Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

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This is a new thread from The Last Refuge. He introduces a new theory: That when Rogers cut off 702 queries in April 2016 by the 'contractors', Nellie Ohr began to use her husband's high level access via DOJ-NSD to continue using the NSA databases. This continued from April 2016 until Rogers terminated all 702 queries in October 2016. Of course they then had the FISA warrant. Interesting theory, but no real proof offered IMO.
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I started a separate thread on this, but I wanted to post it here, as well. It is possible that all of these stories will end up being connected.
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GCP12 said:

I started a separate thread on this, but I wanted to post it here, as well. It is possible that all of these stories will end up being connected.

Oh I believe they may all be connected to some degree. Awan had Debbie Wassermann-Schultz's username & password to the DNC server that was allegedly 'hacked' by the Russians -- which we now know wasn't hacked at all; we presume that Seth Rich stole the data and sent it to Assange, but Awan could easily have done it as well...although what motive did he have to do so?
Seems that Dems aren't too bright about computer security.
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Awan family. Dirt bags hired by dirt bag Dems and given the keys to the IT kingdom.
Ellis Wyatt
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I want federal prosecutors to do really, really bad things to DWS and Sally Yates, among others.
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Ellis Wyatt said:

I want federal prosecutors to do really, really bad things to DWS and Sally Yates, among others.
Public executions do have a certain appeal in cases like this.
Ellis Wyatt
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aggiehawg said:

Ellis Wyatt said:

I want federal prosecutors to do really, really bad things to DWS and Sally Yates, among others.
Public executions do have a certain appeal in cases like this.
I'd buy the Pay Per View.
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Ellis Wyatt said:

aggiehawg said:

Ellis Wyatt said:

I want federal prosecutors to do really, really bad things to DWS and Sally Yates, among others.
Public executions do have a certain appeal in cases like this.
I'd buy the Pay Per View.
I'll bring the beer.
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really great thread in progress asking some questions I've personally wanted asked. Why are we getting the info we are getting and who is doing it? Friendlies/white hats on the inside. People probably weren't asking why because we were all really just so happy to GET the info.

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aggiehawg said:

Awan family. Dirt bags hired by dirt bag Dems and given the keys to the IT kingdom.
Although there was alot of illegal and unethical activity under Obama, two stand out as making no logical sense:

1. The Iran deal

2. Hiring Pakastani nationals to supervise Congressional IT
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reb, said:

really great thread in progress asking some questions I've personally wanted asked. Why are we getting the info we are getting and who is doing it? Friendlies/white hats on the inside. People probably weren't asking why because we were all really just so happy to GET the info.

I'm following it too. One important point: The material has been leaking out beginning in December. Note that our thread on the Politics Board began on December 2. Not a coincidence.
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Was waiting for the unroll, but saw you requested it haha
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GCP12 said:

Was waiting for the unroll, but saw you requested it haha

Here is a cognitive test for you. Worth a read. Something to think about.
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With respect to the latest thread from The Last Refuge -- Who has been the sources of the leaks over the last 6 weeks or so?

Well, there is one man who knows a great deal about what has happened, and he is likely going to be called upon to testify at various investigations/inquiries/hearings in the near future. By retiring within several months, he will be free to attend these sessions without jeopardizing his work -- Admiral Rogers.

But I don't think he has acted alone, because I think the leaks have been more than just a 'White Hat' response. I believe the leaks have been important to set the stage for the release of the OIG Report. Regarding the latter, Rogers would have been closely working with IG Horowitz all during the latter's year long investigation, so I think Rogers would have been coordinating leaks with Horowitz. But they would not have been doing the leaking without Wray being involved, and the same goes for the DOJ office...Sessions had to be part of the team. Add one more member to the team: Kelly -- notice, there have been no cries about these leaks from the White House.

So my conclusion: A team/committee effort...a pentad.
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i learned a new word today

There's no reason to rule out your theory, that much is for sure.

