Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,487,283 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 4 days ago by aggiehawg
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Damn right Mueller was blindsided. He never expected to hear from those Russians ever again and he had some skins on the wall he can point to "13 Russians indicted and 3 companies"

Of course they probably know they have nothing and called his bluff, now he's caught with his ants down. Like Dixie said they should be elated that the defendant is waving process and service.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Damn right Mueller was blindsided. He never expected to hear from those Russians ever again and he had some skins on the wall he can point to "10 Russians indicted and 3 companies"

Of course they probably know they have nothing and called his bluff, now he's caught with his ants down. Like Dixie said they should be elated that the defendant is waving process and service.
If Mueller does decide to proceed with the prosecution, the witness list will be quite interesting. How much of his evidence came from the NSA meta-data base? And just who is going to present it and be cross-examined about it?

All around, this indictment is beginning to look ill-conceived.
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The legal beagles ought to enjoy this thread.
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aggiehawg said:

Doubtful. Comey would have lost leverage once the server was rendered inadmissible, even in a spoiliation case because it had been bleach bitted.

Now the cloud issue, maybe. Wouldn't put it past Comey to whisper, "I still have your deleted emails, BTW. Looking forward to working with you." Comey did recently say he fully expected to have been retained under Hillary. How very Hooveresque of him.
Or ... if HRC had fired Comey ... does anyone think Comey wouldn't memorialize himself with a similar self-aggrandizing book also named "A Higher Loyalty?"
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What a sweetie you are! Thank you so much!

While I'm reading that take a gander at THIS about James Baker not having an immunity deal. Or so the article assumes.

Be back in a bit.
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aggiehawg said:

What a sweetie you are! Thank you so much!

While I'm reading that take a gander at THIS about James Baker not having an immunity deal. Or so the article assumes.

Be back in a bit.
I saw that. Perhaps Baker & Wittes could write a special "Orange Blog".
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aggiehawg said:

What a sweetie you are! Thank you so much!

While I'm reading that take a gander at THIS about James Baker not having an immunity deal. Or so the article assumes.

Be back in a bit.
I read somewhere that Baker was supervising the FISA applications. Any truth to that report?

Edit for this statement:


According to PBS, it was Baker's job to file and prepare all applications for domestic surveillance under FISA when he led the OIPR.
Quote from Baker:


"Every FISA application has to have minimization procedures," he said of the effort to protect Americans' privacy. "Those minimization procedures require us to reduce the amount of irrelevant [information], meaning substantively irrelevant or irrelevant because it has to do with some other person who we're not interested in. Every application has to have with it these procedures, and they require us to reduce the amount of irrelevant information that we acquire, the amount of irrelevant information that we retain and the amount of irrelevant information that we disseminate, so those three different stages of minimization."
Bird Poo
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aggiehawg said:

What a sweetie you are! Thank you so much!

While I'm reading that take a gander at THIS about James Baker not having an immunity deal. Or so the article assumes.

Be back in a bit.

Looking forward to your analysis!
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Wow. Mueller is hosed. Out and about right now. I'll post more thoughts later.
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Yes, looking forward to your comments.

If I remember correctly, Baker had a sudden and unexpected departure after testifying before a Congrssional committee.
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I'm baaacckkk!

Okay, this judge is quite savvy and doesn't take counsel evading his questions lightly. Dreeben tried to tap dance around the "arose" part of the jurisdiction in Rosenstein's original appointment letter but the judge was having none of that. How can an investigation that preceded Mueller's appointment have "arose" from his subsequent investigation? Dreeben, "Huurrr, durrr." Judge asks him again. Dreeben, "Huurrr, duurrr." Judge asks a third time.

Then comes the legal equivalent from Dreeben of, "That's classified, I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you."

Judge takes umbrage at that, instructing Dreeben that District judges have clearance and he's currently handling a few espionage cases and he can see that information. There's a process and he can go through it if they insist.

When Judge Ellis begins questioning Manafort's attorney, Downing, he wants to know if the case can be simply given back to the EDVa to proceed and Downing accurately points out that the evidence amassed through the searches conducted under Mueller were done without legal authority and further convening a grand jury and signing the indictment was done without legal authority. IOW, there's nothing about the current indictment that can be handed back to the EDVa.

