Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,494,818 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 11 days ago by aggiehawg
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Wildcat said:

The only place I read about the OIG report is on this thread. It's been dangled out there for months, but I suspect that when it finally drops we won't see much about it in the major outlets....and that presumes there is something in it worth reading.
You forget the power of the Trump tweet. He will bait the MSM into covering the OIG Report, plus it won't be long after it is released that the indictments will start to drop on the lower hanging fruit.
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Chaffetz made a good breakdown of the release process and all the procedural steps they take. In a nutshell the release process for a document of this size, and importance, with the redaction process, and pre-release dissemination to the targeted parties, it's about a two month process, once that phase starts.
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Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Chaffetz made a good breakdown of the release process and all the procedural steps they take. In a nutshell the release process for a document of this size, and importance, with the redaction process, and pre-release dissemination to the targeted parties, it's about a two month process, once that phase starts.
I want no redactions. Unclassified. Publish it and put it on a website in it's entirety. No more secrets.
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drcrinum said:

Wildcat said:

The only place I read about the OIG report is on this thread. It's been dangled out there for months, but I suspect that when it finally drops we won't see much about it in the major outlets....and that presumes there is something in it worth reading.
You forget the power of the Trump tweet. He will bait the MSM into covering the OIG Report, plus it won't be long after it is released that the indictments will start to drop on the lower hanging fruit.

Have you looked over the headlines on the web sites of major news outlets? "Trump is Nixon on crack", "If Mueller interviews Stormy...", and on and on. The narrative is set for >50% of all consumed news. Presuming this OIG report will be as damning as this board believes, I still have no faith that it will be effective in convincing the public that the previous administration used federal agencies to spy on political opponents.
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Thanks for posting that. I said the other day that Mueller largely was credited (now maybe blamed) for recharting the FBI's course after 9/11. But what I wasn't aware of was how the field offices had been stripped of their semi-autonomy.

I always wondered why Preet Bharara in the Southern District of NY wasn't running the Hillary investigation. Now I know.

Also explains the mind-set of Mueller in how he's conducting his investigation. It's an intel operation not a criminal one. Witness the Eric Prince Seychelles meeting. That's SIGINT, signals intelligence. Lots of spying went on and maybe even continues under his direction?? Flynn's charge was based on SIGINT, as well. But the one person we know was the target of a Title 1 FISA warrant has not been charged with anything to date, despite spending over 30 hours of being questioned by various investigators, including Mueller.

Sooo, is the American public really ready to accept an impeachment of a sitting President based on results of spying on its own President? That's a very dangerous precedent.
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Long Live Sully
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Just to get your blood pressure up.

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He is good and so right about the mass media.

To me the most frustrating thing on this slow roll is the media keeps spouting their lies in the mean time. I just want them to stop lying to us and do their job, a job that is very important for a republican form of government.
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Sooo, is the American public really ready to accept an impeachment of a sitting President based on results of spying on its own President? That's a very dangerous precedent.

Hawg you know the answer, a good attorney would not pose a question they already don't know the answer too.

The libs would certainly overlook a small detail like spying to impeach Trump.
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oneeyedag said:


Sooo, is the American public really ready to accept an impeachment of a sitting President based on results of spying on its own President? That's a very dangerous precedent.

Hawg you know the answer, a good attorney would not pose a question they already don't know the answer too.

The libs would certainly overlook a small detail like spying to impeach Trump.

Until it is turned around and used against Obama and his minions. His new house is just a few miles from the White House. Let's wiretap those communications, shall we?

It is a small point in appearance but it really is a fundamental shift in how the FBI has operated. Suspicions are not facts. The reduction in the standards of probable cause to one that is intelligence based rather than fact based is extremely concerning.

The article I was responding to raised a great question. Why the hell was a counter-intel guy running the Hillary email investigation? (Peter Strzok.) The FBI seriously lost its way and muddied the water between its law enforcement duties and its post 9/11 intelligence duties.

