Intelligence Committee (on which Gowdy also sits).

This week, Gowdy did a 180: back on the warpath, slamming the politically biased Feebs over "prejudging" the outcomes of the Clinton-emails and Trump-Russia investigations and delivering a chest-beating vow that the House would "use its full arsenal of constitutional weapons to get compliance" with its subpoenas a threat that includes holding recalcitrant FBI and DOJ officials in contempt.

Whatever. ~ Andrew McCarthy

Gowdy's "good friend" Schumer would agree: all cattle, no hat.

When Gowdy decides to simply sit back and bi+ch about the world he's lived in for many years, he's part of the problem and in my opinion complicit with the corruption on display.

The US govt has been hijacked by sleezy ass lawyers that will prostitute, lie, and cover up anything to keep them on the gravy train. Take Rosenstien for example. Extremely sharp, but will sit there with a smile on his face and tell the American people to go ***k themselves. It's just evil.
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This is an interesting picture, especially after yesterday. Grip noted

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Interesting thread. There were so many players in the scheme it's difficult to keep track of everybody & what they did & how they interacted with each other & when events occurred -- it's what limits one's comprehension of these narratives taking place in 'depositions' or hearings.
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"We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed,"
So, if Page's anti-Trump texts to McCabe and Strozk were not documentary evidence ... at what point does ALL the available evidence reach the criminal standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt"? Isn't this really the core criminal law legal question?
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Tailgate88 said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

Sounds like a guy who's been promised a pardon to me.
DId Mueller just expect him to fabricate something to hurt trump. Sorry, I don't think Flynn is that kind of man.
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AGENTS PROVOCATEUR: Did Comey's Informants Fabricate Russian Collusion Evidence?

The "Russian collusion" inquiry began in December 2015 (not, as claimed, on July 31, 2016), with a tip from GCHQ to Brennan that Putin wished to financially support a Donald Trump presidential candidacy. Nothing has yet emerged, in subsequent FISA warrant applications or elsewhere in leaks, to suggest that the tip was anything but phony. But on December 28, 2015, after Brennan had hurriedly formed a special "inter-agency" group, one of Comey's top aides Peter Strzok was attempting to get approval for "LUREs," Fedspeak for spies, inferentially to penetrate the Trump campaign. All of this would have been well and good if there had been a solid basis to suspect criminal activity by the Trump campaign. But, it now appears, rather than dismiss the inaccurate tip as disinformation, the FBI tried to manufacture evidence where none had existed, hoping real wrongdoing would eventually be found. Thus started an investigation without a crime, long a Comey specialty....

Interesting article by an attorney/author, piecing together the early stages of the plot to fabricate a crime. There is a good companion article on Comey written a few months previously:


PLAMEGATE REDUX: James Comey's Pursuit Of Crimeless Cases Against Trump Is Eerily Familiar

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benchmark said:


"We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed,"
So, if Page's anti-Trump texts to McCabe and Strozk were not documentary evidence ... at what point does ALL the available evidence reach the criminal standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt"? Isn't this really the core criminal law legal question?

I suspect you are an attorney and are much better than me at analyzing words and sentences.

The words "directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed" appear to leave much wiggle room.

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Who is guy on the left?
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Deats said:

Who is guy on the left?
Matt Gaetz
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Going back to the issue which bugs me: Rosenstein's statement: "I can tell you that the information that's public about that [FISA warrant] doesn't match with my understanding of the one that I signed." If the FISC application for Carter Page differs from the DOJ copy presented to Rosenstein, then a much bigger question arises: Was Rosenstein ever aware of this fact, and if he was, when did he learn about it? If he was aware there were different copies, did he inform Sessions and when? Did he inform Mueller and when? Did he inform Trump and when?
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I have given handshakes like that and sometimes my finger sticks out. Not intentionally by any means, but especially if I am really reaching out, I have a harder time closing my index finger. That or its from shooting a rifle so much that muscle memory takes over.

Anyhow just a thought.
Who is John Galt?

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drcrinum said:

Going back to the issue which bugs me: Rosenstein's statement: "I can tell you that the information that's public about that [FISA warrant] doesn't match with my understanding of the one that I signed." If the FISC application for Carter Page differs from the DOJ copy presented to Rosenstein, then a much bigger question arises: Was Rosenstein ever aware of this fact, and if he was, when did he learn about it? If he was aware there were different copies, did he inform Sessions and when? Did he inform Mueller and when? Did he inform Trump and when?