That last part, the signing the indictment might go too far, in my view. Depends on whether the judge buys the argument that whatever defects in jurisdiction Mueller may have had at first were later remedied by the August 2, 2017 Memo. And that depends on what is in the redacted material in the memo. And it is a problematical question for jurisdiction in a now-you-have-it-now-you-don't situation. In my experience, any lapse in jurisdiction during protracted legal proceedings makes everything come to a screeching halt. Or should, anyway.

One thing I found amusing was Downing's (Manafort's lawyer) reveal that he worked at Justice for 15 years, 5 under Rosenstein who was a stickler about memos to the file during his time with him. Downing was suggesting that the August 2, 2017 memo was unlikely to be the only one. An invitation for the judge to ask to see additional material. Wish I were a fly on the wall in the courtroom to see how Dreeben reacted to that.But Dreeben himself had opened the door on that score as we'll see below.

One thing is still very troubling to me and that is the Mueller team's assertion that the May 17, 2017 appointment letter (which is an order and required to be public) couldn't contain everything Mueller was being tasked with.

That just bugs the crap out of me because it is an assertion that Mueller was authorized to conduct a counter-intel investigation, or the appearance that he was. That is simply not within the purview of a Special Counsel. Period. Oh and consider the door open for the judge to inquire about these "interactions" between Mueller and Rosenstein on the subject of jurisdiction.

Judge was having none of that however:

The last thing that bothers me is that the indictment before this court is for actions going back to 2005, 2006 and that the EDVa had been investigating Manafort off and on since that time but he was never indicted. Isn't there some Statute of Limitations argument somewhere in there?

My .02.
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aggiehawg said:


Judge was having none of that however:

The last thing that bothers me is that the indictment before this court is for actions going back to 2005, 2006 and that the EDVa had been investigating Manafort off and on since that time but he was never indicted. Isn't there some Statute of Limitations argument somewhere in there?

My .02.

I am trying to recall that NFL program the Judge was referring to and I think it might be the one where they would show NFL plays the previous week of great hits and they would all holler, "he got Jacked Up!"
Remember that show?
It looks like the Judge may have just "Jacked Up Mueller, eh?"
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

True. And who should be screaming about Rosey's August 2, 2017 memo is Sessions himself.

According to Dreeben's representations to Judge Ellis yesterday there are likely many other areas that he devolved upon Mueller that have nothing to do with the 2016 campaign. The subject of Sessions' recusal.

The more we learn about how this has all come down, thanks to the Manafort indictments, the more it seems Mueller and Rosey were scheming against Sessions as well as Trump.
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It has become clear that Mueller is going totally scorched earth on anyone who has been in any way shpae or form connected with the Trump campaign. They could care less if they destroy innocent CITIZENS financially.

My take is that he and Rosey have gone "all in" on trying to find anything, I mean anything to pin on Trump colluding with Russia in someway. They know that they have crossed legal lines, They must it's the only chance they have of coming out of this on their feet with any sort of reputation at all . It is also revenge for Trump's gutting and black washing of the FBI (which it CLEARLY NEEDED). They have to find something anything or they all get swept. Comey, Mueller, Rosy the whole crew. They have to try to extend this through the mid terms. That is their only hope of survival. The tide is turning and the hunters are about to be the hunted.

I am still not totally convinced that Sessions is incompetent here, I think he may be just giving them more rope to hang themselves with. The more these type of tactics are brought into the light, the more they are questioned challenged and defeated the more the integrity of Mueller and the council is getting negative PR. The more straws they grasp at the more desperate and nasty they look, They are coming across like bullies more so than Trump. Time is actually on Trump's side, He has not colluded in anyway with Russia and there is still no there, there!

"only one thing is important!"
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ccatag said:

aggiehawg said:


Judge was having none of that however:

The last thing that bothers me is that the indictment before this court is for actions going back to 2005, 2006 and that the EDVa had been investigating Manafort off and on since that time but he was never indicted. Isn't there some Statute of Limitations argument somewhere in there?

My .02.

I am trying to recall that NFL program the Judge was referring to and I think it might be the one where they would show NFL plays the previous week of great hits and they would all holler, "he got Jacked Up!"
Remember that show?
It looks like the Judge may have just "Jacked Up Mueller, eh?"

