Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,489,895 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 6 days ago by aggiehawg
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How has Rosenstein not recused himself yet?
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HeardAboutPerio said:

So out of all this memo crap and Comey saying he told trump multiple times he wasn't being investigated, is anyone saying that in of itself is massive parsing of words? Or is it that old news because he testified to it as well?

I know it's been hashed out before but this confirms Comey was lying or parsing words with Trump from that perspective as well. There's so much being revealed and dumped everyday but knowing now what was going on prior to the election and immediately afterwards for him to confirm in his own memo that he told trump he wasn't being investigated is a big deal as well. IMHO
Blows a big hole in any obstruction case. If Trump's being told repeatedly he is in no legal jeopardy there was no corrupt motive to impede an investigation that wasn't about him.

In another interview (with Madcow, I think) Comey said he thought he was bullet proof from being fired just because of the Russia investigation. He went full J.Edgar there.
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Perfect thanks!
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So Trey Gowdy is going to be at Prestonwood in Plano Sunday. We normally attend the Prosper North campus but I think we'll go to the main one Sunday.

If he's accessible after the service any questions I should ask him?
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friscodick said:

So Trey Gowdy is going to be at Prestonwood in Plano Sunday. We normally attend the Prosper North campus but I think we'll go to the main one Sunday.

If he's accessible after the service any questions I should ask him?
Hey Trey, you ever been on the TexAgs Politics board?
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friscodick said:

So Trey Gowdy is going to be at Prestonwood in Plano Sunday. We normally attend the Prosper North campus but I think we'll go to the main one Sunday.

If he's accessible after the service any questions I should ask him?
Yeah, ask if he still supports Comey and if he (Gowdy) is privy to the answers to these questions about Comey.



You admit the Christopher Steele dossier was still "unverified" when the FBI used it as the basis of a surveillance warrant against Carter Page. Please explain. Also explain the decision to withhold from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that the dossier was financed by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

You say you knew the dossier was funded by a "Democrat-aligned" group but that you "never knew" which one. Why not? Didn't the FBI have a duty to find out?

Please explain the extraordinary accommodations the FBI provided Team Clinton during the email investigation. Why was Cheryl Mills whose emails suggest she had early knowledge of the irregular server as Mrs. Clinton's chief of staffallowed to claim attorney-client privilege and represent Mrs. Clinton at her interview? Why did that interview happen only at the end? Especially since you say any case hung entirely on her "intent"?

You've surely now read the texts between the FBI's Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. That happened on your watch. Is this appropriate FBI behavior? Should we believe such behavior is limited to them? In addition to overt political bias, the texts prove the FBI took politics into accountworrying, for instance, about how much manpower to put into investigating the woman who could be our "next president." Why should the public have any faith in the integrity of the Clinton or Trump investigation?

The texts ridicule former Attorney General Loretta Lynch's decision to step aside from the Clinton probe, "since she knows no charges will be brought." This was before the FBI even interviewed Mrs. Clinton. And it contradicts your claim at the start of your July 2016 press conference that no one at the Justice Department knew what you were about to say. Please explain.

You dismiss Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's memo as nothing but a "pretext" to fire you. Yet you don't address its claims. Please point to the internal policies or regulations that gave you the authority to announce that Mrs. Clinton was being cleared and why.

Please provide any examples of similar announcements by FBI directors. Please address the criticisms of the prior attorneys general and deputy attorneys general from both parties cited in the Rosenstein memo.

Sorry, formatting goof. Didn't mean to post a wall of text.
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Harassing Gowdy at Church sounds like a really great idea that can't go wrong in any sort of way.
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Maybe I'll just stick with the Texags question.
Long Live Sully
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friscodick said:

So Trey Gowdy is going to be at Prestonwood in Plano Sunday. We normally attend the Prosper North campus but I think we'll go to the main one Sunday.

If he's accessible after the service any questions I should ask him?

Ask who does his hair.
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Cow Hop Ag said:

friscodick said:

So Trey Gowdy is going to be at Prestonwood in Plano Sunday. We normally attend the Prosper North campus but I think we'll go to the main one Sunday.

If he's accessible after the service any questions I should ask him?

Ask who does his hair.
Haha. He needs a Donald
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Discovery should be awesome

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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The DNC had to know that was going to be the Trump Campaign response. They are either ready for it or just went full ******. Only time will tell
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RoscoePColtrane said:

aggielee03 said:

aggiehawg said:

FYI. Being reported on Fox now that Cohen has made the argument in the civil Stormy Daniels suit that his 5th Amendment rights might be hampered since he is under a grand jury probe as a target. He's asking for a delay in the civil suit pending the results of the grand jury. The Judge in the civil case has given Cohen until the middle of next week to brief the issue.

