IMHO I feel that Mueller has done some of the moves he's made to gain trust with the known deep state players left over from Barry, Mueller is no fool. He completely understands how vast the Barry loyalists are because he's seen it up close and personal. Barry took office and had supermajority in both houses, conformations were seamless, because the right rubber stamped everything knowing they didn't have a leg to stand on. Barry had his little health care team working on Barrycare, and the rest of his time was spent stacking the courts and agencies with his cronies. If you go back and look at the turnover between GWB and Barry at the upper tiers, very few holdovers, Mueller was a rare case because of his big reputation and not known for being a wave maker. Besides, Barry had Holder in place to keep his eye on everything and keep the troops in line in the DOJ.
Mueller's mission right now is to do all he can to save what little reputation is left in the system, with the list of Barry scandals involving the DOJ. The more the onion is peeled back the worse it gets. This type a scandal is so damaging if not handled correctly, the system may never recover for decades. This is a huge black eye on law enforcement as a whole, and is going to be a long way back to public trust regardless. Mueller is tasked with trying to save it all. Problem is he has his own shady dealings as well and has to save his own ass as well. How he handles this is crucial to his own preservation as it does the system that he spent the majority of his adult life being a part of. I have to believe that is the only reason he would consider stepping back into the fray in this huge corruption mess, to save his own ass as well as the system as a whole.
I predict there will be a handful of players that get cushy sentences like Weiner ended up with, in white collar FIC's. Barry will come out of this a little more tarnished than he already is, but no one at the top level will end up in Prison. Hillary and Bill won't get locked up but they will be close to broke defending themselves and keeping them out of prison. Both will die owing the IRS money and Chelsea will have to get herself a real job. Bill and Hill will spend the rest of their time on earth similarly to the way Nixon did. But the best thing out of all of this it will give the swamp a reset, and perhaps really get our government back on track, wake up voters to their responsibilities, and keep more scrutiny on those we put into power to oversee of everyday lives.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42