Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,487,917 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 5 days ago by aggiehawg
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Rockdoc said:

Just now on Tucker Carlson, Danny Coulson fmr FBI dep asst dir, and James Kallstrom fmr FBI asst dir, in separate interviews just destroyed the FBI and DOJ. Specifically Comey and the raids on Cohen and Manafort. If there's a replay it's worth watching. It is very chilling how things have changed. It's not political at all and they didn't even mention the previous administration.
Edit to say I'm late. Haha

The folks who need to see that 1.) Ain't watching it and 2.) Would dismiss it as lies and Trumperisms if they did.

Literally half the country wants one thing, and does not care how they get it. Trump Impeached. Period.
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Mueller added yet another Clinton donating Democrat to his team.


The latest addition to special counsel Robert Mueller's team of prosecutors contributed to Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, according to federal campaign records.

Uzo Asonye, an assistant U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, is joining Mueller's stable of prosecutors to work as local counsel on the case against Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman who has been indicted on money laundering and bank fraud charges.

Asonye worked at the firm O'Melveny & Myers before joining the U.S. attorney's office in 2010. Asonye donated $900 to Clinton's presidential campaign from January to April 2008, according to Federal Election Commission records. He has not donated to any other national political campaigns since then.

Asonye is just the latest Democrat to join Mueller's team.
Red Fishing Ag93
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But Mueller is so bipartisan
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I am not home, on a foreign computer, so I cannot copy this entire thread to read it. You are going to be sick. Read it. Then you will understand that Mueller has everyone's emails, texts, phone calls, etc. & why Rosenstein won't reveal the specific portions of the secret authorization letter he sent to Mueller. It's TREASON!!!


2. Trump campaign official Michael Caputo just revealed on TV that Robert Mueller has the emails, phone records, communications and *text messages* of everyone who worked on the campaign.

3. This is a big effen reveal that no-one is noticing.

4. Specifically that Mueller has the intercepted "text messages" of everyone involved in the campaign. THAT is the big clue. That is not easy to get. It requires a VERY specific legal authority.

5. Think and read carefully. This discovery explains *why* Rod Rosenstein extended the FISA Title-1 surveillance warrant used against Carter Page (and the campaign) in July 2017.

6. This explains why the originating authorization to Robert Mueller was kept secret. This explains why Rod Rosenstein never granted public review of the Special Counsel origination document.

7. This explains why Mueller's crew redacted the content when he filed an "attachment" response in the Paul Manafort case.

8. Robert Mueller, and the sneaky Special Counsel team, used the FISA Title-1 surveillance warrant as the entry point in their 2017 investigation.

9. Without exploitation of the previously granted FISA Title-1 Surveillance warrant, the Special Counsel would have needed to go to a federal judge for a search warrant.


11. The 2017-2018 Special Counsel investigation is a "criminal" investigation.
The 2016 FBI investigation was a "counterintelligence" investigation.

12. Without use of the FISA Title-1 warrant, Robert Mueller's corrupt team of political activists would have been forced to go to federal court under Title 3 and request all of those search warrants on individuals/suspects/targets.

13. In order to get those search warrants, Mueller's team would have needed to show probable cause why the warrants were necessary. This is the ordinary process within going to any federal judge for such matters (ie. Title 3 search warrants) under DOJ authority.

14. However, by using the existing FISA Court Title-1 surveillance warrant, extended by Rod Rosenstein (July 2017), Mueller didn't need to get additional warrant authority. He only needed to DOJ to transfer the already existing investigation to him.

15. Which is exactly what happened.

16. August, September and October 2016, the horribly corrupt TEAM Mueller, could monitor, scrape, collect and retrieve every single communication within the Trump administration legally using the pre-existing Title-1 warrant authority.

17. That FISA Title-1 surveillance authority is FAR more intrusive than any other type of warrant granted to an investigative authority. It is designed to capture terrorists; and allows *active* and *passive* surveillance, and can be applied retroactively in perpetuity.