I still go back to Comey's jaw dropping testimony (while he was still Director) that he had no idea how many people in the FBI had access to classified information that was being leaked to the press. The 7th Floor was occupied by more spies than cops, it seems
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Hmmm...might be even more to those campaign donations to his wife than meets the eye.
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I find it laughable when a blowhard like Ed Markey sits there crying about firing Mueller will trigger a constitutional crisis. I got news for him and every denial lib on the planet, we already have a constitutional crisis at hand. POTUS 44 used the IC to spy and conspire against POTUS 45. I don't care how you slice this, it's a constitutional crisis. Dems love to scream foul when Trump fires people or his administration fires people, but dummy up and play stupid, when the left has trampled all over the document and pissed on the bill of rights. Enough is enough with this dual standard BS
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Code 7 10-42
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aggiehawg said:

oneeyedag said:


Sooo, is the American public really ready to accept an impeachment of a sitting President based on results of spying on its own President? That's a very dangerous precedent.

Hawg you know the answer, a good attorney would not pose a question they already don't know the answer too.

The libs would certainly overlook a small detail like spying to impeach Trump.

Until it is turned around and used against Obama and his minions. His new house is just a few miles from the White House. Let's wiretap those communications, shall we?

It is a small point in appearance but it really is a fundamental shift in how the FBI has operated. Suspicions are not facts. The reduction in the standards of probable cause to one that is intelligence based rather than fact based is extremely concerning.

The article I was responding to raised a great question. Why the hell was a counter-intel guy running the Hillary email investigation? (Peter Strzok.) The FBI seriously lost its way and muddied the water between its law enforcement duties and its post 9/11 intelligence duties.

I still go back to Comey's jaw dropping testimony (while he was still Director) that he had no idea how many people in the FBI had access to classified information that was being leaked to the press. The 7th Floor was occupied by more spies than cops, it seems

The issue is you can't wield the political power with only facts compared to "intelligence". That is probably the true reason for the shift.
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Wasn't there something about McCabe's recusal/nonrecusal in the Strzok/Page texts? That McCabe was looking to take another job? Their assumption was it was a private sector job but maybe it wasn't?
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Okay, that's just terrifying.

I'm certain the American public has no idea how easy it is to muddy the waters. What's more terrifying is that fact that there doesn't appear to be ANYONE from the elected left who gives a *****
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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drcrinum said:

Hmmm...might be even more to those campaign donations to his wife than meets the eye.

Yeah nothing to see there. She gets $700k donated to her campaign, when the person that defeated her had a $65k total budget which is historically average for those state level seats.

I'd love to see those receipts audited and accounted for.

And she lost
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Long Live Sully
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Or if like in some jurisdictions she just gets to keep the leftover money.
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aggiehawg said:

Wasn't there something about McCabe's recusal/nonrecusal in the Strzok/Page texts? That McCabe was looking to take another job? Their assumption was it was a private sector job but maybe it wasn't?
From Grassley's letter to Wray on January 25, 2018:,%20Special%20Counsel,%20Records%20Alienation).pdf


Page: Rybicki just called to check in. He very clearly 100% believes that Andy should be recused because of the "perception."

Strzok: God.

Page: Our statement affected the stock market.

Page: Don't understand your email, if it's a matter similar to those we've been talking about lately, why no recusal before? Something different?

Strzok: I assume McAuliffe picked up. But that doesn't make sense. He said he was interviewing, maybe he's headed into private practice.
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drcrinum said:

Hmmm...might be even more to those campaign donations to his wife than meets the eye.


One DOJ source said the IG has amassed McCabe's communications and the DOJ is not currently privy to those documents. Also, this subject area might be a case better suited for a new Special Counsel, one source said.
Would LOVE to see McCabe's communications. Considering this is a guy who told his team in a meeting "first we **** Flynn, then we **** Trump" I'm sure he was even more brazen in his personal communications.

I also am interested in all the quid pro quo going on with Hillary...likely promising Lynch a SCOTUS nom and McCabe a promotion at the FBI all to quickly make her e-mail server "investigation" go away.
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I think the origin of the Hillary server was an investigation of "hacking" attempts at phishing Blumenthal? If so, it could have started as counterintelligence but then SHOULD have gone criminal as it was learned that the server itself was a violation of policy and law and that it may have handled and distributed classified data.
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Hillary having an illegal server was know revelation to anyone inside the government. She ran the state department off of it, and communicated with everyone under the sum on it. The only reason John Q citizen is now aware of it, was because it was hacked and exploited by the Guccifer 2.0 character. That's when it was then brought to light by the media. Had Guccifer never hacked and exploited it, we would likely have never known.

