Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,489,736 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 6 days ago by aggiehawg
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Trying to reshape the narrative

Just example number 17462928363838 on if the Dems are claiming you are doing something, they have been doing it for 20 years.

So now it is collusion didn't happen. Correction Trump didn't cullude with Russia, but now there is a paper trail leading from the DNC to Russia. STOP LOOKING AT COLLUSION!! NOTHING TO SEE THERE!

Look at the businesses...yesss. He was able to move money all around the world through his many different businesses. Kind of like how the Red Cross and the CF have seemed to been operating for a number of years?

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I have a few question(s) for the legal experts in this thread. And just to be clear, I have never been involved in any arrest, in any way, other than watching L&O on TV.

Based on what everyone writes in posts, there are a lot of persons that would appear to be chargeable for some kind of felony, or violation of Fed code/reg. There are also a huge number of sealed indictments in the court system, many more than normal if I understand it correctly.

What I understand is that a person can have an indictment against them sitting out there (sealed indictment?), but may not yet be arrested of the specified crime. In order to arrest them, a judge has to issue an arrest warrant? So is the sequence Indict->Warrant->Arrest? How many officers do they send out? 2? More?

And, if they want to ensure the perp doesn't flee the country before LEO nabs them, would the Judge have to also initiate an order to flag that individual's passport at the border or in an Airport?

And, if Trump's EO on Civil Asset Forfeiture is also in play, some paperwork has to be prepared and processed through a Judge/Court in order to be issued.

So by my count, a target for arrest could have 3, 4 or more legal documents prepped for their arraignment. Also, they will be tried before a Jury, and in a Federal Court. Right?

So putting that together, if there are just a 1,000 people (there are 24,000+ sealed indictments out there), that would mean 3-4,000 legal documents to prepared, about 2,000 US Marshalls to round 'em up. And on, and on, and on...

This would take time...a lot of time, and is it possible that most of this paperwork may already be completed? And would that contribute to the slow pace of getting all this in place? And can we expect it continue to slog through the swamp, making another 1,000 or so lawyers or law firms millionaires in the process?


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TexAgsAnon said:

Harassing Gowdy at Church sounds like a really great idea that can't go wrong in any sort of way.
I see you've never been to the Bapti-Dome. They host unofficial GOP primary events. Gowdy isn't going just to pray.
AW 1880
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I almost posted a picture of Chuck Rhoades when all of this Cohen stuff with SDNY went down.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Trying to reshape the narrative

I have remained very curious regarding the Fusion GPS bank records ever since the latter were subpoenaed by the HPSIC and the subsequent court ruling in January in favor of the HPSIC. Just who were the journalists and news agencies that were on Fusion GPS's bank role? Could it be that the New York Slimes was on the take from Fusion GPS regarding the dossier & Russian collusion? Interesting thought.

And now Fusion GPS is facing multiple civil lawsuits regarding the dossier...and the above piece of garbage in the New York Slimes is directed to create questions in the public's eye...just maybe there was something to that dossier after all. So did Fusion GPS slip a few $$s to the New York Slimes for some badly-needed public relations on FGPS's behalf? Just for old times sake.

But then I suddenly remembered that weird lawsuit filed last week by the DNC against the Russian Government/Trump Campaign/Wikileaks/The World. And the Fusion GPS hit piece in the NY Slimes...maybe it was the DNC funding plaintiff research in support of its lawsuit...and who would be better served in that regard than a company with proven credentials in disinformation techniques, Fusion GPS. So maybe Perkins Coie...oops! I just checked. No Perkins Coie. The DNC lawsuit was filed by Cohen, Milstein, Sellers & Toll = bottom feeders, specializing in plaintiff class-action lawsuits. Still, during discovery, it might be worth checking to see if Fusion GPS was 'indirectly' engaged again on behalf of the DNC.
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SeMgCo87 said:

I have a few question(s) for the legal experts in this thread. And just to be clear, I have never been involved in any arrest, in any way, other than watching L&O on TV.

Based on what everyone writes in posts, there are a lot of persons that would appear to be chargeable for some kind of felony, or violation of Fed code/reg. There are also a huge number of sealed indictments in the court system, many more than normal if I understand it correctly.

What I understand is that a person can have an indictment against them sitting out there (sealed indictment?), but may not yet be arrested of the specified crime. In order to arrest them, a judge has to issue an arrest warrant? So is the sequence Indict->Warrant->Arrest? How many officers do they send out? 2? More?

And, if they want to ensure the perp doesn't flee the country before LEO nabs them, would the Judge have to also initiate an order to flag that individual's passport at the border or in an Airport?

And, if Trump's EO on Civil Asset Forfeiture is also in play, some paperwork has to be prepared and processed through a Judge/Court in order to be issued.

So by my count, a target for arrest could have 3, 4 or more legal documents prepped for their arraignment. Also, they will be tried before a Jury, and in a Federal Court. Right?

So putting that together, if there are just a 1,000 people (there are 24,000+ sealed indictments out there), that would mean 3-4,000 legal documents to prepared, about 2,000 US Marshalls to round 'em up. And on, and on, and on...

