Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,489,974 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 6 days ago by aggiehawg
Ellis Wyatt
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Farmer Ag said:

Serious question -- when do folks start calling the actions of Comey, Clapper, McCabe, Yates, etal, as being treasonous? To my simple mind, this was nothing more than a coup attempt.
I agree 100%, and I think they should face the very harshest consequences for their actions. A message needs to be sent that we will never tolerate a coup attempt in America.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Farmer Ag said:

Serious question -- when do folks start calling the actions of Comey, Clapper, McCabe, Yates, etal, as being treasonous? To my simple mind, this was nothing more than a coup attempt.

nothing LESS than a coup attempt.

i agree.

and i started saying it about a year ago.

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Reading all of these memos, I just have one question, what in the hell did Rod Rosenstein see in these that triggered a criminal investigation into the POTUS and the need to appoint a SC? I mean by all accounts the leak of these is what triggered the appointment of Mueller. What in the hell in these points to that? No obstruction, nothing nefarious. Nothing illegal. A big goose egg.
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Code 7 10-42
Ellis Wyatt
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Rosenstein signed the last FISA warrant using the Steele dossier.

He has also resisted releasing everything the House and Senate ICs have requested, appeared to have to be forced to fire Andrew McCabe, and has taken veiled shots at the administration's efforts to clean the FBI and DOJ up.

Sure seems like he's in on it to me.
Zombie Jon Snow
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Reading all of these memos, I just have one question, what in the hell did Rod Rosenstein see in these that triggered a criminal investigation into the POTUS and the need to appoint a SC? I mean by all accounts the leak of these is what triggered the appointment of Mueller. What in the hell in these points to that? No obstruction, nothing nefarious. Nothing illegal. A big goose egg.

it's called a hail mary..... hope for people to cave and make deals and it proves you were right.

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You astute legal eagles need to read this most bizarre thread by this CNN MSNBC regular legal pundit. His take on the memos has to be at least 2/3rds into a bottle of single malt.

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Code 7 10-42
Ellis Wyatt
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I know I can't do it. That guy saying the memos were clearly marked unclassified broke me for tonight. I can only handle so much stupid.
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The great one.....

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Code 7 10-42
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First of all, I think it has been clearly shown that Rosenstein is a lightweight, incompetent lawyer like many working for the Federal Government. Guiliani is the direct opposite and then some. I hope Guiliani and the Raskins are building their solid case for the Treasonous Coup Attempt and bury Mueller, Weinstein & Rosenstein.!!
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We now see more of a treasonous coup attempt. Houston, we have a problem.
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That guy is a complete moron. Of course he is the one that said the IG report would show some pro-Trump FBI agents blackmailed Comey into reopening the Clinton email investigation.
Long Live Sully
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From Nunes

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Washington, April 19, 2018

Washington, D.C. Today House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Ca.), House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) issued the following statement:

"We have long argued former Director Comey's self-styled memos should be in the public domain, subject to any classification redactions. These memos are significant for both what is in them and what is not.

Former Director Comey's memos show the President made clear he wanted allegations of collusion, coordination, and conspiracy between his campaign and Russia fully investigated. The memos also made clear the 'cloud' President Trump wanted lifted was not the Russian interference in the 2016 election cloud, rather it was the salacious, unsubstantiated allegations related to personal conduct leveled in the dossier.

The memos also show former Director Comey never wrote that he felt obstructed or threatened. While former Director Comey went to great lengths to set dining room scenes, discuss height requirements, describe the multiple times he felt complimented, and myriad other extraneous facts, he never once mentioned the most relevant fact of all, which was whether he felt obstructed in his investigation.

The memos also make certain what has become increasingly clear of late: former Director Comey has at least two different standards in his interactions with others. He chose not to memorialize conversations with President Obama, Attorney General Lynch, Secretary Clinton, Andrew McCabe or others, but he immediately began to memorialize conversations with President Trump. It is significant former Director Comey made no effort to memorialize conversations with former Attorney General Lynch despite concerns apparently significant enough to warrant his unprecedented appropriation of the charging decision away from her and the Department of Justice in July of 2016.

These memos also lay bare the notion that former Director Comey is not motivated by animus. He was willing to work for someone he deemed morally unsuited for office, capable of lying, requiring of personal loyalty, worthy of impeachment, and sharing the traits of a mob boss. Former Director Comey was willing to overlook all of the aforementioned characteristics in order to keep his job. In his eyes, the real crime was his own firing.

The memos show Comey was blind to biases within the FBI and had terrible judgment with respect to his deputy Andrew McCabe. On multiple occasions he, in his own words, defended the character of McCabe after President Trump questioned McCabe.