The DOJ could have gone after her anytime they wanted to over that server, they all knew about it. Congress people acting all surprised and amazed that it existed. There is a huge difference in and everyone that works in government is aware of what an official email is and what is a backdoor email. Problem is 99% of them are doing it too with gmail accounts hiding behind pseudonyms, whatever. The so called investigation was a ruse. Window dressing for the optics. Trump winning blew that deal out of the water, just like Joe D said in the video above.
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Sarge 91
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Cow Hop Ag said:

Or if like in some jurisdictions she just gets to keep the leftover money.
I checked that. Virginia law prohibits personal use. Can pay past campaign debts, donate to other campaigns or charities. I am sure the letter of the law was strictly adhered to.
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Don't forget Obama knew of the server and communicated with Hillary using psuedonym.
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akm91 said:

Don't forget Obama knew of the server and communicated with Hillary using psuedonym.
He's included in those 99%
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Where the hell is the press? There are litteraly dozens of smoking guns yet no one is inclined to investigate!
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So, basically DOJ and FBI did a sham investigation and declined to charge anyone involved because of who they were, and how much influence they wielded. They were either involved in the illegal use of emails and servers obviously intended to evade public document accountability requests and document retention policies, or they chickened out and counted on Hillary to win and bury it all so deep it would never be looked into again, relieving all involved of the burden of responsibility.
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James Kallstrom is on record as to the FBI's involvement in the plot to protect Hillary Clinton from prosecution and to illegally influence the 2016 Election.


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The press are mostly all progressives and aligned with the Democrats. They sewed their lips to the anal orifice of the Democrat party for a seat at the policy table long ago.
Ellis Wyatt
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fasthorses05 said:

Okay, that's just terrifying.

I'm certain the American public has no idea how easy it is to muddy the waters. What's more terrifying is that fact that there doesn't appear to be ANYONE from the elected left who gives a *****

The left abandoned ethics and any sense of morality long ago. They don't care a whit if someone on their side is breaking the law.
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akm91 said:

Don't forget Obama additional government official knew of the server and communicated with Hillary using psuedonym.
or however Comey tried to frame it
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Sara wrote some interesting stuff on Mueller's past.


In Boston, Mueller was an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the U.S. Attorney's Office and then became the Acting U.S. Attorney from 1986 through 1987.

It was Mueller's actions during that time that raised questions about his role in one of the FBI's most controversial cases involving the FBI's use of a confidential informant that led to the convictions of four innocent men, who were sentenced to death for murders they did not commit.

Local law enforcement officials, the media, and some colleagues criticized Mueller and the FBI for what they believed was the bureau's role in covering up for the FBI's longtime dealings with mobster and informant James "Whitey" Bulger.
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Code 7 10-42
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Boston? Well, that explains why Dershowitz isn't a fan of his.
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So these idiots at CNN are now slandering a distinguished former US Attorney, former Special Counsel, Joe diGenova calling him a "conspiracy theorist" because he doesn't believe the Russiagate conspiracy they've been hyping for 2 years without evidence. These idiots are mercilessly stupid to think anyone outside of their most loyal sheep are buying any of this crap.

5:50 mark

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Sara wrote some interesting stuff on Mueller's past.


In Boston, Mueller was an Assistant U.S. Attorney in the U.S. Attorney's Office and then became the Acting U.S. Attorney from 1986 through 1987.

It was Mueller's actions during that time that raised questions about his role in one of the FBI's most controversial cases involving the FBI's use of a confidential informant that led to the convictions of four innocent men, who were sentenced to death for murders they did not commit.

Local law enforcement officials, the media, and some colleagues criticized Mueller and the FBI for what they believed was the bureau's role in covering up for the FBI's longtime dealings with mobster and informant James "Whitey" Bulger.
I had no idea Mueller was involved with the FBI's Whitey Bulger travesty.
Wow. Just wow.
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The Democrats chose the right man for the job of framing Trump.
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