And if he did inform someone, is anyone actually doing anything about it? Huber?

What I cannot get over is how Rosey would smile, giggle, and act like he was totally above this. Admittedly I only had the ability to watch small clips and not the wntire proceeding, but its almost as if he has a get out of jail card in his pocket.
Who is John Galt?

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Or they both could be Sigma Chi's
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What I cannot get over is how Rosey would smile, giggle, and act like he was totally above this. Admittedly I only had the ability to watch small clips and not the wntire proceeding, but its almost as if he has a get out of jail card in his pocket.
Comey acted much the same during his appearances on the hill.

Rosenstein seems to be of the opinion that since he wasn't at Main Justice when all of that went down he can't be held accountable for it. What he forgets is that it isn't the crime, it's the cover-up.
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drcrinum said:

Going back to the issue which bugs me: Rosenstein's statement: "I can tell you that the information that's public about that [FISA warrant] doesn't match with my understanding of the one that I signed." If the FISC application for Carter Page differs from the DOJ copy presented to Rosenstein, then a much bigger question arises: Was Rosenstein ever aware of this fact, and if he was, when did he learn about it? If he was aware there were different copies, did he inform Sessions and when? Did he inform Mueller and when? Did he inform Trump and when?

Or he didn't sign a FISA warrant on "Carter Page" at all....

There has been mountains of speculation on everything surrounding FISA, everyone has been scope locked on Carter Page, when there has been hints of evidense that there are multiple FISA warrants in play. Dixie and I have discussed it here more than once and it just gets brushed aside in the fast moving pace of this thread.

There has been speculation that Carter Page had a FISA warrant on him and three renewals. I don't think anyone outside the DOJ has seen everything surrounding the FISA warrants in this case. I'm not certain they've seen much at all. There were mixed messages in the statements after the SCIF viewing by the HSCOIC and the following Nunes Memo and Schiff Memo. Nunes wasn't in the room, Gowdy, Ratcliffe, Schiff, and Himes were. Swallowswell has lied and said he saw it, and he doesn't have the clearance.

I'm pretty certain they had a FISA on Manafort. I think that they had one on Papadopoulos. There has been a wild feeding frenzy on all these cutouts contacts, and "spying" and I have no doubt that Glenn Simpson and Company were trying to set Trump up. I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a FISA on Glenn Simpson. Now I know there are some thinking ole Roscoe has been in the Woodford Reserve a little early, fear not.

Remember Trump's words to Comey... "If there is anyone in my group that is dirty, I want to know it." Think about that a moment.

More to be discussed I have to make a loop right quick
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Or he didn't sign a FISA warrant on "Carter Page" at all....

There has been mountains of speculation on everything surrounding FISA, everyone has been scope locked on Carter Page, when there has been hints of evidense that there are multiple FISA warrants in play.

Page might just be someone who they could easily trot out as a distraction.
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Or he didn't sign a FISA warrant on "Carter Page" at all....
You noticed the lack of specificity, too? Want to read the transcript to confirm they were talking about the same thing but it seems to me Rosenstein was answering a question other than the one that was asked.

That's why the interruptions become important. When Rosenstein tries to jump the gun and answer before the question is complete, that's a trick to avoid perjury charges. It also elicits an interruption back from the questioner. Given the time limits, that throws the subject matter into muddy waters and suggests they were not on the same page.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

This is an interesting picture, especially after yesterday. Grip noted

Fraternity Brothers?
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jjeffers1 said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

This is an interesting picture, especially after yesterday. Grip noted

Fraternity Brothers?

Yes they are. Interesting, he certainly was giving him a sign that he has his back.
BMX Bandit
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Definitely Stonecutters
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coyote68 said:

benchmark said:


C"We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed,"
So, if Page's anti-Trump texts to McCabe and Strozk were not documentary evidence ... at what point does ALL the available evidence reach the criminal standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt"? Isn't this really the core criminal law legal question?

I suspect you are an attorney and are much better than me at analyzing words and sentences.

The words "directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed" appear to leave much wiggle room.