This would take time...a lot of time, and is it possible that most of this paperwork may already be completed? And would that contribute to the slow pace of getting all this in place? And can we expect it continue to slog through the swamp, making another 1,000 or so lawyers or law firms millionaires in the process?

Rolling barrage. LEOs are stationed in various points in advance. Arrest goes down, move onto to the next one, repeat and rinse. It will be massive but not all of the sealed indictments are political people who committed crimes. Some are bankers, lawyers, accountants, IT people and the like. Take the big ones first, work down the chain as the lower level folks don't have the options of flying off to areas with no extradition treaties and the finances in place to make flight feasible for long term.
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Rolling barrage. LEOs are stationed in various points in advance. Arrest goes down, move onto to the next one, repeat and rinse. It will be massive but not all of the sealed indictments are political people who committed crimes. Some are bankers, lawyers, accountants, IT people and the like. Take the big ones first, work down the chain as the lower level folks don't have the options of flying off to areas with no extradition treaties and the finances in place to make flight feasible for long term.

What you say about staging, that sounds like a lot of advance planning. Whether it is triggered by the OIG's report or not, this was/is a huge coordination problem. I can understand why this would take so long.

I bet we will be dealing with this past 2020 . And all of the wailing and gnashing of teeth by progressives may begin to sound like beautiful music.

"You are being watched..."
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What you say about staging, that sounds like a lot of advance planning. Whether it is triggered by the OIG's report or not, this was/is a huge coordination problem. I can understand why this would take so long.

I bet we will be dealing with this past 2020 . And all of the wailing and gnashing of teeth by progressives may begin to sound like beautiful music.
What I was saying was that Federal Marshals can be on-site but in lesser numbers authorizing the FBI/locals to take people in. That way they can spread their forces widely to conduct such a massive sweep. (If that is what they are doing. IDK.)
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Roger Stone's lawyer filed the preservation request. Stone is one of the named defendants in the lawsuit.
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Roger Stone's lawyer filed the preservation request. Stone is one of the named defendants in the lawsuit.

Not a fan of Roger Stone but my oh my, he does know how to play F***-F***!!

Wouldn't want to be on his bad side.
Long Live Sully
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I guarantee that the DNC will say they don't have the server anymore.

Then how in the world are they going to bring a lawsuit when one of the central pieces of evidence no longer exists.

Cow Hop Ag and Bayside both say they are conservatives.
Bayside admits to being pro choice.
Bayside calls Cow Hop Ag a liberal because he's a moral man.

/ Charpie 4-13-18
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Cow Hop Ag said:

I guarantee that the DNC will say they don't have the server anymore.

Then how in the world are they going to bring a lawsuit when one of the central pieces of evidence no longer exists.

If the Dems do that in open court, their central case goes out of the window.
Long Live Sully
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aggiehawg said:

Cow Hop Ag said:

I guarantee that the DNC will say they don't have the server anymore.

Then how in the world are they going to bring a lawsuit when one of the central pieces of evidence no longer exists.

If the Dems do that in open court, their central case goes out of the window.
Exactly.. Them filing this suit makes no sense. It only exposes them. I know they are morally bankrupt and evil beyond redemption but I didn't know that Trump had driven them insane.
Cow Hop Ag and Bayside both say they are conservatives.
Bayside admits to being pro choice.
Bayside calls Cow Hop Ag a liberal because he's a moral man.

/ Charpie 4-13-18
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aggiehawg said:

Cow Hop Ag said:

I guarantee that the DNC will say they don't have the server anymore.

Then how in the world are they going to bring a lawsuit when one of the central pieces of evidence no longer exists.

If the Dems do that in open court, their central case goes out of the window.
But, but Crowdstrike and 17 intelligence agencies...
Ellis Wyatt
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I'm guessing they will make a claim like that. Get Brennan or other IC folks to testify that they saw the proof. I know that's a stretch, but look at how reckless the courts are. They are just making ruling against Trump with no legal basis at this point.
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captkirk said:

aggiehawg said:

Cow Hop Ag said:

I guarantee that the DNC will say they don't have the server anymore.

Then how in the world are they going to bring a lawsuit when one of the central pieces of evidence no longer exists.

If the Dems do that in open court, their central case goes out of the window.
But, but Crowdstrike and 17 intelligence agencies...
Gone. That isn't enough. CrowdStrike is royally screwed at this point. They'll disband and reform under another name soon.
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aggiehawg said:

Cow Hop Ag said:

I guarantee that the DNC will say they don't have the server anymore.

Then how in the world are they going to bring a lawsuit when one of the central pieces of evidence no longer exists.

If the Dems do that in open court, their central case goes out of the window.
No IT guru here...but given the lengthy, time lapse since the purported "Russian hack", couldn't DNC IT gurus somehow "jury rig" their server to pass any investigative forensic review at this point??? Given the likelihood for damning evidence coming from the disclosure procedure...their move to sue seems to be beyond stupid or something else is going down. It just doesn't pass the "smell test" to this old coot.

Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but upon what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force! But Jesus Christ founded His upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him. - Napoleon Bonaparte
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whatthehey78 said:

aggiehawg said:

Cow Hop Ag said:

I guarantee that the DNC will say they don't have the server anymore.

