aggiehawg said:
On pain meds but not following you. The pages you posted were from the Buzzfeed article, correct*?
Where in the Page FISA application was that stated?
* Buzzfeed redacted the names of Gubarev and his companies a few weeks after publication when Gubarev'z lawyers called. Since they are redacted in your docs, assume that's the source.
I'm sure that is all behind Black Ink, but in testimony they speak of the dossier as a whole document, based on 16 reports accumulated by Steele. The dossier description areas sections in all four warrants all appear to be the same redactions just repeated over and over. The only real changes in the warrant that can be seen in the unredacted portions are the references to different media articles and the quotes from those articles. Maybe there is some differences in the redacted portions, but if you print out the entire Page FISA pdf, and lay them out, segregated by the original warrant, and the three different extension. Then separated by Application, certification, approval and the warrant order itself, the body of the application where the majority of the redactions are, all look near identical.
Can't say for certain that the 16th report in the FISA application is definitely there with all the redactions, I've just never seen it questioned, and no one has produced any different dossiers, even though there is testimony and verbal claims that there are at lest two versions, possibly three. The only one that has seen the light of day is this one I am referencing. It's strange that no other version has leaked either. That can be explained in part because if another version it the media, that would blow the entire narrative worse than it already is. Especially since there is only a reference to [Source #1] no other source in the applications, only press articles and whatever is behind the redactions. I'm beginning to believe a lot of the black ink hides GCHQ references and the fact that they were spying on the campaign with the open buffet they had in the NSA database.
I just find it strange no one has asked about page 34 and 35 of that dossier, and whether is referenced as a whole part of the dossier document and if it was, how is it included in the application over a month past the severance of the Steele - FBI relationship.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42