18. The FISA Title-1 grants full surveillance authority *E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G*, physical, electronic, the works, on every person, entity, organization, group or individual within two hops of the target, Carter Page.

19. So that also means that Robert Mueller's team was also legally able to monitor everyone within congress who had contact with Page over those five months:
May-June '2017 (Special Counsel starts)
July-October 2017 (SC using FISA extension).

20. By the time the FISA Title-1 Warrant expired (October 2017); Mueller likely had MASSIVE surveillance captures. Phone records, transcripts, recordings, metadata, emails, text messages, skype chats, everything conducted by the Trump Administration.

21. And remember, FISA Title-1 warrants apply retroactively. For opposition research it would be the Holy Grail of search warrants.

22. That's why Michael Caputo is describing the content as "Mueller has everything". WATCH:


23. After the FISA warrant expired, October 2017,..... Starting November 2017 Robert Mueller would have needed to go to a federal court judge for any more search warrants under ordinary Title 3 issues and standards.

24. Now do you see how big a deal that is?

25. Now do the reports of Michael Cohen previously being under *phone monitoring* (surveillance) today take on a new perspective?

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Is that true?
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The FBI and DOJ illegally used the NSA to spy on a political campaign, and by association, virtually every Republican congressman and staff member.

Hiding this fact from the American public is a monumental task for Rosenstein and Mueller, which appears almost impossible given Horowitz, Rogers, and many others' disclosures.

What is the end game? Mutual assured destruction of everyone involved? Is Mueller still searching for bargaining chips since the Russia collusion scam imploded?
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Looks like the doings of a Russian information campaign.
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If what the CTH article(from drcrinum) is true and the Mueller team has everything, then they should be able to prove Russian collusion by now.

Since they can't do that, I conjecture that

a) the Mueller team is only going after process crimes


b) the Mueller team is dragging this out to affect the elections this fall.
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Mueller is going after Roger Stone as the best way to get Trump.
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Rudebaeger said:

If what the CTH article(from drcrinum) is true and the Mueller team has everything, then they should be able to prove Russian collusion by now.

Since they can't do that, I conjecture that

a) the Mueller team is only going after process crimes


b) the Mueller team is dragging this out to affect the elections this fall.

It could be accurate. Caputo said the SC team knew what he did in 2016 better than he did.

I think you're right. If they have every communication everyone made, they'd be able to prove collusion if it happened. If they can't prove it with all that, it didn't happen.
🤡 🤡 🤡
Ellis Wyatt
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txwxman said:

Looks like the doings of a Russian information campaign.
Piss off. Those of us who have been following this know beyond the shadow of a doubt the DOJ and FBI are completely tainted.

If you want to start a left-wing but thread, have at it. This thread is discussing reality and the ongoing coup attempt against the POTUS.
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See this is what Hawg and I were discussing earlier, when the report came out about Michael Cohen being "wiretapped". And then rolled back to being a DNR. None of that strange reporting passed the smell test. I had posted Michael Caputo's interview a page or two before that story ever broke in which he said exactly what this twitter thread is talking about. He described in great detail about the Special Counsel team knowing more about the campaign than he did, saying they had "every itinerary, every phone call, email, and text message." Knew right then they were either two hopping everybody off of Carter Page's FISA Warrant, or as Hawg suggested, they had multiple FISA's and we've yet to see or here about the others. It explains exactly why Rosenstein is slow rolling all the paperwork surround the FISA application(s), Mueller Scope, etc.

Now this is ket and pay attention. Michael Caputo was only with the Trump campaign only a short time at the very beginning. He was a senior communications adviser to Trump's political efforts November 2015 to June 2016 (fired following June 20, 2016 tweet about Lewandowski firing)! That's right I said November 2015 to June 2016. Those dates are very key. Carter Page's FISA warrant wasn't granted until after he was gone from the campaign, and replaced by Jason Miller. That means they two hopped Michael Caputo off of Page's FISA warrant that it was issued on Oct. 19, 2016, and expired after 3 renewals on Oct. 20, 2017.