In the criminal case May 24th is the date Judge Wood has set for the Special Master hearing.
Does anyone know what he is being investigated or charged with?
I don't think he has been formally charged with anything yet

SO this may be incredibly stupid but. Does Cohen at least know? It's scary that they can seize everything and not tell you your charges.
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LOL. Missed this little gem from two days ago. Ben Wittes, a stalwart Comey fan, writes in the extremely liberal blog, lawfare about the coming revelations about Loretta Lynch and Sally Yates in the OIG report.


The first time I had lunch with James Comey at the FBI, it was still early in his tenure as director. We walked from his office to the bureau's cafeteria one floor up to get a sandwich for him and a salad for me. The director walking into the cafeteria was a big deal. Conversations stopped. Heads turned. In a comic irony to me that was, I'm sure, mortifying to her, the only person who did not seem to notice that Comey had entered the room was the young woman in front of him in the sandwich line. Watching from my vantage point at the salad bar, I saw this woman turn, realize who was behind her and become intensely flustered. Then I saw Comey refuse to cut the line and engage her in conversation while they waited. By the time they reached the front and ordered their sandwiches, she was chatting comfortably. I don't know who this woman was (she did some kind of counterterrorism analysis, I believe I overheard her say), but I'm certain she remembers that day too.
Aaahh, isn't that sweet?


As we walked back to his office, Comey explained that while he thought the world of his predecessor, Robert Mueller, he wanted to change the vertically integrated paramilitary culture of the FBI. Comey wanted to break down the cult of the director. He wanted people to speak more freely. It was important, he said, for him to be seen in the cafeteria, where Mueller almost never set foot. As part of this campaign of humanization, he told me, he was also mixing up shirt color; Mueller famously wore a white shirt every day and expected other men to do the same.

Baby steps, I thought.
Put the reader into the scene. Looks like Comey and Wittes have the same editor, or maybe Wittes was the editor?

On to Ol' Loretty


In October, when Comey decided to inform Congress of new investigative steps, both women contented themselves with staff-level messages objecting. And Lynch responded after the letter in a fashion that suggests she was only too happy to have Comey fall on this particular grenade. Comey writes about a private exchange with Lynch following a wider staff meeting. After the others had been dismissed, she offered him an awkward hug and asked a surprising question: "Would they feel better if it leaked on November 4?" After commiserating privately for a few minutes, she held the door open for him and told him, "Try to look beat up."

Comey told me this story shortly after it happened, and for a lot of reasons, it has bothered me ever since. Partly because of it, I very much look forward to how the forthcoming inspector general's report on the Clinton email investigation treats the attorney general, a matter Jack Goldsmith and I discussed at some length at the time Comey acted. (Lynch's statement issued the other day addresses substantially none of the questions a reasonable person might have about her own handling of the Clinton email matter.)


For present purposes, however, my point is simply that if you believe that the Justice Department's Clinton email investigation was a train wreck that cost Hillary Clinton the election, the problem lies not only in what Comey did but also in what others did not do. It is easy to focus on Comey's various actions. The full picture, however, involves decisions by othersparticularly Lynchnot to take responsibility for things.

At the end of the day, I don't know what I think of how Comey handled the Clinton email investigation. I go back and forth about whether the best of bad options worked out badly or whether this was a string of bad moves and unforced errors. My concern is that an inability to see whatever errors Comey made as the good-faith failings of a decent man trying his best under extraordinary circumstances affects the ability to process his interactions with Trump. Inevitably, your view of the Comey-Clinton story affects your ability to focus on the Comey-Trump story. It's hard to focus on the Comey-Trump story if you believe the Comey-Clinton story is one ofat the extremepartisan intervention by the FBI on Trump's behalf. It's hard if you believe it was a story of ego-driven showboating and moral vanity on the part of a man who loves the spotlight. It's hard if you convince yourself that Comey's action affected the outcome of the election. It's really hard if you've persuaded yourself to ignore the many other factors that contributed to Clinton's loss and Trump's winand all the other factors that contributed to the Justice Department's handling of this particular case. It's also really hard if you're not open to grappling with the Kierkegaardian reality that Comey faced.
That's some world class navel gazing there, Ben.


Shortly after the election, I had lunch with Comey in his office. After we went to the cafeteria to get food, I asked how he was doing and, in a prelude to his "mildly nauseous" testimony, he said that he felt sick every time he thought that the FBI, or he personally, might have played a role in influencing the election's outcome.