Finally, former Director Comey leaked at least one of these memos for the stated purpose of spurring the appointment of Special Counsel, yet he took no steps to spur the appointment of Special Counsel when he had significant concerns about the objectivity of the Department of Justice under Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

As we have consistently said, rather than making a criminal case for obstruction or interference with an ongoing investigation, these memos would be Defense Exhibit A should such a charge be made."
Mueller should shut it down, immediately. The whole thing was founded on a lie.
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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Code 7 10-42
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...With Comey claiming that Clapper wanted him to brief POTUS, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence final report on Russia has something of interest. The report, which was downplayed and panned by CNN, included a finding of interest related to discussions of the dossier with the media:

Finding #44: Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, now a CNN national security analyst, provided inconsistent testimony to the Committee about his contacts with the media, including CNN."
So Comey, at Clapper's expressed behest, told Trump that CNN was "looking for a news hook" to publish dossier allegations. He said this in the briefing of Trump that almost immediately leaked to CNN, which provided them the very news hook they sought and needed.

This briefing, and the leaking of it, legitimized the dossier, which touched off the Russia hysteria. That hysteria led to a full-fledged media freakout. During the freakout, Comey deliberately refused to say in public what he acknowledged repeatedly in private that the President of the United States was not under investigation. He even noted in his memos that he told the president at least three times that he was not under investigation. Comey's refusal to admit publicly what he kept telling people privately led to his firing.

That led to Comey leaking multiple memos in order to get a special counsel appointed out of revenge. That special counsel has utterly distracted multiple agencies and embroiled all three branches of government at the highest levels. All over a document that was secretly funded by Hillary Clinton and the DNC, contracted by a Democrat research firm with ties to the Kremlin, and authored by a shady foreign spy whose relationship with the FBI was terminated because he lied to them.


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Speaking of the Federalist, have you seen the scuttlebutt that Media Matters is going after them. They've been outing their sponsors on twitter.

Clapper's goose is cooked. Brennan on the other hand is a bit more slippery. This reported trip to Moscow may bare fruit. But who knows. It's going to take something on paper to snare Brennan likely.
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Code 7 10-42
Ellis Wyatt
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Speaking of the Federalist, have you seen the scuttlebutt that Media Matters is going after them. They've been outing their sponsors on twitter.

Clapper's goose is cooked. Brennan on the other hand is a bit more slippery. This reported trip to Moscow may bare fruit. But who knows. It's going to take something on paper to snare Brennan likely.
George Soros and his folks are driving all of the #resistance. He is going to continue to pour millions into bringing down Trump and America in any way possible. He and his evil minions will stop at nothing, and this is just another angle of attack. 90+% of the media isn't enough. He's looking for Pravda.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Speaking of the Federalist, have you seen the scuttlebutt that Media Matters is going after them. They've been outing their sponsors on twitter.

Clapper's goose is cooked. Brennan on the other hand is a bit more slippery. This reported trip to Moscow may bare fruit. But who knows. It's going to take something on paper to snare Brennan likely.

What is the reported trip to Moscow? I can't keep up anymore
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Media beginning to connect the dots.
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aggielee03 said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

Speaking of the Federalist, have you seen the scuttlebutt that Media Matters is going after them. They've been outing their sponsors on twitter.

Clapper's goose is cooked. Brennan on the other hand is a bit more slippery. This reported trip to Moscow may bare fruit. But who knows. It's going to take something on paper to snare Brennan likely.

What is the reported trip to Moscow? I can't keep up anymore


...The Russian papers reported on the visit at the time.
The Moscow Times reported on the trip on March 28,2016:
John Brennan, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), made a secret visit to Moscow in March, according to Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov. The visit, he said, had nothing to do with Russia's decision two weeks ago to begin withdrawing from Syria.

"It's no secret that Brennan was here," Syromolotov was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying Monday. "But he didn't visit the Foreign Ministry. I know for sure that he met with the Federal Security Service (the successor agency to the Soviet KGB), and someone else."

It wasn't clear why Brennan visited Moscow, but the trip appears to have coincided with President Vladimir Putin's surprise March 14 announcement that Russia's combat operation in Syria was ending, and Moscow would soon withdraw a portion of its forces from the country after conducting 167 air strikes....

I think this meeting needs to be put into perspective with Brennan's relationship with GCHQ & Hannigan around the time the FBI investigation into Trump-Russia collusion was launched in July 2016.
Ellis Wyatt
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Hmmmm, another traitor. Not that it's a surprise, butnit sure looks like it may be actual illegal "collusion" with Russians. These people tried to rig the game. They should all hang.
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It seems to me that CNN is less of a useful tool in the conspiracy and more of a co-conspirator in this whole matter. The Comey memos seem to show them being a willing participant in the effort to sanitize and publish the Steele Dossier.
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In the book Shattered, the authors wrote that the Hillary team was looking for a scapegoat and conveniently the "Russian Collusion" stuff was born. They knew about everything (dossier, etc) and used it to support their excuses. No way great Hillary could lose to that man!
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Bulldog73 said:

It seems to me that CNN is less of a useful tool in the conspiracy and more of a co-conspirator in this whole matter. The Comey memos seem to show them being a willing participant in the effort to sanitize and publish the Steele Dossier.
Don't forget the meeting at the White House the day before the Trump ambush. The one that Susan Rice memorialized in an email to herself. Puts Comey, Obama, Biden, Yates and Rice all together.
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Sickening. And they didn't just "know" about the dossier. Hell, they dreamed it out of thin air, then commissioned it into (alleged) reality.
sam callahan
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Any of you holding out hope for any justice are deluding yourselves.