So they back history surveilled Michael Caputo's texts, emails and phone calls, off of a FISA warrant that was issued 4 months after he had left the campaign. That's the dirty business that this thing has gotten into. And Mueller's team, who wasn't appointed until May 17, 2017, has everything on Michael Caputo dating back before Trump was even the Republican Nominee.

Show that bullshiit story that was leaked out, then backtracked was likely correct the first time, but was backtracked when Rosenstein and Mueller started freaking out. The original was likely accurate but damaging since it involved Trump's lawyer and a White House phone conversation(s). This is more than just ugly politics, this is full blown attempt to overthrow the Trump administration.
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Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

See this is what Hawg and I was discussing earlier, when the report came out about Michael Cohen being "wiretapped". And then rolled back to being a DNR. None of that strange reporting passed the smell test. I had posted Michael Caputo's interview a page or two before that story ever broke in which he said exactly what this twitter thread is talking about. He described in great detail about the Special Counsel team knowing more about the campaign than he did, saying they had "every itinerary, every phone call, email, and text message." Knew right then they were either two hopping everybody off of Carter Page's FISA Warrant, or as Hawg suggested, they had multiple FISA's and we've yet to see or here about the others. It explains exactly why Rosenstein is slow rolling all the paperwork surround the FISA application(s), Mueller Scope, etc.

Now this is ket and pay attention. Michael Caputo was only with the Trump campaign only a short time at the very beginning. He was a senior communications adviser to Trump's political efforts November 2015 to June 2016 (fired following June 20, 2016 tweet about Lewandowski firing)! That's right I said November 2015 to June 2016. Those dates are very key. Carter Page's FISA warrant wasn't granted until after he was gone from the campaign, and replaced by Jason Miller. That means they two hopped Michael Caputo off of Page's FISA warrant that it was issued on Oct. 19, 2016, and expired after 3 renewals on Oct. 20, 2017.

So they back history surveilled Michael Caputo's texts, emails and phone calls, off of a FISA warrant that was issued 4 months after he had left the campaign. That's the dirty business that this thing has gotten into. And Mueller's team, who wasn't appointed until May 17, 2017, has everything on Michael Caputo dating back before Trump was even the Republican Nominee.

Show that bullshiit story that was leaked out, then backtracked was likely correct the first time, but was backtracked when Rosenstein and Mueller started freaking out. The original was likely accurate but damaging since it involved Trump's lawyer and a White House phone conversation(s). This is more than just ugly politics, this is full blown attempt to overthrow the Trump administration.

Our Intellegence agency's have no respect for the law, the people that did this need to go to jail, there's got to be a way to flush These SOBs out, I hope the few republicans in the Senate that respect the law will come forward, it's time the country knows and undestands whose these people are. They have to know what's going on with all this illegal stuff
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This POS Lawfare Blogger and Comey's BFF reacting to the report of a wiretap on Cohen

Then after the walkback

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Code 7 10-42
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drcrinum said:

Then you will understand that Mueller has everyone's emails, texts, phone calls, etc. & why Rosenstein won't reveal the specific portions of the secret authorization letter he sent to Mueller.
if so, that would be a huge amount of electronic data and tons of paper trails to conceal from OIG investigators and others. Something that big, conspiratorial, and treasonous would be extremely difficult to hide for this long. Which is about the only reason I can't quite go there yet.
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I don't think they are hiding that they have all this. I think they are hiding how they justified obtaining all this. Right?
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RoscoePColtrane said:

See this is what Hawg and I was discussing earlier, when the report came out about Michael Cohen being "wiretapped". And then rolled back to being a DNR. None of that strange reporting passed the smell test. I had posted Michael Caputo's interview a page or two before that story ever broke in which he said exactly what this twitter thread is talking about. He described in great detail about the Special Counsel team knowing more about the campaign than he did, saying they had "every itinerary, every phone call, email, and text message." Knew right then they were either two hopping everybody off of Carter Page's FISA Warrant, or as Hawg suggested, they had multiple FISA's and we've yet to see or here about the others. It explains exactly why Rosenstein is slow rolling all the paperwork surround the FISA application(s), Mueller Scope, etc.