None of the texts said, "don't check Hillary's server because I want her to be President". That's pretty much the plain meaning of the quoted statement from the report.
PatentMike, J.D.
BS Biochem
MS Molecular Virology

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Michael Barnhart said:

coyote68 said:

benchmark said:


C"We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed,"
So, if Page's anti-Trump texts to McCabe and Strozk were not documentary evidence ... at what point does ALL the available evidence reach the criminal standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt"? Isn't this really the core criminal law legal question?

I suspect you are an attorney and are much better than me at analyzing words and sentences.

The words "directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed" appear to leave much wiggle room.

None of the texts said, "don't check Hillary's server because I want her to be President". That's pretty much the plain meaning of the quoted statement from the report.
Exactly, short of a written confession, the IG had no other conclusion to come to. His job was to gather the evidense, and he did. Where it goes from there is up to prosecutors. Horowitz is an "Inspector" not a "Prosecutor".
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Michael Barnhart said:

coyote68 said:

benchmark said:


C"We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed,"
So, if Page's anti-Trump texts to McCabe and Strozk were not documentary evidence ... at what point does ALL the available evidence reach the criminal standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt"? Isn't this really the core criminal law legal question?

I suspect you are an attorney and are much better than me at analyzing words and sentences.

The words "directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed" appear to leave much wiggle room.

None of the texts said, "don't check Hillary's server because I want her to be President". That's pretty much the plain meaning of the quoted statement from the report.
Exactly, short of a written confession, the IG had no other conclusion to come to. His job was to gather the evidense, and he did. Where it goes from there is up to prosecutors. Horowitz is an "Inspector" not a "Prosecutor".

There was no proof that bias directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed.
But likewise, there was no proof that bias did not directly affect the specific investigative actions we reviewed.
Would that be true?
Red Fishing Ag93
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Comey and Lynch's words and actions have proven bias. Only thing lacking is a grand jury to make it official.

Fire Jeff Sessions!
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jjeffers1 said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

This is an interesting picture, especially after yesterday. Grip noted

Fraternity Brothers?
It's also a Boy Scout secret handshake thing. Probably not in this case, though.
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Back to discussion on this next OIG report on FISA abuse which I think is going to really shake up everything. The FISA abuse was wide spread under Obama, and Rogers saved the day when he became aware of what the hell was going on. Here's a timeline that really is important, knowing everything we've found out over the past year and a half.

  • November 2015-April 2016 The FBI and DOJ's National Security Division (NSD) uses private contractors to access raw FISA information using "To" and "From" FISA-702(16) & "About" FISA-702(17) queries.
  • September/November unusual upstream name specific queries are becoming in the 704a & 705b data mining searches. 300% increase in unmasking of domestic targets, from unusual sourcing, namely Samantha Powers and Susan Rice, flagged by monitors and informed NSA Chief
  • November 18th Rogers initiates a partial audit review.
  • March 2016 NSA Director Rogers becomes aware of improper access to raw FISA data from audit results.
  • April 2016 Rogers orders the NSA compliance officer to run a full audit on 702 NSA compliance.
  • April 18 2016 Rogers shuts down FBI/NSD contractor access to the FISA Search System completely.
  • June 19 2016 - FBI attempts to get a Title I FISA warrant and is denied
  • June 25 2016 - FBI attempts again to get a Title I FISA and is denied
  • August 6 2016 - FBI attempts again to get a Title I FISA and is denied
  • September 26 2016 DOJ's NSD Head John Carlin files the Government's proposed 2016 Section 702 certifications. Carlin has been aware of Rogers' compliance review and knows he didn't report violation 6 months earlier as required by law.
  • September 27 2016 Carlin announces he is resigning. Mary McCord will later assume his position.
  • October 4 2016 a follow-up hearing on the 2016 Section 702 Certification was held. Carlin is still with the NSD at this time. Carlin is evasive and gives inconclusive testimony. aka Plays Dumb
  • October 15 2016 Carlin formally leaves the NSD.
  • October 17 2016 DNI Clapper submits a recommendation to the White House that Director Rogers be removed from the NSA. Attempt fails, Obama refuses to address recommendation from Clapper. The horse has left the barn. Clapper informs Comey the jig is up attempt to shut down Rogers failed.
  • October 18 2016 - Comey, Strzok, Rice, Powers, Lynch, Rhodes and Obama meet in the Oval according to visitors logs and Strzok Page texts.
  • October 19 2016 - The FBI puts together a FISA application with dossier Carter Page
  • October 20 2016 Rogers is briefed by the NSA compliance officer on the Section 702 NSA compliance audit and "About" query violations.
  • October 21 2016 Rogers shuts down all "About Query" activity. Rogers reports the activity to DOJ and prepares to go before the FISA Court.
  • October 21 2016 DOJ & FBI seek and receive a Title I FISA probable cause order authorizing electronic surveillance on Carter Page from the FISC. At this point, the FISA Court is unaware of the Section 702 violations.
  • October 24 2016 Rogers verbally informs the FISA Court of Section 702(17) violations.
  • October 26 2016 Rogers formally informs the FISA Court of 702(17) violations in writing.
  • November 17 2016 (morning) Rogers travels to meet President-Elect Trump and his Transition Team in Trump Tower. Rogers does not inform DNI James Clapper.
  • November 17 2016 (evening) Trump Transition Team announces they are moving all transition activity to Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey.

