That's the simplistic description of treason and often misused, look it up under 18 U.S. Code 2381. Treason involves waging war against the US or enabling or assisting those who are.stetson said:RoscoePColtrane said:
Tough to charge treason absent of war.
War is a prerequisite for treason?
Treason: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family
PJ Media is a conservative site. It won't matter until the MSM starts doing it to each other.drcrinum said:
The Inspector General's Report Will Expose the MSM as Treasonous
One of the more notable differences between Watergate and the metastasizing scandals involving the FBI, our intelligence agencies, and the Obama administration -- subjects of the soon-to-be-released inspector general's report -- is that the media exposed Watergate. They aided and abetted the current transgressions.
By providing a willing and virtually unquestioned repository for every anonymous leaker (as long as he or she was on the "right" side) in Washington and beyond, the press has evolved from being part of the solution to being a major part of the problem. Gone are the days of the true "whistle-blower." Here are the days of the special interest provocateur, shaping public opinion by passing on half-truths and outright lies to their favorite reporter. One might then even call the media, in Orwell's words, "objectively pro-fascist," functioning much in the manner of Pravda and Izvestia during that famous author's time, covertly or overtly pushing the party line in the most slavish and orthodox manner while feigning "objectivity."
CNN, NBC, the Washington Post and The New York Times -- misinforming the public as it hasn't since the days of their great Stalin-excuser Walter Duranty (still pictured on their Pulitzer wall of honor) -- are particularly egregious in this regard. But there are many others.
And the current scandal is far, far worse than Watergate, which, bad as it was, was the coverup of a completely unnecessary buffoon-like break-in during an election that was already won in a landslide. What is being exposed now is an attempt by our highest law enforcement agency working in concert with our intelligence agencies and, evidently, the blessing of the former administration itself to block the candidate of the opposing party, even to defraud and spy on him, that is to, as others have said, "set him up." And then, if they were unsuccessful, make it impossible for him to govern. In addition, in all probability, the same players conspired to make certain Hillary Clinton was not indicted for a crime for which virtually any other American would have done jail time....
PJ Media throwing the NYT, CNN, WaPo & NBC under the bus??? It's over folks. The media are starting to turn on the principal propagandists.
I guess using our intelligence services to spy on the opposing party's Presidential candidate and repeatedly using reductions to protect themselves while dishonestly claiming that are for national security doesn't erode confidence at all.RoscoePColtrane said:
And the deflection of the truth continues
They ded.RoscoePColtrane said:
And the deflection of the truth continues
So we had two rogue Intel groups? One working against Hillary and one working against Trump? Seems a stretch to me.RoscoePColtrane said:
Well just when you think Napolitano can't top the last thing he said, he proves your wrong, this is suppose to be an old video, somehow I missed it the first time.
Staged to put the Russian's digital fingerprints on the server.coyote68 said:
Here on the ranch our Blue Lacy(Rowdy) heard Judge Nap say it was the NSA who hacked the DNC. Rowdy wants to know why the NSA hacked the DNC if they already have everyone's emails and phone calls.
The NSA wouldn't use wikileaks, in my view. But they would have the ability to make a "hack" appear to have occurred and leave fingerprints to point to someone else. If it were someone within the NSA it was like a Snowden type and not the leadership.coyote68 said:
Here on the ranch our Blue Lacy(Rowdy) heard Judge Nap say it was the NSA who hacked the DNC. Rowdy wants to know why the NSA hacked the DNC if they already have everyone's emails and phone calls.
Now you're questioning whether the media narrative is accurate? Do you understand how dangerous that is? Are you trying to make America less safe?coyote68 said:
How do you know the Russian fingerprints were on the server?
Think. Does anyone know or were they told?
Isn't that why Snowden is where he is?stetson said:
Not that I agree with everything that Nap said, but I just have this feeling that Hillary severely pissed off a lot of people in the Intel community to the point of them taking action to actively work against her and I think Benghazi put them over the edge.
coyote68 said:
Our greatest threat here on the ranch are rattlesnakes and hot beer. That is the only narrative I know to be true.
As a side note. It would begreat to cook some barbecue and have some cold beer and talk about all this sometime. But y'all probably are vegetarians and don't drink. Well, I don't drink Monday thru Thursday so those would not be good days for me.
THREAD. Why the key Obama appointees chose to run the spy-and-smear campaign on Trump as a "national security" inquiry.
1/ Control WHO is involved. This shifted power to a select set of intel insiders, the same insiders who had just helped clear team Hillary w/o a real inquiry.
2/ Control who OVERSEES. A traditional criminal inquiry can involve FBI field agents from multiple offices, prosecutors from multiple offices, local cops who assist as needed, and federal district court judges you cannot hand-pick who look over warrants, grand juries & subpoenas.
2b/ By contrast, a very limited, carefully-curated, specially-selected group of executive-deferential judges "oversee" national security cases & you can shut out/blackout other law enforcement agencies, field agents, prosecutors, grand juries and judges from any oversight.
3/ Broader power to spy. National security cases enjoy an unusually broad power of invasive inquiry that even traditional warrants rarely permit. You can access the Five Eyes spy worldwide network w/o MLAT requests & access NSA databases of emails, texts, and calls w/o warrants.
3b/ The broader power to SPY (National security letters, FISA 702, & foreign spying) comes w/ fewer traditional procedural protections against selective prosecution, discriminatory targeting, unlawful entrapment & protections essential to personal privacy & relational privilege.
4/ Much easier to COVER UP illicit acts if Trump case was a "national security" case, due to limited & controlled number of people w/ knowledge of what took place, few & deferential overseers, and they can use bogus & misused pretexts of "classified" to hide it from the public.
5/ The illicit acts implicated #Obama national security apparatus, including Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Powers, Yates, Comey, McCabe, Baker, Page & Strzok. This is why Rice is writing herself CYA emails on the day Trump takes the oath of office; Rice's CYA email points to #Obama.
6/ With Comey gone, once Trump turned down #Mueller for FBI, the team responsible for this precedent-setting attempt to derail a Presidential campaign by covering up one candidate's crimes while engaging in crimes against the other, needed a corruption #FixIt man. Meet #Mueller.
DNC Lawsuit Reveals New Connections Between the DNC, Outside Contractor Crowdstrike and FISA Court Abuses
...Note that on the exact same date that the DNC says their systems were attacked, the NSA under Admiral Rogers stopped the sharing of raw FISA data with outside contractors by the corrupt FBI....Quote:
Private contractors, employed by the FBI, were given full access to raw FISA data. FISA data that, once in their possession, could not be traced.
The apparent purpose for the FBI's granting such access was to receive analytical assistance from [Redacted]. Nonetheless, the [Redacted] contractors had access to raw FISA information that went well beyond what was necessary to respond to the FBI's requests; [Redacted]. The FBI discontinued the above-described access to raw FISA information as of April 18, 2016.
It is unknown how the DNC determined that the Russia attack, if it occurred, was performed by the Russians.
Based on a long history of 'lack of candor' by Obama, Clinton, the Deep State and the DNC, it is highly likely that the DNC was never hacked by the Russians and that this is entirely made up.
The one company that was allowed to search the DNC servers after they were supposedly attacked by the Russians was a company called Crowdstrike. It is suspected that this is one of the companies listed in the FISA report that was given access to the DNC server.
Was the DNC receiving raw FISA data from the US government via Crowdstrike? It is time to investigate Crowdstrike and the DNC!...
The FBI's Outside Contractors, DNC Servers & Crowdstrike