Then how in the world are they going to bring a lawsuit when one of the central pieces of evidence no longer exists.

If the Dems do that in open court, their central case goes out of the window.
No IT guru here...but given the lengthy, time lapse since the purported "Russian hack", couldn't DNC IT gurus somehow "jury rig" their server to pass any investigative review at this point??? Given the likelihood for damning evidence coming from the disclosure procedure...their move to sue seems to be beyond stupid or something else is going down. It just doesn't pass the "smell test" to this old coot.

Hey, I'm about as far as computer expert as they come. But no, they cannot recreate something and keep the timelog on the edits within a timeline. That's assuming the DNC hasn't already dumped the servers into the Atlantic.
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A Conversation With Chris Blackburn On The Contradictions Surrounding Mifsud

.........As a closing thought on Blackburn's findings, it's important to set the exposure of Mifsud's ties to the UK establishment and intelligence community into context.

Julian Assange brought this matter to the public's attention just before being silenced by the Ecuadorian government. Although this particular story is most likely not causative in terms of Assange being relegated to solitary confinement, it is important to remember Assange's interest in Mifsud's ties to UK intelligence. It is one among many subjects that Assange has been prevented from discussing at the time of writing.

Ultimately, Disobedient Media's previous coverage of Mifsud's links to UK intelligence and Chris Blackburn's thorough research suggest that the same interests involved in the fabrication of Russian hacking fingerprints via the anonymous Guccifer 2.0 persona are associated with the concoction of faulty evidence for the Trump-Russia collusion narrative.

Even reports casting Mifsud as a Russian intelligence asset do not object to the conclusion that Mifsud worked as a spy. Their claim simply depicts him as working for the wrong master, and in so-doing, rests the beating heart of the Trump-Russia collusion scandal on a single inaccurate premise. In exposing this sleight of hand, Chris Blackburn, Julian Assange, and others have debunked a narrative which, if successful, could have fatally raised tensions between two nuclear powers already facing off on the geopolitical playing field.

In the Trump-Russia and Russian hacking narratives, American and UK intelligence agencies appear to have recklessly and deceptively acted in the interest of a single political candidate, Hillary Clinton. This singularity of purpose speaks to the insecurity and magnitude of the unelected Western power structure, equaled by the scale of lies propping up the Trump-Russia and Russian hacking narratives.

This is a long, complicated, serious read, a real investigative work. Connections between Mifsud, UK intelligence (MI6), Crowdstrike, FBI...Strzok. Mueller's hiding this. This is where the origin of the fake Russian narrative resides. That's why there are no 'official' intel reports in the EO.

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Lots of fake news via the MSM.
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And just like Magic Showtime resurrects their show Circus Inside the greatest show on earth. And they have ditched the rapist from the team and replaced him with Alex Wagner, with John Heilemann and Mark McKinnon. They are really trying to slant everything against the White House. Episode 2 is on tonight, and there is a very interesting interview with Joe diGenova.

Here's episode 1

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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From tonight's episode, here's poor Sally Yates, the woman who stood against the meanie. What a load of crap

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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This is an interesting exchange, Heilemann is in over his head with this gal

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
Garrelli 5000
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Holy crap, at the 4:30 mark she just slowly obliterates him, exposing the liberal fool he is.

"What did we do?"

"I have time to talk about it, I can cancel my meetings - what did we actually do?"


"We don't need vodka for this, vodka is for other things. What did we do?"

Of course, he just has some vague comments "The document says what you did, what laws you broke".

Her - "Ok, what does it say? What did we do?'

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Robert Mueller to this day still hasn't bothered to speak with the person at the center of the most widely reported meeting, Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who famously met with Don Jr., Kushner, and Manafort. Could it be because Veselnitskaya is linked to Fusion GPS & leads Mueller back to Hillary? I find it very very suspicious that he's never interviewed Veselnitskaya. He indicts 13 Russians and he hasn't even talked to the lady? Seriously? A year and not one interview. It's not like she's unavailable.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Talk about a back flip..... Mary Lou Retton couldn't pull this move off..

"Then is then and now is now!" Talk about lack of credibility...

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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As time goes by, Mueller seems dirtier and dirtier. Alan Dershowitz thinks Mueller should be investigated for the " Whitey Bulger " case which reeks of " Prosecutorial Misconduct " . Leopards don't change their spots. Then there is " Uranium One ". I hope Trump goes after him with both barrels, and then some. " Omission is the most powerful form of lie " ------ George Orwell and Mueller seems to be an expert at it ! What's good for the goose is good for the Mueller. MAGA !!
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Talk about a back flip..... Mary Lou Retton couldn't pull this move off..

"Then is then and now is now!" Talk about lack of credibility...

So, Comey is credible when he implies bad things about Trump, but not when he says or implies bad things about Clinton.

This is my shocked face.
PatentMike, J.D.
BS Biochem
MS Molecular Virology

Rocky Rider
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The swamp has no respect for the truth.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

This is an interesting exchange, Heilemann is in over his head with this gal

Geez, what a ****.
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