Hillary having an illegal server was know revelation to anyone inside the government. She ran the state department off of it, and communicated with everyone under the sum on it. The only reason John Q citizen is now aware of it, was because it was hacked and exploited by the Guccifer 2.0 character. That's when it was then brought to light by the media. Had Guccifer never hacked and exploited it, we would likely have never known.
The DOJ could have gone after her anytime they wanted to over that server, they all knew about it. Congress people acting all surprised and amazed that it existed. There is a huge difference in hclinton@state.gov and hrc@clintonmail.com everyone that works in government is aware of what an official email is and what is a backdoor email. Problem is 99% of them are doing it too with gmail accounts hiding behind pseudonyms, whatever. The so called investigation was a ruse. Window dressing for the optics. Trump winning blew that deal out of the water, just like Joe D said in the video above.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42