aggiehawg said:
VaultingChemist said:
This explains why Comey should have been fired.
Good grief! That makes me believe Comey was trying to strong arm Trump in that January 2017 Trump Tower meeting. Very Hooveresque.
The meeting in Trump Tower was intended to intimidate, blackmail, and show Trump that he (Trump) would be removed legally or illegally from the Presidecy. The problem with Comey's plan is that Trump is a very smart fighter. Much smarter than Comey and Mueller.
He did not get his name on all of that real estate by being stupid and afraid and lucky.
Trump probably has an idea where the IG report is going to lead and who is likely going to be indicted. Time is on Trump's side. What the hell does Comey and the outlaws think is going to happen to them? I really believe some of the FBI/DOJ folks have cut deals and are cooperating with the OIG and Prosecutors. The ones that are quiet have turned. The ones that are squealing are going to slaughter.
Separate issue. Does Trump have the legal authority to order Rosenstein to give the Congressional committees the documents they are requesting?