benchmark said:
RoscoePColtrane said:
Something was strange about the way the White House portrayed the Rosenstein meeting yesterday. So much over emphasis on it being "routine". For some reason it seems anything but. Him and Dana Boente's visit just has me feeling that Rosenstein is going to step down. Don't know why it's just a feeling.
Seems unusual the FBI's general counsel Dana Boente attended with Rosenstein. However, the other possibility .... representatives of both DOJ and FBI were required to lay out their reasoning for the no-knock raid on Cohen.
I thought about that as well, but something just seemed overly anything but routine. And that just could be the hyperthyroidism that media seems to suffer from covering this administration, but it gives me a weird pause. I just have a feeling Rosenstein's options were laid out to him. Save face resign or force me to expose the real reasons I have to fire you. For some reason I think Lisa Barsoomian has exposure in this entire deal. This FISC abuse and the fact that Rosenstein's signature is on it, exposes him to a lot of possibilities legally. Don't forget the EC was just seen my Nunes and Gowdy, and Gowdy went from defending everything FBI/DOJ to not defending them. Just a lot of factors in motion. As well as the OIG report expect to drop any day. I this that report isn't good for Rosenstein either.
Like I said it's just a hunch
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42