A lot of this activity and the documentation around it is going to come under fire from the OIG, to what level it rises to is to be determined. There has been a mountain of speculations and theories that will likely be debunked and we will find out some new things.

Carlin announcing his resignation exactly one day after he filed the Government's proposed 2016 Section 702 certification was no coincidence. He had been concealing systemwide FISA abuse and not reporting as required by law. Instead of issuing individual court orders, Section 702 requires the AG and the DNI to provide the FISC with annual certifications that specify categories of foreign intelligence information the government is authorized to acquire pursuant to Section 702. But violations are supposed to be recorded and reported to the DNI, HSCOIC the SPSCIC and the Gang of 8.

The AG and the DNI must also certify that Intelligence Community elements are following targeting procedures and minimization procedures (EO 12333) that are approved by the FISC as part of the annual certification. Lynch and Capper had done neither. The NSD and ODNI are both required to routinely review all Intelligence Agency U.S. person queries of content to ensure the Section 702 queries satisfy the legal standard. Carlin and Clapper had not been doing it, in fact they were covering it up. The NSD with notice to the ODNI is required to report any incidents of Agency noncompliance or misconduct to the FISA Court immediately, they damn sure had not been doing that. Carlin resigning the day after he turned in his annual report was him bailing out and leaving Clapper holding the bag. Clapper had no choice but to try and go after Rogers. Obama knew the jig was up and there was no coming back from that. He denied Clapper to trying and buffer himself somewhat. The infamous meeting the next day in the Oval is likely where Operation Crossfire Hurricane was a go.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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ccatag said:

There was no proof that bias directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed.
But likewise, there was no proof that bias did not directly affect the specific investigative actions we reviewed.
Would that be true?
That was covered in one of the IG hearings. I believe the question was asked similar to that and Horowitz agreed.
🤡 🤡 🤡
Mission Velveta
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That grip is either Mormon, Masonic, Frat, or boy scouts. So it could be anything lol
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ccatag said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

Michael Barnhart said:

coyote68 said:

benchmark said:


C"We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed,"
So, if Page's anti-Trump texts to McCabe and Strozk were not documentary evidence ... at what point does ALL the available evidence reach the criminal standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt"? Isn't this really the core criminal law legal question?

I suspect you are an attorney and are much better than me at analyzing words and sentences.

The words "directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed" appear to leave much wiggle room.

None of the texts said, "don't check Hillary's server because I want her to be President". That's pretty much the plain meaning of the quoted statement from the report.
Exactly, short of a written confession, the IG had no other conclusion to come to. His job was to gather the evidense, and he did. Where it goes from there is up to prosecutors. Horowitz is an "Inspector" not a "Prosecutor".

There was no proof that bias directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed.
But likewise, there was no proof that bias did not directly affect the specific investigative actions we reviewed.
Would that be true?
Horowitz stated plainly there was definitely bias and alarming behavior, but no "documented" proof it affect the outcome by the "Prosecutors" He worded that very deliberately. Most of the bad texts and nefarious planning was dome by the FBI not the "prosecutors" so he had no "documented proof the latter was affected. He was certain to point that out. Common sense tells you one thing, but it's not what you know it's what you can prove.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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What a POS, pull his credentials

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

What a POS, pull his credentials

"No. Next question."
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