Now this is ket and pay attention. Michael Caputo was only with the Trump campaign only a short time at the very beginning. He was a senior communications adviser to Trump's political efforts November 2015 to June 2016 (fired following June 20, 2016 tweet about Lewandowski firing)! That's right I said November 2015 to June 2016. Those dates are very key. Carter Page's FISA warrant wasn't granted until after he was gone from the campaign, and replaced by Jason Miller. That means they two hopped Michael Caputo off of Page's FISA warrant that it was issued on Oct. 19, 2016, and expired after 3 renewals on Oct. 20, 2017.

So they back history surveilled Michael Caputo's texts, emails and phone calls, off of a FISA warrant that was issued 4 months after he had left the campaign. That's the dirty business that this thing has gotten into. And Mueller's team, who wasn't appointed until May 17, 2017, has everything on Michael Caputo dating back before Trump was even the Republican Nominee.

Show that bullshiit story that was leaked out, then backtracked was likely correct the first time, but was backtracked when Rosenstein and Mueller started freaking out. The original was likely accurate but damaging since it involved Trump's lawyer and a White House phone conversation(s). This is more than just ugly politics, this is full blown attempt to overthrow the Trump administration.
Just think of the ramifications. All the people, including the President and key members of his staff and Congress (think Nunes), have been surveilled not just prior to the election, but well into 2017. Unbelievable! And another aspect: who was doing all this surveillance? We didn't receive a clue from the Strzok & Page text messages because any such references were redacted or not released. And now we know for certain how they obtained the Flynn phone calls back in December 2016 that Yates had. All based upon fruit of the poisonous tree. That's why Flynn's sentencing is dragging out as well as Papadopolous'. Those two should be able to pursue massive civil suits against the government. And the F******* Rosenstein acting so pious...needs to be hung from a tree for treason.
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I was under the impression the Flynn part of this came from surveilling the Russian ambassador. Then he got unmasked. So I was under the further impression the issue there was the issue with the potentially falsified 302 used as evidence.
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Rapier108 said:

Mueller is going after Roger Stone as the best way to get Trump.

I honestly think this is a garbage story just to produce a headline because it has Trumps name in it. People have been after Roger Stone for 50 years and have never came up with anything. Stone is a showman and loves the attention and will say ANYTHING to make a headline or magazine cover. That's who Roger Stone is. Gates is Manafort's flunky, they try to paint him to be someone of big importance, he's a wrung above a coffee boy. If he was a real player and operative he would have never folded and turned on Manafort. And I guarantee you before it's over and Manafort may likely walk on this because if the missteps by the FBI, Gates better hire himself a food taster. Manafort is a sleazy guy but he also knows a lot of dangerous guys that would gladly Seth Rich little Gates in a heartbeat.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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Code 7 10-42
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EKUAg said:

I was under the impression the Flynn part of this came from surveilling the Russian ambassador. Then he got unmasked. So I was under the further impression the issue there was the issue with the potentially falsified 302 used as evidence.
That's the story thrown around because it was easily justifiable that Flynn was caught up in a 702 surveillance with the Russian Ambassador, but the revelations that have come to light with all the FISA Title 1 abuse changes a lot of perspectives.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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Code 7 10-42
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That may be true, and it would be a semi-legal explanation for what has happened to Flynn. But I do not think that the delays in the Flynn case would be occurring if everything was on the up and up.

The scenario above, where the Flynn surveillance is from the FISA warrant would explain why Mueller is hesitant to move forward.

But I really don't know. Either way, illegal surveillance was used - so really it is just a matter of exactly how egregious the illegal surveillance was.
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EKUAg said:

I was under the impression the Flynn part of this came from surveilling the Russian ambassador. Then he got unmasked. So I was under the further impression the issue there was the issue with the potentially falsified 302 used as evidence.
That was the original story. Flynn was unmasked after an "incidental" collection on a standing warrant on Kislyak.

