See this is what Hawg and I were discussing earlier, when the report came out about Michael Cohen being "wiretapped". And then rolled back to being a DNR. None of that strange reporting passed the smell test. I had posted Michael Caputo's interview a page or two before that story ever broke in which he said exactly what this twitter thread is talking about. He described in great detail about the Special Counsel team knowing more about the campaign than he did, saying they had
"every itinerary, every phone call, email, and text message." Knew right then they were either two hopping everybody off of Carter Page's FISA Warrant, or as Hawg suggested, they had multiple FISA's and we've yet to see or here about the others. It explains exactly why Rosenstein is slow rolling all the paperwork surround the FISA application(s), Mueller Scope, etc.
Now this is ket and pay attention. Michael Caputo was only with the Trump campaign only a short time at the very beginning.
He was a senior communications adviser to Trump's political efforts November 2015 to June 2016 (fired following June 20, 2016 tweet about Lewandowski firing)! That's right I said November 2015 to June 2016. Those dates are very key. Carter Page's FISA warrant wasn't granted until after he was gone from the campaign, and replaced by Jason Miller. That means they two hopped Michael Caputo off of Page's FISA warrant that it was issued on
Oct. 19, 2016, and expired after 3 renewals on Oct. 20, 2017. So they back history surveilled Michael Caputo's texts, emails and phone calls, off of a FISA warrant that was issued
4 months after he had left the campaign. That's the dirty business that this thing has gotten into. And Mueller's team, who wasn't appointed until
May 17, 2017, has everything on Michael Caputo dating back before Trump was even the Republican Nominee.
Show that bullshiit story that was leaked out, then backtracked was likely correct the first time, but was backtracked when Rosenstein and Mueller started freaking out. The original was likely accurate but damaging since it involved Trump's lawyer and a White House phone conversation(s). This is more than just ugly politics, this is full blown attempt to overthrow the Trump administration.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42