How long do you think it takes before the tell-all books detailing all this start coming out? 40 years? Do people have to wait till everything is declassified?

eh, it'll give me something to live for I'll probably end up PDFing this thread so I can see how our thoughts stack up to the reality at each point in time, when we find that out.
Just an Ag
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I assumed the leaks were coming from the raw research of the OIG. Why? It was to blunt the public perception that the Mueller probe was circling in on the President following the Flynn and others being indicted. The OIG report was still too far out in the future to wait on it and the early releases of selected research was a form of counter attack.
DeWrecking Crew
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Just an Ag said:

I assumed the leaks were coming from the raw research of the OIG. Why? It was to blunt the public perception that the Mueller probe was circling in on the President following the Flynn and others being indicted. The OIG report was still too far out in the future to wait on it and the early releases of selected research was a form of counter attack.
This. Horowitz has a sizeable staff. He's been Inspector General at DOJ since April 2012. Not too hard to believe he crossed swords with Holder, Mueller, Lynch and Comey during that time span. Kept notes and building a case of corruption and criminality at DOJ. Then Trump is elected. Suddenly this information will not just fall on deaf ears. (And if Hillary had won, he'd go public anyway at some point.)

Yates, while acting as Deputy AG before Sessions gets confirmed, thwarts Horowitz again with a 58 page legal memo denying him oversight of one lone department at DOJ. Which just happens to be the division where Priestap and Strzok are working. Sessions gets in there and lets his employees know they can come forward to Horowitz with no worries about their careers being put in jeopardy. (Remember some time ago I suggested Sessions should do just that? My guess is that he did.)

Mueller's staff has career DOJ employees on temporary assignment, meaning Sessions is their true "boss" not Mueller nor Rosenstein. With Sessions' tacit approval, Horowitz now has access to people inside Mueller's investigation. Also, in mid-summer, Wray gets confirmed and takes over the FBI. He too opens the flood gates to cooperation with Horowitz.

Remember, Horowitz has access to over 1.2 million documents. That doesn't happen if the power players at DOJ, FBI and NSA are not on-board.
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1.2 million docs!

It seems to me that y'alls profession is 90% reading. Damn, I'd definitely hire stunt readers!

Not to mention the fact it's the type of reading that makes your eyeballs get permanently stuck in place.
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fasthorses05 said:


1.2 million docs!

It seems to me that y'alls profession is 90% reading. Damn, I'd definitely hire stunt readers!

Not to mention the fact it's the type of reading that makes your eyeballs get permanently stuck in place.
true story the absolute mopes of the legal profession are "document reviewers." Get paid as little as $20/hour to sit at a computer, look at a document, and click tags for the document.
Bird Poo
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aggiehawg said:

Just an Ag said:

I assumed the leaks were coming from the raw research of the OIG. Why? It was to blunt the public perception that the Mueller probe was circling in on the President following the Flynn and others being indicted. The OIG report was still too far out in the future to wait on it and the early releases of selected research was a form of counter attack.
This. Horowitz has a sizeable staff. He's been Inspector General at DOJ since April 2012. Not too hard to believe he crossed swords with Holder, Mueller, Lynch and Comey during that time span. Kept notes and building a case of corruption and criminality at DOJ. Then Trump is elected. Suddenly this information will not just fall on deaf ears. (And if Hillary had won, he'd go public anyway at some point.)

Yates, while acting as Deputy AG before Sessions gets confirmed, thwarts Horowitz again with a 58 page legal memo denying him oversight of one lone department at DOJ. Which just happens to be the division where Priestap and Strzok are working. Sessions gets in there and lets his employees know they can come forward to Horowitz with no worries about their careers being put in jeopardy. (Remember some time ago I suggested Sessions should do just that? My guess is that he did.)

Mueller's staff has career DOJ employees on temporary assignment, meaning Sessions is their true "boss" not Mueller nor Rosenstein. With Sessions' tacit approval, Horowitz now has access to people inside Mueller's investigation. Also, in mid-summer, Wray gets confirmed and takes over the FBI. He too opens the flood gates to cooperation with Horowitz.

Remember, Horowitz has access to over 1.2 million documents. That doesn't happen if the power players at DOJ, FBI and NSA are not on-board.
This throws some cold water on the Mueller = "white hat" theory. His investigative team was so blatantly partisan it's hard to dispute, but perhaps he's just that stupid and partisan himself!
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This throws some cold water on the Mueller = "white hat" theory. His investigative team was so blatantly partisan it's hard to dispute, but perhaps he's just that stupid and partisan himself!
Unless the theory that Mueller pulled in the partisan hacks to keep a closer eye on them is true. I hope we will all find out at some point in the future.
"And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
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Seriously, the way this is all playing out...assuming this is really genius. I am not the first one to point this out, btw... just bringing it up again. If they had either 1) tried to release the info when it was first learned or 2) waited to release 100% of it when the OIG report came out, the Dems could have pivoted and/or run interference.