But why was he unmasked? By whom? And why did Sally Yates go running to the White House on January 26, 2017 to advise McGahn (White House Counsel) that she thought Flynn had violated the never prosecuted Logan Act in December 2016 during the transition? That was two days after the meeting (not a formal interview) of Flynn by Strzok and another agent?

What seems more likely? One lone phone conversation between an incoming National Security Advisor and the Russian Ambassador touching off DefCon 2 at DOJ or much more information from multiple FISA warrants??

That isn't to say there was much of substance to support anything near as nefarious as they were trying to spin it into. (Logan Act? Really?) But with the reveal of the dossier a few days before coupled with the fact that the IC was actively searching for a scintilla of evidence to support their belief that Trump was compromised by Russia, they could then take disparate data points and connect them in a way that suited their narrative.

And they weren't even subtle about it. Obama changed the rules allowing classified material to be disseminated like skittles to everyone. Evelyn Farkas boasted about it. Susan Rice wrote that email to herself wherein it was determined by Obama to withhold information on Russia from the incoming President. Schumer tweeted that the Intelligence Community was loaded for bear and could mess Trump up six ways to Sunday. Clapper and Brennan publicly attacking Trump. Comey setting him up, etc.

The way this has all unfolded, it is indeed beyond shocking.
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benchmark said:

drcrinum said:

Then you will understand that Mueller has everyone's emails, texts, phone calls, etc. & why Rosenstein won't reveal the specific portions of the secret authorization letter he sent to Mueller.
if so, that would be a huge amount of electronic data and tons of paper trails to conceal from OIG investigators and others. Something that big, conspiratorial, and treasonous would be extremely difficult to hide for this long. Which is about the only reason I can't quite go there yet.
When Horowitz's report comes out, I think it will be clear that he has a ton, and has been said many times "he has 1.2 million documents." That's not pages, that's documents. Remember where all these text messages came from between page and Strzok. It was Horowitz that released the first volley of them, then the DOJ had to admit that they had them and that's when Nunes and Grassley started demanding their release. Rosenstein has been slow rolling them out ever since.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Horowitz testifies on Tuesday. You would think he would have submitted it by now so they could have a chance to review it before the hearing. Let the leaking begin!
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Tailgate88 said:

Horowitz testifies on Tuesday. You would think he would have submitted it by now so they could have a chance to review it before the hearing. Let the leaking begin!
I'm feeling that a public version of the next chapter drops late today
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Seems were on a collisions course between Mueller and Horowitz. The crash is going to be epic.
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I thought that the Horowitz appearance on the 8th was cancelled because the report wasn't completed yet - and the appearance was re-scheduled for an undetermined later date after the report was ready.
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I thought that the Horowitz appearance on the 8th was cancelled because the report wasn't completed yet - and the appearance was re-scheduled for an undetermined later date after the report was ready.
Nope still the letter of record

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Nope, this one is more recent...
sam callahan
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I wish I had a tenth of the faith in Horowitz as some of you.

I operate on the assumption that there are no angels of virtue in D.C. and if there were they would be squashed under the weight and corruption of those around them.

It's a bleak outlook, but one that seldom if ever gets truly challenged.
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I also wonder if they are close to calling a truce and going back to the status quo. It's pretty clear that the entire swamp was doing this kind of stuff and spying on each other.

This battle is about to expose a lot of people all over the swamp and causing major chaos for everyone.

Wouldn't surprise me that Mueller and Horowitz take a few lower level scalps and put everything else away so the swamp can go back to doing what they do.

I think the wild card here is how much actual hate their is for trump for being an outsider. They really want to get the dude.
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Cepe said:

Seems were on a collisions course between Mueller and Horowitz. The crash is going to be epic.
No necessarily but I think the Horowitz report will shine lots of light into the malfeasance in DOJ which should spur additional OIG investigations.

I'm very leery of another SC investigation, given the Mueller trainwreck.
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Nope, this one is more recent...
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Nope, this one is more recent...
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aggiehawg said:


Nope, this one is more recent...
Sorry Mrs. Hawg!!!!
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