So Hakluyt & Company has offices in London, New York, Singapore, Tokyo and Sydney and was founded by a trio of former British intelligence operatives that are all connect to the Clintons. Hakluyt was founded 17 years ago by Christopher James, a former SAS and MI6 operative, and Christopher Wilkins, a businessman who had served in the Welsh Guards (British version of the Secret Service). Downer - Downer, a long time friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton, had been on Hakluyt's advisory board since 2008. But he had to resign his official Hakluyt role in 2014, however his connections continued uninterrupted, the News Corp. Australian Network reported in the link below, and as we all know Downer was the person that drunk little Papadopoulos was so chatty with, popping off about his connections to Russia and how he knew people that has dirt on Hillary.
But it can be revealed Mr Downer has still been attending client conferences and gatherings of the group, including a client cocktail soiree at the Orangery at Kensington Palace a few months ago.
His attendance at that event is understood to have come days after he also attended a two-day country retreat at the invitation of the group which has been involved in a number of corporate spy scandals in recent times.
Britain's Foreign Office, that has several of its former diplomats working for Hakluyt and also has oversight of the MI6 spy agency that has many of its former operatives on Hakluyt's books, has noted the attendances.
"The group operates in the shadows, it's not exactly open and transparent and so any serving, and that's the difference, serving diplomat with access to sensitive information and insight associating with the group raises a worry in Whitehall," one diplomatic source told News Corp Australia.
We also know the Downer was responsible for getting millions of dollars diverted to the Clinton Foundation reportedly for AIDS relief in New Zealand and remote Australian territories. But the problem is no one could ever show any accountability where the CF ever applied any of that money to where it was intended.
Hakluyt is described as
"one of the more secretive firms within the corporate investigations world" and
"a retirement home for ex-MI6 officers, but it now also recruits from the worlds of management consultancy and banking "Downer is also connected to another firm in the international intel world, China's telecommunications giant Huawei; he served on their board for several years, beginning in 2011. Huawei is described by U.S. intelligence experts as a tool of Chinese espionage in America. Very seedy bunch this Downer guy is involved with.'s behind paywall but will post some screen caps
Bo Xilai Scandal and the Mysterious Neil Heywood
Neil Heywood's ties to Bo Xilai and his family may have cost him his life and set off China's biggest political scandal in a generation. But precisely why, or how, he died is still unknown.
Here's another article on Heywood that's not behind the paywall and it gives a lot of info on this Hakluyt group. They were always a shadow group unheard of until Heywood got himself killed and it raised a lot of flags. Described as a retirement spot for MI6 spies. Wall to wall spooks. entire website consists of basically nothing. similar to our old buddies over at Fusion GPS this Hakluyt has an alias. Pelorus Research is a trading activity company out of the
Holdingham Group, which is the trading name of Hakluyt. there is one member of their "advisory board" that sticks out. Susman: Remember this name Louis Susman is an American lawyer, retired investment banker, and the former
United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom. Nominated by Obama, he was confirmed by the Senate on July 10, 2009, and sworn in by Hillary Clinton.A quick google query brings this up pretty quickly is from Chicago, home of Barry and a pile of other corrupt politicians. Huge money bundler for Barry, we are talking millions and millions. Some say that Barry owes his political career to this guy and is a long time friend of Bill Ayers was introduced to barry in Bill Ayers living room where Barry's political career originally kicked off in 1995. Ayers, Susman, Alice J Palmer (long time radical progressive activist), and some of Chicago's underground select activists
took an unknown community organizer padded up his resume in the academia world and put him in the White House in 13 years. Barry appoints a huge money bundler from his campaign to an Ambassadorship in the UK. Sound like a familiar move? Sounds like when former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich auctioned off Obama's senate seat to the highest bidder. But Barry got a pass on the accusations of cronyism, by the press. Okay this Holdingham Group is the rebranding of the Hakluyt spy group, has an interesting group of share holders, and look who's name comes up again.
Alexander Downer. Full details of shareholders: Susman is in dozens of Hillary's emails that were put out by Wikileaks. He was also very involved in getting the Clinton Foundation positioned to receive billions in relief for Haiti.
More digging to do on this bunch because there are way too many twos to Barry and Hillary to just be a coincidence. Swamp is not even the damn word to call this anymore
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42