Instead.... drip drip drip drip drip. It can't all go away now...too much is known. Lots of people have had lots of patience and it appears that a masterful investigation is happening behind the scenes.

A big kudos to those who are keeping this thread updated with the latest, and AggieHawg for her commentary. For those of us less educated in the ways of Washington and the Justice Dept/Law/FBI... it's been a huge service.


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This throws some cold water on the Mueller = "white hat" theory. His investigative team was so blatantly partisan it's hard to dispute, but perhaps he's just that stupid and partisan himself!
Reason why I pointed out how long Horowitz has been IG at DOJ. Covered the last year+ of Mueller's tenure as FBI Director. Horowitz would be familiar with Mueller and whether he's a "Black hat" or a tacit "White hat."

Much has been made of the fact that Trump met with Mueller days before he was named as Special Counsel. However, that interview was for Director of the FBI. Question being why would Mueller, at his age, want to go back to the FBI?? To clean it up?? Or to cover it up for his bestie, Comey?? There's also Mueller's association with Uranium One deal. Did he feel he might have some exposure there?

Mueller's behavior is subject to multiple interpretations, IMO. But loading up his investigation with partisan DC "Swamp" lawyers, his long and close association with Comey, his apparently turning a blind eye to things like Fast and Furious and Uranium One, tend towards Mueller being a "Black hat" trying to cover his and other people's butts.
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aggiehawg said:


This throws some cold water on the Mueller = "white hat" theory. His investigative team was so blatantly partisan it's hard to dispute, but perhaps he's just that stupid and partisan himself!
Reason why I pointed out how long Horowitz has been IG at DOJ. Covered the last year+ of Mueller's tenure as FBI Director. Horowitz would be familiar with Mueller and whether he's a "Black hat" or a tacit "White hat."

Much has been made of the fact that Trump met with Mueller days before he was named as Special Counsel. However, that interview was for Director of the FBI. Question being why would Mueller, at his age, want to go back to the FBI?? To clean it up?? Or to cover it up for his bestie, Comey?? There's also Mueller's association with Uranium One deal. Did he feel he might have some exposure there?

Mueller's behavior is subject to multiple interpretations, IMO. But loading up his investigation with partisan DC "Swamp" lawyers, his long and close association with Comey, his apparently turning a blind eye to things like Fast and Furious and Uranium One, tend towards Mueller being a "Black hat" trying to cover his and other people's butts.
Hawg, there are a variety of people I would like to see "go away", some more than others, based on my own interpretation of their actions, but IF Mueller is culpable for Uranium One, Fast and Furious, I'd definitely love to see him sweat. The other is Weissman.

I'm sure you either know, or have known, attorneys that are ambitious wrecking balls. Anyone who takes a legal broad swath to corporations/companies, along with all of the jobs, but keeps getting overturned, should be taught a lesson.
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fasthorses05 said:


1.2 million docs!

It seems to me that y'alls profession is 90% reading. Damn, I'd definitely hire stunt readers!

Not to mention the fact it's the type of reading that makes your eyeballs get permanently stuck in place.
Never needed glasses until after I was out of law school and practicing for awhile. Reading is fundamental to the law profession.
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From NBC news story dated July 20, 2017:


Simpson helped write the Trump-Russia dossier, the one compiled by a former British intelligence officer that includes unproven, salacious allegations about President Donald Trump and Russian prostitutes. The dossier's claims of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia helped spark the FBI investigation now supervised by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
The LastRefuge tweeted this story out.

Wonder what else NBC knows but isn't reporting.

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IMHO I feel that Mueller has done some of the moves he's made to gain trust with the known deep state players left over from Barry, Mueller is no fool. He completely understands how vast the Barry loyalists are because he's seen it up close and personal. Barry took office and had supermajority in both houses, conformations were seamless, because the right rubber stamped everything knowing they didn't have a leg to stand on. Barry had his little health care team working on Barrycare, and the rest of his time was spent stacking the courts and agencies with his cronies. If you go back and look at the turnover between GWB and Barry at the upper tiers, very few holdovers, Mueller was a rare case because of his big reputation and not known for being a wave maker. Besides, Barry had Holder in place to keep his eye on everything and keep the troops in line in the DOJ.