Come on, man is from ESPN. It is(was?) a recap of boneheaded plays from the weekend. Each guy would pick a play and talk about it for the segment.
🤡 🤡 🤡
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VegasAg86 said:

ccatag said:

aggiehawg said:


Judge was having none of that however:

The last thing that bothers me is that the indictment before this court is for actions going back to 2005, 2006 and that the EDVa had been investigating Manafort off and on since that time but he was never indicted. Isn't there some Statute of Limitations argument somewhere in there?

My .02.

I am trying to recall that NFL program the Judge was referring to and I think it might be the one where they would show NFL plays the previous week of great hits and they would all holler, "he got Jacked Up!"
Remember that show?
It looks like the Judge may have just "Jacked Up Mueller, eh?"

Come on, man is from ESPN. It is(was?) a recap of boneheaded plays from the weekend. Each guy would pick a play and talk about it for the segment.
Ah, thanks. That must be why I missed it. I quit watching ESPN (other than live games) long ago.
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Thank you. Very interesting for a lay person.

God Bless America!!!
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How many times have we heard it's not the crime it's the cover-up? The FBI & the SC sure seem to be covering something up.
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McCarthy's latest: LINK

Money shot:


After two years, we are entitled to nothing less. The president should direct Rosenstein to outline, publicly and in detail, the good-faith basis for a criminal investigation arising out of Russia's interference in the election if there is one. If he can't, Mueller's criminal investigation should be terminated; if he can, Mueller should be compelled to explain (unless Rosenstein's disclosure makes it clear) why he needs to interview President Trump in order to complete his work.

If Rosenstein and Mueller are reluctant to do that, it can only be because they've decided that not only their investigation but also their desire for secrecy take precedence over every other consideration, including the president's capacity to govern domestically and conduct foreign policy in a dangerous world. But secrecy is not the nation's top priority. It's long past time to lay the cards on the table.
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Thread by Rex on the broken chain of custody on Hillary's laptop.
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You know, I can't stand Meuller, and hope bugs crawl in his ear tonight. Having said that, he's taking advantage of what is apparently our extremely weak judge system. In that sense, I don't blame him for doing what he's doing, as he was getting away with it (and may still) until yesterday. He's certainly the kind of SC any American would want to investigate, as he pushes everything to the limit until the ship starts sinking.

Maybe the actions to date are the best lesson to be learned from this whole fiasco, and that is so many of our judges don't see any law that doesn't have a caveat to help their political beliefs. For that reason, perhaps the best thing Trump can do over the next 2 1/2 years to to keep trying to get his folks in, no matter what size McConnel's little wiener is!
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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Judge rejects Mueller's request for delay in Russian troll farm case

(And the hits just keep on hitting)

A federal judge has rejected special counsel Robert Mueller's request to delay the first court hearing in a criminal case charging three Russian companies and 13 Russian citizens with using social media and other means to foment strife among Americans in advance of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
In a brief order Saturday evening, U.S. District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich offered no explanation for her decision to deny a request prosecutors made Friday to put off the scheduled Wednesday arraignment for Concord Management and Consulting, one of the three firms charged in the case.

The 13 people charged in the high-profile indictment in February are considered unlikely to ever appear in a U.S. court. The three businesses accused of facilitating the alleged Russian troll farm operation the Internet Research Agency, Concord Management, and Concord Catering were also expected to simply ignore the American criminal proceedings.
Last month, however, a pair of Washington-area lawyers suddenly surfaced in the case, notifying the court that they represent Concord Management. POLITICO reported at the time that the move appeared to be a bid to force Mueller's team to turn over relevant evidence to the Russian firm and perhaps even to bait prosecutors into an embarrassing dismissal in order to avoid disclosing sensitive information.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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Code 7 10-42
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Here is the entire court transcript with Judge Ellis:

Here are two quotes by Deeben from Manafort's Team that catch my eye:

Bottom Pg 28 to top Pg 29:


MR. DREEBEN: ...The regulations nowhere say that a specific factual statement needs to be provided publicly, and in the context of a confidential, sensitive counterintelligence investigation that involves classified information, it would not make any sense for that information to be conveyed publicly.