I asked if he intended to stay on under Trump, and Comey said that he did. He wasn't going to offer his resignation, and if Trump asked for it, he said, he would not oblige. "If he wants to get rid of me, he's going to have to fire me," I recall him saying. This was before the Trump Tower meeting, before the loyalty-oath dinner. But Comey was steeling himself. There were investigations to supervise, to conduct and to protect. And there were all those people in the cafeteria, in the halls, in the file rooms and in the field offices who would need a firm layer of insulation from what was coming.
Comey didn't say any of that. He didn't need to.
So Comey has his buddy leak crap based on his in person visits to the FBI under Comey's tenure. If you are diabetic, best not to read the rest. The sugary schmaltz is overwhelming. LINK
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It's all about the feels, can't believe Comey was ever a Republican.
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Anybody else notice some regular posters on this board have been missing? Was there a mass banning I missed.
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Yes, noticeably missing.
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backintexas2013 said:

Anybody else notice some regular posters on this board have been missing? Was there a mass banning I missed.
There was a short lived MBUSA thread about Clinton's financial crimes that I posted the YouTube on Clinton Cash and said I'd be back to the thread in about an hour after he had watched it. When I looked again, the thread was gone. No idea what ensued in the meantime.
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I think we need to recruit more crack lawyers to add to our Texags legal team. The volume of info is growing exponentially every dang day.

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Yep. You get better and more reliable news here than on the tube.
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SO this may be incredibly stupid but. Does Cohen at least know? It's scary that they can seize everything and not tell you your charges.
He should have been given a target letter by this point.


The United States Attorney's Manual defines "target" as a putative defendant against whom there is substantial evidence. The target letter notifies the recipient about a number of things, including:
  • the recipient's status as a target in a federal grand jury investigation;
  • the crime or crimes that the recipient is suspected of committing;
  • the recipient's right to assert the Fifth Amendment; and
  • information for obtaining court-appointed counsel.
Additionally, the target letter will caution the recipient against destroying any evidence, stating that such acts may constitute obstruction of justice, and sometimes encourage the recipient to reach out to the prosecutor to discuss the matter.
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ArcticPenguin said:

The DNC had to know that was going to be the Trump Campaign response. They are either ready for it or just went full ******. Only time will tell

The liberal temperament lends itself to going "full ****** (to use your words).

Real compassionate, by the way.
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mrad85 said:

I think we need to recruit more crack lawyers to add to our Texags legal team. The volume of info is growing exponentially every dang day.

Sorry. I'm doing my best.
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mrad85 said:

I think we need to recruit more crack lawyers to add to our Texags legal team. The volume of info is growing exponentially every dang day.

And Roscoe needs deputies, drcrinum needs assistants, blindly needs some runners...

"You are being watched..."
End Of Message
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aggiehawg said:

mrad85 said:

I think we need to recruit more crack lawyers to add to our Texags legal team. The volume of info is growing exponentially every dang day.

Sorry. I'm doing my best.

I'm deep in antitrust issue, but come here to get schooled by hawg. She reminds me of one of my partners whom I tremendously respect.
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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aggiehawg said:

mrad85 said:

I think we need to recruit more crack lawyers to add to our Texags legal team. The volume of info is growing exponentially every dang day.

Sorry. I'm doing my best.
You are awesome. Keep up the extraordinary work you are doing on this thread. I have learned a lot from reading your posts.
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Pinche Abogado said:

aggiehawg said:

mrad85 said:

I think we need to recruit more crack lawyers to add to our Texags legal team. The volume of info is growing exponentially every dang day.

Sorry. I'm doing my best.

I'm deep in antitrust issue, but come here to get schooled by hawg. She reminds me of one of my partners whom I tremendously respect.
Oh crap! Tried an antitrust case (defendant's side, won) but that's just a pain to go through. Jury instructions were hell. Sympathies and kudos. Many people don't understand how dry, unreadable, how indecipherable fitting facts to precedent is.

My case came down to credibility of the witnesses. Plaintiff's counsel called an idiot to testify in rebuttal after we baited them to do so. Worked perfectly. Jury took one look at that guy and decided for the defense,
End Of Message
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Last sidebar: Parker state-action immunity was perverted by the most recent SCOTUS decision (teeth whitening is a *****).
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
End Of Message
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It's rare that a Democrat calls it like it is. But, at least in Nancy's case, she may be literally (not figuratively) sick.
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Nancy is ****oo !
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Pinche Abogado said:

ArcticPenguin said:

The DNC had to know that was going to be the Trump Campaign response. They are either ready for it or just went full ******. Only time will tell

The liberal temperament lends itself to going "full ****** (to use your words).

Real compassionate, by the way.
Oh did I lack compassion for the DNC? Hmm...maybe it is because I am majorly pissed at how all of this is going down. Perhaps you've noticed my posting has been a tad different since I read the Comey "memo". What a complete and total dumpster fire and embarrassment.
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ArcticPenguin said:

Pinche Abogado said:

ArcticPenguin said:

The DNC had to know that was going to be the Trump Campaign response. They are either ready for it or just went full ******. Only time will tell

The liberal temperament lends itself to going "full ****** (to use your words).

Real compassionate, by the way.
Oh did I lack compassion for the DNC? Hmm...maybe it is because I am majorly pissed at how all of this is going down. Perhaps you've noticed my posting has been a tad different since I read the Comey "memo". What a complete and total dumpster fire and embarrassment.

Yessss. Let the hate floowwww!
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