Mueller's mission right now is to do all he can to save what little reputation is left in the system, with the list of Barry scandals involving the DOJ. The more the onion is peeled back the worse it gets. This type a scandal is so damaging if not handled correctly, the system may never recover for decades. This is a huge black eye on law enforcement as a whole, and is going to be a long way back to public trust regardless. Mueller is tasked with trying to save it all. Problem is he has his own shady dealings as well and has to save his own ass as well. How he handles this is crucial to his own preservation as it does the system that he spent the majority of his adult life being a part of. I have to believe that is the only reason he would consider stepping back into the fray in this huge corruption mess, to save his own ass as well as the system as a whole.

I predict there will be a handful of players that get cushy sentences like Weiner ended up with, in white collar FIC's. Barry will come out of this a little more tarnished than he already is, but no one at the top level will end up in Prison. Hillary and Bill won't get locked up but they will be close to broke defending themselves and keeping them out of prison. Both will die owing the IRS money and Chelsea will have to get herself a real job. Bill and Hill will spend the rest of their time on earth similarly to the way Nixon did. But the best thing out of all of this it will give the swamp a reset, and perhaps really get our government back on track, wake up voters to their responsibilities, and keep more scrutiny on those we put into power to oversee of everyday lives.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Hawg, there are a variety of people I would like to see "go away", some more than others, based on my own interpretation of their actions, but IF Mueller is culpable for Uranium One, Fast and Furious, I'd definitely love to see him sweat. The other is Weissman.

I'm sure you either know, or have known, attorneys that are ambitious wrecking balls. Anyone who takes a legal broad swath to corporations/companies, along with all of the jobs, but keeps getting overturned, should be taught a lesson.
I am not prone to guilt by association, particularly when one is a denizen of Washington, D.C. Can't swing a dead cat without hitting a scumbag politician or lobbyist. Have to be in proximity to some of them.

And maybe Mueller is not complicit in Comey's increasingly unhinged actions but out of friendship is turning a blind eye to them. Mueller knows Horowitz will take down Comey without him having to do anything directly. And Horowitz was gunning for Comey long before Mueller was appointed. That horse was already out of the barn.

The fact that Fusion, GPS is still in business and has clients is befuddling to me. Even the longer lived Podesta Group got dissolved. Then again, Fusion is probably on Soros' payroll.
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Yeah, it's hard to figure Mueller's angle out. Was his partisan team a case of "keeping your enemies closer" and a way to gain confidence and catch them in the act?

The Inspector Generals investigation was announced in January 2017 and you would think it would have identified key people by the time Mueller got his investigation going. I tend to believe Mueller is clean but not confident he is.
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This story though it one of epic proportions -- multi-government-agency corruption in order to elect a Presidential candidate, followed by a clandestine effort to remove a duly elected president from assuming office, and culminating in a covert attempt to impeach a sitting President using fraudulent materials. It's a massive conspiracy involving treason.

Plus the ultimate players directing the scheme, HRC & Zero, are involved in other major scandals that are undergoing active investigation: Uranium One, Clinton Foundation, classified e-mails/private e-mail server, and Project Cassandra. The latter are very complicated as well with multiple rabbit holes to follow.

I don't think we are going to find out about all of the salient facts behind the Trump dossier for years...too many legal/court battles will be fought to protect disclosure of facts or delay disclosure. It's going to drag on for years.

And how all of this is handled is critical for national security. A significant portion of our population doesn't believe any of this. It will be viewed as a partisan revenge plot. There may be riots and serious economic implications, and clearly there could be major repercussions in the 2018 midterms. Do you think HRC & Zero are just going to roll over and plead guilty in the best interests of the country? Hah! The Dems and their MSM thuggery are going to go ballistic. What if the Dems win control of Congress in 2018? Ugh!

So at this juncture I have mixed feelings.I don't know where this is heading. But first, we have to see what is in the OIG Report, or at least what features in the OIG Report are released for public consumption. It may be so explosive that we will only hear about tidbits. Time will tell. I predict: drip, drip...there's too much 'bile' to swallow.

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ccatag said:

Yeah, it's hard to figure Mueller's angle out. Was his partisan team a case of "keeping your enemies closer" and a way to gain confidence and catch them in the act?