Bottom Pg 30:

MR. DREEBEN: So we're dealing here with a national security counterintelligence investigation that had been conducted by the FBI that had numerous different aspects to it that were --

It's just like TCTH said: Mueller's investigation is a continuation of the FBI's counterintelligence investigation begun on Carter Page with that fraudulent FISA warrant. The SC must investigate a crime by definition -- it cannot be a secretive counterintelligence investigation.

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LOL. She didn't even bother to give the obvious reason. Defects in service of process are waived when defendant's counsel enter a general appearance (meaning they are not entering a special appearance to contest the service or other jurisdictional issues.)
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Ok. Things are starting to get REALLY interesting.

Is it conceivable that after all this time and all this money and the ruining of lives - Mueller is going to have Rick Gates as the only person he was able to get a conviction on?

Russians - nope.
Flynn - nope.
Manafort - nope (even if the judge just sends it back to other jurisdiction)

I mean besides these 3 (Russians are a group), Gates is the only one they've even indicted!!? It's literally the most absurd, incompetent, corrupt, cover-up disguised as an investigation in the history of history.
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aggiehawg said:

LOL. She didn't even bother to give the obvious reason. Defects in service of process are waived when defendant's counsel enter a general appearance (meaning they are not entering a special appearance to contest the service or other jurisdictional issues.)
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
Larry S Ross
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jjeffers1 said:

Ok. Things are starting to get REALLY interesting.

Is it conceivable that after all this time and all this money and the ruining of lives - Mueller is going to have Rick Gates as the only person he was able to get a conviction on?

Russians - nope.
Flynn - nope.
Manafort - nope (even if the judge just sends it back to other jurisdiction)

I mean besides these 3 (Russians are a group), Gates is the only one they've even indicted!!? It's literally the most absurd, incompetent, corrupt, cover-up disguised as an investigation in the history of history.

McCarthy is spot on w his article. It's time for Trump and Rosensteins replacement(when does he take his hiatus?) to put the squeeze on mulehead.
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aggiehawg said:

LOL. She didn't even bother to give the obvious reason. Defects in service of process are waived when defendant's counsel enter a general appearance (meaning they are not entering a special appearance to contest the service or other jurisdictional issues.)

They're lucky she didn't hammer them for asking for that. Too bad that one wasn't in open court. That transcript might be very entertaining.
🤡 🤡 🤡
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jjeffers1 said:

Ok. Things are starting to get REALLY interesting.

Is it conceivable that after all this time and all this money and the ruining of lives - Mueller is going to have Rick Gates as the only person he was able to get a conviction on?

Russians - nope.
Flynn - nope.
Manafort - nope (even if the judge just sends it back to other jurisdiction)

I mean besides these 3 (Russians are a group), Gates is the only one they've even indicted!!? It's literally the most absurd, incompetent, corrupt, cover-up disguised as an investigation in the history of history.

Maybe not even Gates.... Then he's only got van der Zwaan
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Thanks for posting the entire transcript. Can I just say, I LOVE THIS JUDGE!! He's hysterically funny. Sardonic wit. And he gave both counsels some grief. Dreeben received the bulk of it, though.

His familiarity with the old Independent Counsel regime and what the innate problems were with that is priceless.

Dreeben went down the wrong road claiming it was a counter-intelligence operation and classified. Judge reminded him that he had SCIF in the court house. CIPA is the Classified Information Procedures Act, BTW. And obviously something the judge isn't particularly fond of. But the bottom line is this.

One way or another, this judge is going to see unredacted documents and damn the intelligence community if they try to stop him.
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Techno Fog's take (thread) on the ruling by the judge against Mueller et al vs the Russians. Although much of it is over my head, I rather liked this part:


"The Special Counsel is not entitled to special rules."
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I'm fully convinced Rosey underneath that big redaction gave the Mulehead authorization for a counterintelligence investigation and also gave them FISA Title 1 surveillance warrant authority; which allowed Mulehead to retrieve all communications everything belonging to any person, entity or group, within two-hops of Carter Page. And that is why he's holding on ti it like a death grip. If that is true, Mulehead is done. Being counter intelligence instead of criminal the SC days are over.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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LOL. Team Mueller can't even get the small details correct.
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