I've listened to NPR on and off this morning and gone to CNN's website, all of the points being made here about Comey's released memos aren't being given a peep. Worse, the memos are being played up as some how vindication of all the hoopla.

America, the country, is great. America, the government, is not.
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I'm just guessing but Comey's portrayal of himself as "The Last Moral Man of DC" failed!

Have a sneaking feeling that it's going to come out that Yates relayed the order to McCabe to shut down the Clinton investigation, and there will never be anything provable directly linked to TAO. Rice maybe gets tied into it but it could be a stretch. All those unmaskings between her and Powers were legal do to the last minute rule changes to 12333, same goes to the dissemination for the same reasons.
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Code 7 10-42
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A short thread by @NameRedacted7 on Comey & classified material:


A few fine pts:

1. FBI Dir laptop is a classified machine. All docs (memos) created on it are classified same level as Machine once created.

2. FBI FOIA officer is declassification authority, not comey. He couldn't declass his memos.

3. The memos are classified at the same level as laptop due to derivative classification.

4. Richman & ANY media types in receipt willingly took classified info.

5. Comey was briefed when he got his clearance & again when he started as Dir on rules r/g class Info.

6. In other words: He knew what he was doing was illegal. he knew they were classified. He knew they were FBI Property not his. He knew who the proper declass authority was and didn't get them declassified.

7. His book was by law supposed to be reviewed by FBI & DOJ being release too. He refused, went right to publish.

8. And the book discusses content of the memos, some of which is classified DATA not just classified DOCS.

9. And this on top of the coup, clearing HRC, & perjury.

ADDENDUM: @JamesAngleton75 makes another huge point MANY are missing - there are BIG rules for STORING classified info. The moment Comey stole those memos he was in violation of those laws too. Major felonies. Just ask Gen Patreus.

So, Comey & Hillary can intentionally mishandle classified materials, and they should be entitled to avoid indictments, meaning be given "get out of jail free" passes? Everyone else is prosecuted. Classic double standard for the "political elites". The Dems & MSM are going to have to work overtime to successfully spin this narrative.

It's will be interesting to see what the OIG is going to say about this. I'll wager Horowitz is going to recommend criminal referrals on both of them.

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At this point, DOJ is probably already on it sua sponte. Huber and Horowitz are working together.
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FYI. Being reported on Fox now that Cohen has made the argument in the civil Stormy Daniels suit that his 5th Amendment rights might be hampered since he is under a grand jury probe as a target. He's asking for a delay in the civil suit pending the results of the grand jury. The Judge in the civil case has given Cohen until the middle of next week to brief the issue.

In the criminal case May 24th is the date Judge Wood has set for the Special Master hearing.
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aggiehawg said:

FYI. Being reported on Fox now that Cohen has made the argument in the civil Stormy Daniels suit that his 5th Amendment rights might be hampered since he is under a grand jury probe as a target. He's asking for a delay in the civil suit pending the results of the grand jury. The Judge in the civil case has given Cohen until the middle of next week to brief the issue.

In the criminal case May 24th is the date Judge Wood has set for the Special Master hearing.
Does anyone know what he is being investigated or charged with?
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aggielee03 said:

aggiehawg said:

FYI. Being reported on Fox now that Cohen has made the argument in the civil Stormy Daniels suit that his 5th Amendment rights might be hampered since he is under a grand jury probe as a target. He's asking for a delay in the civil suit pending the results of the grand jury. The Judge in the civil case has given Cohen until the middle of next week to brief the issue.

In the criminal case May 24th is the date Judge Wood has set for the Special Master hearing.
Does anyone know what he is being investigated or charged with?
I don't think he has been formally charged with anything yet
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Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Sifting through Cohen's laundry as we speak.
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bobbranco said:

Sifting through Cohen's laundry as we speak.
Not yet. Judge Wood walked that one back. That's what the hearing on the 24th is for.
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So out of all this memo crap and Comey saying he told trump multiple times he wasn't being investigated, is anyone saying that in of itself is massive parsing of words? Or is it that old news because he testified to it as well?

I know it's been hashed out before but this confirms Comey was lying or parsing words with Trump from that perspective as well. There's so much being revealed and dumped everyday but knowing now what was going on prior to the election and immediately afterwards for him to confirm in his own memo that he told trump he wasn't being investigated is a big deal as well. IMHO
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