The Inspector Generals investigation was announced in January 2017 and you would think it would have identified key people by the time Mueller got his investigation going. I tend to believe Mueller is clean but not confident he is.
Wish I could share your optimism. But then I ask myself why would political agenda driven DC lawyers sign on to bringing down their own side? If that is where Mueller's attention gets directed? They wouldn't. Would be bad for their respective law firms as well. Helping to send their own clients to jail??

Stepping back from the minutiae for a moment. Look at the broader picture. What was Mueller appointed to investigate? Conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian agents to alter the course of the election in 2016. What is the evidence of Russian actions during the 2016 campaign? The computer "hacks" of the DNC computers and subsequent dump by WikiLeaks. That's the obvious starting point.

Any information coming out that Mueller is talking to the people with direct knowledge about that? Have CrowdStrike forensic computer geeks been re-interviewed? Where are the servers?? Has Elias, the Perkins, Coie attorney who was counsel for the DNC and hired CrowdStrike been questioned??

My point being that the only verifiable potential crime here is not in the news as even being on Mueller's radar. That's kind of damning to me.
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Well, I sure hope the OIG report has some real meat in it and exposes the Democrats. If it is all minor stuff we are in trouble in 2018 and the Dems will likely retake the House.

Interesting take from the non-MSM, Ben Shapiro:


On Tuesday, Democrats picked up a state Senate seat in Wisconsin in a special election. So what? This district was heavily Republican Trump won the district in 2016 by 17 points, and the former Republican representative, who just vacated her seat to become Governor Scott Walker's agriculture secretary, won the seat in 2016 by 26%.

On Tuesday, the Democrat, Patty Scachtner, won the district by a whopping nine points.


Republicans are staring down the barrel of an electoral gun in 2018. The average midterm election loss for the party of the president is 25 House seats. Republicans cannot lose 24 seats, or they lose the majority. Right now, over 30 Republicans have announced they're leaving their seats, either to retire or run for a different office. That's a solid number of open seats and that number is likely to grow.


Trump is currently riding in the high 30s, according to the RealClearPolitics poll average. That bodes ill. And he's galvanized Democrats to show up at the polls. All of which is why Republicans are more than a bit discomfited by Trump's penchant for stepping on political landmines, even if it thrills his base.
And this is the key. A lot of people are minimizing one of the big factors in 2016...Hillary Clinton:


Without an unpopular opponent for Trump, Trump's GOP's finding his unpopularity is crushing them electorally.
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All due respect Ben also said Trump would never be president...

Ben is a great read at times but is very self serving and does have an ideology he's trying to push.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Under Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, FBI Director Mueller and CIA Director Petraeus Grounded Critical Benghazi Rescue Operation

When distress reports reached U.S. Intelligence in Langley and the Pentagon that the American ambassador to Benghazi and dozens of his diplomatic personnel were under terrorist attack in Libya on Sept. 11 2012, CIA and Defense Department officials scrambled an immediate response.

Officials moved quickly to assemble a counter-terrorism team of professionals to dispatch to Benghazi. That little-known but elite squad, known as the Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST), is in fact the government's sole inter-agency, on call and short notice team trained to respond to any terror-related incident in the world.

But not this time. Not in Benghazi.

FEST agents intent on rescuing the stranded Americans from the siege on the U.S. diplomatic compounds in Benghazi including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens were told to stand down, according to shocking revelations by FBI agents and CIA sources who spoke to True Pundit.

Robyn Gritz, a decorated FBI agent who previously served as the Bureau's official attach to the CIA prior to Benghazi, recalls the troubling details surrounding the stand-down order.

Gritz details the FBI counter-terrorism division's initial emergency meeting to discuss the unfolding events in Benghazi. In the meeting led by now FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, he briefed agents about the violent attacks in Benghazi. McCabe was assistant director of anti-terrorism at the time but running the FBI's response to Benghazi, sources confirm.

Gritz was already briefed by her Defense Department contacts who instructed her to prepare FBI personnel for the FEST plane.

"I said I got a call from DOD, people that actually put the FEST plane together and I was offered six slots for FBI but I can probably get eight," she said, recalling the FBI's initial Benghazi meeting. "McCabe said: 'No, we don't need your help with that Robyn or help from DOD.'
This is the article teased by Thomas Paine yesterday. Has a named source. I suggest reading the whole thing.
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